Rating:  Summary: Rating for this DVD ..Where are the Extras? Review: Another great movie without all the extras fans deserve to have. First off this version of this film has been out for a very long time now and needs it's own "Rejuvenation". This DVD is the full screen format (Yuck) and the picture suffers from grain and the colors seem to be blah. In the back of this DVD box as well as the VHS you can witness a still of a scene which isn't included in the film, but is in the trailer you can see another scene in motion thats not in the original film. This gives the notion that the film had some extra running time and had been cut right before it's theatrical release. Ok Universal please re-master this very funny film and please include a new widescreen transfer with loads of extras Incuding those sceens that had been cut! A commentary also would be great with the director and cast! Death Becomes this current DVD release.
Rating:  Summary: This is a very good movie and u should see it ... Review: This movie is the best movie of all time. Meryl Streep and Goldie Hawn are double cool ...and Bruce Willis is a dork! but that's ok we still love him. Very funny for those who like dark comedy. ...
Rating:  Summary: Cleverly crafted comedy... Review: This one is a gem for sure. I must admit, I wasn't a big fan of Meryl Streep before seeing this. I know, she is the best actress of her generation and I always respected her talent but the movies she usually appear in, more in the dramatic and depressing range, are not necessarily what I want from "the movies". I admit it, I am always looking to be entertained first and foremost and here, Streep along with the whole cast succeeds brilliantly. I usually don't like to give a synopsis of any film I review because other reviewers often do it. And I truly believe that the element of surprise is something most people enjoy when they watch a movie. What I can say though is that this little gem has been grossly savaged by critics at the time of its release for no good reason whatsover even though it was a minor box-office hit. This is one thing that has always left me puzzled about "official" critics: the way to have of hating most movies that only want to entertain for the pure pleasure of it. I have absolutely no idea why they hated this wonderful production but I don't really care what they think. Audiences of that time loved the mix of fantasy and dark comedy with amazing performances by all the leads. Streep really knocked me for a loop in this movie. The delivery of her lines in full camp mode, the subtle gestures, the way she struts and moves her body... It makes her portrayal of the vain, conceited Madeline Ashton extremely real and immensely enjoyable. It is a shame she doesn't star in many comedies because her timing is impeccable. Goldie Hawn, Bruce Willis and Isabella Rossellini all make their characters very memorable as well. Robert Zemeckis did a great job in concocting a truly enjoyable story with just enough special effects (considered quite impressive back then and still adequate by today's standards) to keep it all together. There are many beautiful camera angle and elaborate sets adding to the satirical tone dictated by the subject matter which is a refusal to grow old gracefully. One thing though that irked me profoundly about this DVD though is the fact that the movie isn't available in widescreen format. Why is that? I mean, for me the whole point of watching a movie on DVD is the pleasure I get to view the film in its original theatrical format and a full screen version doesn't quite cut it. I really don't understand the choice to exclude the widescreen version which should be a prerequisite on any DVD. But I digress. If you want to get some laugh and be sucked into a wonderful dark world where backstabbing, bitchery and vanity all collide in a beautifully shot and intricate story, this movie is for you. I enjoyed it immensely and my gut feeling tells me you will as well.
Rating:  Summary: Interesting Review: This movie was okay and had some interesting scenes including the nuns who appeared like they were floating down the hall but I don't think it was the best dark comedy I ever saw but it was interesting and if you like dark comedies you might want to check this out if you haven't seen it already but you might want to rent it first before deciding if you want to buy the video or DVD.
Rating:  Summary: Different Side Of Streep! Review: Here we see the Meryl Streep is truly one of the greatest as she takes on this vain and narcissistic role and does it great and with style! She truly can be anything! As well as for Bruce Willis and Goldie Hawn... the incredible trio-of-doom really makes a hell of a performance for a movie that goes out from the traditional roles each actor is used to playing! Guranteed dark comedy!
Rating:  Summary: Brilliant Dark Comedy With Oscar Worthy Elements Review: 1992: Robert Zemeckis' film is metafiction with great performances by the lead actresses Meryl Streep and Goldie Hawn. The visual effects is what most attracts people to this film as it did back in 1992. The story is essentially dark comedy and satire, about the human weakness in women about vanity and rivalry, although commenting on men and women's desire to live forever, cheat death and remain young. Zemeckis lavished the film with stunning visual effects, haunting imagery and chilling music. Great performances by the lead actors. This film is worthy of Oscars, but I don't recall whether it won anything back in 1992. Bruce Willis is the husband of Goldie Hawn, (Helen), Meryl Streep plays her rival, a faded stage actress. When the two women fight for him and to keep themselves young, they seek an enchantress (played by Isabella Rosallini) who gives them a potion that makes them young. However, they begin to rot and deteriorate until they are cartoon-like parodies of themselves, with plastic contortions of their bodies, huge eyes and holes in their stomachs. They die and even then they are caught up on lookin good. A great commentary on the plastic surgery and breast/image enhancement women of Hollywood are so pressured to do these days. This film is exceptional, with great music and with a lot of social commentary.
Rating:  Summary: A Masterpiece of Dark Comedy Review: I never get tired of watching "Death Becomes Her" on VHS, and would buy a widescreen DVD version in a heartbeat (got your stethoscope, Sidney Pollack?). The film is perfectly cast. Bruce Willis is a miracle of anti-Bruce Willisness. Isabella Rossellini is over-the-top hilarious. Meryl Streep and Goldie Hawn are given great lines, and perform them with brilliant excessiveness. The actor and actress who play the plastic surgeon and his assistant are outrageously funny, him with his roving eye, her with an exaggerated French accent. One reason I truly cherish this movie is that it is able to present uber-eccentric characters as believable. Few movies pull this off. Apart from the acting, terrific script, well-executed special effects, rich visual colors (look, for example, at the scene where Helen Sharp [Hawn] stands outside Dr. Menville's door with an umbrella), another reason I cherish this movie is because every frame is interesting, and for many reasons. With some movies, you can name the truly interesting scenes. With this one, every scene is priceless! Still, my favorite moment in the film is where Helen Sharp explains how they will kill Madeline Ashton. It is done with narration, voice-overs, an eerie mix of normal and slow-motion effects, and the darkest of humor. One of my favorite moments in any movie---ever! I took this movie under my wing when it first came out. My favorite dark comedy, and one of my favorite films of all time.
Rating:  Summary: I've watched it over 10 times! Review: This is kind of a dark comedy about two women going through different struggles in life, and at one point hating eachother, and then becoming good friends. Madeline Ashton (meryl streep) is a singer/performer, and is friends -although in a fake way- with Helen Sharp (Goldie Hawn), who is getting married to a doctor. Madeline steels this doctor away, and Helen becomes fat and mentally ill. Both women search for happiness in their lives in different ways, but both of them end up at the same place, Lisa's (Isabella Rosesellini), who changes their lives forever -and deaths- forever. This movie is rated PG-13, and is suited for most of the family. There is no real violence, and very little bad language. A very funny movie, and one that will be watched many times over.
Rating:  Summary: A "dark" comedy for the brave Review: My dad says its too 'freaky' for his liking, but I think it's hilarious! Meryl Streep and Goldie Hawn are perfect as the immortal brats that hate each other (but evenutally must learn to live with each other). Isabella Rossalinni was slightly scandalous as the enchantress, but she did well all the same. My favorite part was when Streep and Hawn were battling it out with the shovels, then realized that it was pointless because they couldn't hurt each other. See it!
Rating:  Summary: IT'S ALIVE! ALIVE! [well, almost ...] Review: "Is it Awake?" the husband played by Bruce Willis whipsers tentatively ...... the 'help' cautiously affirms .... THAT's only the beginning. "It" is played by the brilliant Meryl Streep - [makes Norma Desmond look like Maria Von Trapp] A cautionary caustic tale of "Hollywood has-almost-famous Beings" seen through the eyes of director Robert Zemeckis. Wonderful one-liners along the lines of "She'd go to the Opening of an Envelope!" [the fabulous Goldie Hawn re. Ms. Streep's vixenish star], and the gut-rumbling "NOW A Warning??" Streep to Isabella Rossellini as the vampish immortal - after consuming the all-life-giving potion. It's a TREMENDOUS onyx comedy about Tinsel Town and its dark little secrets - JUST a PITY that the current DVD version is so bland - NOT in wide screen and no extras worth mentioning - especially the spectacular special effects, make-up etc. etc. etc. Very underrated - highly recommended and due for a rebirth as a SUPERBIT special edition!!