Rating:  Summary: Outstandng movie - A must see for all ages Review: Bicentennial Man is the exploration of the the human spirit. The drive to survive and to be accepted. This movie touches on love, romance, comedy, prejudices and equality for all. Robin Williams and Elsbeth Davidtz were exceptional. The sounds track by Jmes Horner was haunting and enchanting. The Theme so by Celine Dion is breathtaking. A movie I can gladly say is the best that I have every seen. The movie does not focus on futuristic gadets and what not. The focus of the movie is change evelution and love. Something that everyone can relate to.
Rating:  Summary: Heartwarming Review: Someone new has joined the Martin family: a robot named Andrew. As his service with the family progressed over 200 years Andrew yearns to become a real human being.
Rating:  Summary: Good Movie But disappointing DVD Review: Bicentennial Man is a good movie but where are the extras fot the DVD? Not even a trailer? This Robin Williams movie deserves better and DVD buyers deserve more for their money.
Rating:  Summary: It`s true love and freedom seeking stroy! Review: I was very moved it.I could not stop sobbing my heart out the latter half of the story. It is neary future android story style, but I think that it has deeply philosophical meaning. Don`t miss it if you are interested in the three law of robotics.But I would like to recommend it for all people not only SF fan.
Rating:  Summary: Shames all prejudices right out of you. Review: I had no idea that this would be such a heavy hitting movie. I laughed and I cried. I would recommend this movie to people of all ages, all colors, religions, etc. It teaches that we are all one. Major kudos Mr. Williams. You've done it again. You may joke around, but you really wallup a heavy punch. Thanks for the lesson in humanity.
Rating:  Summary: Azimov... Amazing... Emotional.. need I say more? Review: Bicentennial Man, in my opinion has to be one of the best films of the past year. I did not think I would really enjoy it.. after seeing how many great science fiction books have been butchered when put to film, but I have to take my hat off to this one. It has earned its place in my top 10 list of favorite films...
Rating:  Summary: Great adaptation Review: Bicentenial man is inspired by a novel by Isaac Asimov. It is, in my opinion, the first good adaptation of the robot's series from this author. So if you are an Asimov fan, you won't be disappointed.
Rating:  Summary: dazzling Review: this was a great movie. it was very emotional. I would actually beef up the rating to PG-13 but who cares it was very well put togerther and the plot was simply. There were a few acting problems but the cinematography was simply amazing! who ever wrote the script is a oviously one of the few guiness on the face of the earth. I simply loved it!
Rating:  Summary: inadequate treatment of a potentially interesting theme Review: I saw this movie when it first came onto the big screen. I was interested as the theme of the original short story is worth exploring.Unfortunately, I was disappointed in Christopher Columbus' direction, and the screenplay was simply not adequate. The story descends into mawkish Hollywood sentimentality and glosses over the hard issues, where it had the opportunity to say something valuable about us and our world. It was very interesting for me to think back to this movie after I had seen Spielberg's "A.I Artificial Intelligence". Both movies are about a very similar theme, but Spielberg turns the treatment in Bicentennial Man on its head. In Bicentennial Man Andrew argues that he has become human through gradually acquiring a human body although his brain is still computerised. There is however no effort to look at what makes us human beyond our physical attributes. At least I didn't feel that there was. All of his legal battles are based on the idea that he should be accepted as a human because he is PHYSICALLY human. By contrast, Spielberg does not evade the hardest question of all, which is, "What exactly is it that makes us human" but turns to a time honoured way of throwing meaning onto it; the fairy tale. David remains fully mechanical. However, the fairy tale of Pinnochio which is so beautifully used as a connecting theme is all about what makes us human. Through David's search, we are made to acutely realise that it is our capacity to dream, love, and believe in something bigger than ourselves that makes us human, whether we are mechanical or organic; our spirit is the essence of our humanity, not our body. Turning back to Bicentennial Man, the previous point begs the same question about Andrew; he may be physically human but in what sense does he have human feelings, and would this be possible in a robot? Surely, although not easily answered, this issue is worthy of exploration. In Bicentennial Man, this question is never even looked at, it is simply assumed that Andrew acts like a person emotionally, which I find strange to say the least. A more realistic situation would be that proposed in A.I, where robots have to be specially created and programmed to have human responses. Having said that Bicentennial Man is a poor effort at treating a theme that was done much better in A.I this is not to say I extend the criticism to Williams' performance; he does what he can with the terrible script and is sensitive as well as as amusing throughout.