Rating:  Summary: Pretty Funny Sci-fi Comedy... Review: I thought of this as one of the lamest movies ever when i first saw a preview. But then, I kept on getting more and more enthusiastic and finally went to see it. I'm really glad that I went to see it, because it's now my favorite movie of all time! I laughed so hard at Orlando Jones' charachter, Harry Block, I almost ended up wetting my pants! Bottom line is, this movie was great and funny, and possibly the best aliens movie ever.
Rating:  Summary: awsome Review: call me onesided i wes officer bob in the ferst 10 mins of the movie and worked on the movie for seven weeks and had a great time with the crew and cast,, there were some parts that just were not right but all and all i think that the movie was awsome it keeped your atention all the way thrue too the end
Rating:  Summary: Can I give less than 1 star?? Review: What else can I saw? I wasted 2 hours of my life watching this asinine drivel.Avoid at all costs!
Rating:  Summary: Shoot when you see the reds of their eyes Review: Finally ! After a string of movies trying to cash in on a Dawson's Creek media climate, we get a return to a great style that has sadly fallen out of use. David Duchovny and Orlando Jones ride around being cocky, mocking authority figures constantly, and proceed to blow the hell out of a bunch of aliens. Aside from an ending sequence that reminded me of Farelly Brothers humor, Evolution was totally worth buying.
Rating:  Summary: Evolution Review: I am heartened by David Duchovny's several attempts at comedy (AKA: Playing God). He is a very funny guy. As for this move? It is certainly not as good as something like Ghostbusters, but very funny in its own right. The movie makes very few attempts at taking itself seriously, so the comedy may be low-brow and predictable, but is still quite funny in places. Some of the lines are very clever, like Duchovny saying: "You just have to know how to talk to the white man...he don't like to be yelled at." That killed me. As long as you don't expect comedic genius, this is a very funny movie - and worth seeing with a crowd of your friends.
Rating:  Summary: Let's get something out of the way now... Review: This movie is NOT Ghostbusters. I wish all of the critics that keep bashing it would relize it. I saw one review in a local paper of a guy who basically said he didn't like it because Ghostbusters was funnier. To me that is really stupid. Someone needs to tell them that this is a different movie. I know it has the same director, but that doesn't make it Ghostbusters. Do yourself a favor and go check it out. It's very funny, the characters are great, the story is quite amusing, and the movie doesn't take itself overly serious. No, It's not going to win any Oscars, but how many comedies do? Please go and see it for yourself before you let the critics talk you out of it. It's a really good time.
Rating:  Summary: GREAT 2 HOURS OF FUN! Review: The movie on it's own was a great sci-fi comedy with some great action and awesome CGI effects. It was one of few original movies that came out in summer 2001, among all these sequels and pre-sequels. If you like comedy, if you like a movie where you have fun watching it, and if you don't like those oscar condered/boring movies, then you have to see EVOLUTION. The movie was made by the creator of the sci-fi genre, Ivan Reitman, and it's a great film, you will not be disappointed. Among all these things the movie also has a great all-star cast. David Duchovny, Julianne Moore, Seann William Scott and Orlando Jones.
Rating:  Summary: Evolution a Comedic SiFi Must Review: I though Evolution was hilariously funny movie. Ivan Reitman has done it again. Evolution was a deliriously funny movie with great special effects. Although the movie kind of dragged, its still one of my favorites. Sean W. Scotts performace was hailarious. Also Orlando Jones, and David Duchovny made this movie even more of clever & entertaining ride. If you haven't seen this movie, buy it while you still can. It's a must.
Rating:  Summary: What a movie Review: This was the first movie I remember seeing at the commencement of summer. School was not yet out of my way, and I went with some friends looking for entertainment. I got it! But at what cost? What this movie offered in substandard entertainment, it made up for in sheer badness! Of course it was funny, to a certain extent, but when I came out of the theatre, aside from my favorite X-Files star (who was really the only actor that truly understood combining a role with humor), I felt belittled, and even violated. The movie, like so many dumb teen movies (not to mention any sequels of the summer) felt so condescending in its very limited intelligence. Not since the dim-witted favorite Dumb and Dumber, have I felt so strongly the urge to voraciously read Tolstoy's (endless) 1000-page thriller (not really), War and Peace. So between David Duchovny, Orlando Jones ("Make 7--up yours), and the ever-increasingly versatile Sean William Scott (American Pie, American Pie 2, Dude Where's My Car...enough said), I was just begging for a 9 hour crash course in history from Mesopotamia to the present by a professor with the droning voice of Ben Stein (and not nearly as funny), just to make my brain feel alive again. Other than that, I liked it!
Rating:  Summary: Evolution Review: This movie was never meant to be serious, and so, as a comedy that relies upon special effects and crude humor, it was hilarious. Duchovny delivers yet another role reminding his fans that he has no conceit or self-respect (and we love him for it), Seann William Scott continues his theme of lovable cluelessness from Dude Where's My Car, and Orlando Jones provides the butt of many jokes. A definate must for X-Files fans, if only because we're the only one's who'll laugh hysterically at everything non-Mulderish that David Duchovny does.