Rating:  Summary: ''BUY THIS NOW!'' Review: Killer Klowns Is a incredable movie full of fun and excitmen,you should buy this movie as soon as you can! You should ge bothe the Spanish version and the new reraliece version so that you will almost have all the versions. The are three versions of this movie. In the movie stares everions bad cop John Vernon as Officer Moony. Ther are other movies whith him in them but not as great as this one! This is the only movie that I whatch. The Klowns in this movie are so nasty looking. Thers many cool seans in this movie. You should get this movie before the sequal comes out. I hope you get a chance to see this movie. They dont sho it on the Sci-fi channel much eney more. you'll only see it maby once or twice a year. Its vary rare! buy it now! Well hope you by it now! See ya!
Rating:  Summary: A true classic! Review: This movie scared the crap out of me when I was little. Now, years later, it isn't as scary but now it's funny. I know that sounds weird. Anyway, I recomend this to anyone, it still is one of my favorite movies. I really would like to see it on dvd or see a sequel!
Rating:  Summary: Great fun Review: What a great movie. It is so stupid, you have to love it. And it grows on you more and more everytime you see it. Rent it, buy it, pop some popcorn with your friends and laugh your head off. Its a winner.
Rating:  Summary: Black Humor A Prerequisite for This Killer Klassic! Review: Beginning with its wildly entertaining theme song, this 1980's version of "It Came From Outer Space" could also be considered similar to "The Day the Earth Stood Still" if the maniac clowns actually succeed! The main difference between this movie and the earlier classics is . . . There is NOTHING traditional (or even necessarily funny) about blood drinking circus performers making a mockery out of what the Ringling Brothers devoted half a century to accomplish and preserve. However, since the very premise is so utterly ridiculous, it appeals to the darker side of those who possess the dry wit and intellectual ability to comprehend such bizarre and ironic implications! Strictly a guess here but it seems reasonable that admirers of this film are primarily above average in intelligence with a unique twist to their personalities. Quite honestly, you have to be NUTS to appreciate this movie which is undoubtedly why I have watched it over 100 times since its release in 1988. The outrageous but diligent costumes and makeup are a rare treat. And there is notable attention to detail regarding special effects. Yes, the plot is more than a little contrived. Admitedly, a bunch of Bozos going on a small town killing spree and slashing up the kin folk is not for everyone. I can't wait to see this when it's released in DVD! This film is underrated due to its lack of universal appeal. However, if the shoe fits, wear it--For some of us, clever gags, no matter how evil, are most essentially an affair of the heart. It's just too bad there are not more people like us in this world.
Rating:  Summary: 80's cult classic Review: They came from outer space, in a spaceship that looks like ... a circus tent! They're aliens who look like circus clowns, and they're here to kill. They dispatch their victims with imagination, style, and circus magic! An imaginative and offbeat black comedy -- Despite the ridiculous premise, or perhaps because of it, this is a very cool film, albeit with a savage sense of humor. The "stars" of the film are a bunch of unknowns, and the acting of the people in the film is rather poor. However, the clowns are very well done. It is clear that the Director chose to spend his budget on make-up and special effects. This is for the good, because it is the clowns that make this one of the best cult flicks of the 80's.
Rating:  Summary: A Classic Review: I cringe when I see people refer to Killer Klowns from Outer Space as a "good bad movie." It's a good good movie, as much as Airplane was a good good movie and it's almost as ingenious as that classic genre spoof. Besides the inherent dark comedy of clowns (I mean come on. Does anyone really think clowns are funny?), these clowns inflict their mayhem as only clowns could do, resorting to a fun house or even a big top of murderous, blood-letting shtick. Some reviewers have dismissed Killer Klowns as a cheapie sci-fi/horror parody with bad acting. The actors may not be Ian McKellen, but this movie is very knowing, very clever, very smart and very good.
Rating:  Summary: Wonderfully Demented! Review: This movie is one of the oddest I have ever seen. It is a horror movie but I'd say it's more of a comedy because of the premise and the way it was made. It was written by the special effects guys; that should give you a clue as to how "great" the screen play is. But it's not as horrible as you'd think, it's actually really funny how bad it is (in a Ed Wood sort of way). Over all this movie is definitely worth renting if not buying. It is one messed up movie!
Rating:  Summary: Thank you, Chiodo Bros....at long last! Review: Attention, all beloved Killer Klown cult fans! Our all-time favorite homicidal, bloodthirsty, and cotton candy-weaving bozos from beyond will finally be receiving their long-overdue video re-release this fall! I especially want to thank Stephen, Charles, and Edward Chiodo for listening ardently to their legion of loyal fans and being able to bring their hideous big-top wonders back since their hitting of the silver screen 12 years earlier! Only one question: how come no DVD or VHS widescreen versions? The art direction in this classic black comedy really warrants a 1.85:1 canvas, not to mention a Dolby Digital remastering to accentuate the Klowns' chilling chuckles and John Mussari's sinister musical score!Okay, for those of you who have been living in a secluded cave since 1988, KKFOS is a must-have film for any seasoned B-horror movie buff. It is the uncanny tale of a coastal California town that becomes beseiged by a pernicious race of alien klowns that cruises through the galaxies in a circus-tent starship and has an insatiable appetite for human blood. These wily, vile bozos arrive with an arsenal of mutagenic popcorn, lethal cotton candy phasors, acidic cream pies, and many other deadly circus tricks they deploy in order to capture and harvest the town's dullard citizens as cotton-candy-cocooned snack munchies. Only a clique of college kids and a rookie cop are aware of the klowns' nefarious plan, and they must do all they can in order to save the village from a fate that's no laughing matter! Sure, the plot to KKFOS sounds like a 1950's sci-fi derivative, but it is accompanied with impressive costume design, whimsical art direction, and captivating make-up and puppetry effects from Fantasy II F/X ("The Terminator", "The Abyss") that really exploit the low budgetary constraints that were imposed on this indie masterpiece. The real fear in KKFOS comes from taking the benevolent attributes of clowns and the circus and inverting them into elements of a child's warped nightmare. However, it does have its fair share of baffoonish comedy (most notable are the goofy Terrenzi Bros) to balance out the freaky death scenes. John Vernon definitely gives a hammy, but hysterical performance as Officer Mooney, the embittered police chief who scoffs the idea of murderous klowns in his town...until they finally make a "dummy" out of him, literally! All of this comes in a PG-13 package with no nudity and only mild "ketchup gore" for the audience. One thing's for sure about KKFOS re-release, I'll be well-insured when my original Media Home Entertainment VHS copy becomes irreparably worn-out, which is almost certain to happen soon! Also, I just cannot wait until the sequel finally comes out (hopefully by next year)!
Rating:  Summary: Popcorn and Cotton Candy will never be the same! Review: I love this movie! It is a cult classic! It has similarities to the Blob and yet this movie stands all on its own. The Klowns are scary in an odd way. Killer Klowns from Space land on earth and use their spaceship and more to pose as part of a circus and appear to have stopped off for a snack or supplies. Human snacks! Enjoy this one, I think its worth it.
Rating:  Summary: Killer Klowns Univers! Review: Killer Klowns is the greatest movie ever! Right when i heard the theme song i new it was going to be a great movie! I would like to tell you some seens, but if you have a phobia a clowns than stay away from this movie! So about the seens: Theres this one seen whare the hunter and his dog goes looking for ''Haily's Commit'', but insyead of finding a commit he finds a gigantic circus tent! And then the hunter's dog see's a klown shadow, and then......(cant tell you!) Anouther good seen is when this one women's door bell rings and theres a Klown holding a pizzia box and two other klowns pop out fom behind him and the pizzia box pops open and this dorf klown pops out whith a gun a zaps her into a cauton candy cacoon! They collect these cauton candy cacoons for when they (try to) go back to there home planet they can have something to eat. And theres this one seen whare the darf klown rides into the back ally on a small clowqn designed tryck, and when a no good punk destroys the klown's bick.....the klown jumps up and when he comes back down hes wharing boxing gloves and ''knocks the punks head off!''(good!) In one seen nere the end of the movie the klowns find the three main carecteres sneecken around in ther spaship! Then they try to get rid of the klowns, get out of ther spaceship, but most of all......''Stay alive!'' I've herd that ther making a sequal, and ther filming it in Germany! it's comming out soon! ''Thank God!''