Rating:  Summary: THE BEST KLOWN MOVIE EVER! Review: One night my friend Austin and I saw this movie in Block Buster and thought it looked good. Well it wasn't good...IT WAS GREAT!The special effects are some of the best you'll see in your life!One quiet night high school sweethearts Mike and Debbie see a huge shooting star,but when they search for it they find a circus tent.They explore and find out that it is full of alien killer klowns!With deadly popcorn that can hatch new klowns and fatal cotton candy guns that will melt you to goop,how can they stop them?With the help of Debbie's ex-boy friend Dave they will have to stop the klowns before they devour the entire town.The dvd features include audio comentary,deleted scenes,theatrical trailers,subtitles,scene selection,early child hood films of the Chiodo brothers,and much more!This is a great buy for fans of Midnight movies.In space no one can eat ice cream!
Rating:  Summary: Bashful's DVD Summary #013 Review: Best:1) The theme song is VERY catchy. You may not be able to get it out of your head for a long time. 2) The movie was both funny and fun to watch, not to mention very colorful. 3) They covered about every way a clown (remembering that they're really aliens from another planet that just look that way) can capture or kill somebody in a humorous, circus-type way. 4) There's a host of special features from the funny filmmakers that go into great detail about the movie. Worst: 1) Most of the time you can tell it's a low budget movie (although some effects looked expensive). 2) If clowns (even if you spell it klowns) scare you, these guys won't help you warm up to them. Recommendation: This is a cult classic (or kult klassic) and you'll probably end up watching it way more than once. The abundance of behind-the-scenes stuff makes this DVD one that you'll want to take to your leader - now, I command you.
Rating:  Summary: Half Demented Genius, Half Dorky Lameness Review: I really don't know how to rate this movie, as it is an odd mix of cheesy, dorky stupidity and wild, demented genius. As you no doubt already know, it chronicles the invasion of a small town by sinister clown-like creatures from another planet. Local teens try to warn the authorities, but the mean police chief won't listen.... as one of the Chiodo brothers says in a commentary, the storyline borrows heavily from that 1958 classic, "The Blob." But that barely begins to describe "Killer Klowns." Clearly, it's a parody of 1950s sci-fi/horror movies, but it's more than that. It's ... well, it's Killer Klowns from Outer Space. A one-of-a-kind effort that defies easy categorization. The acting ranges from good to awful (John Vernon steals the show as Officer Mooney) and the sets are often no better than you'd see in a community theatre production. Photography is surprisingly good. The soundtrack is fun, in a 1980s way. I really enjoyed this movie, but I can't give it more than 3 stars because it's so cheaply produced, and the acting is just AWFUL in places. Buy or rent a copy, get together with some friends, some pizza, and beer and enjoy it for what it is: a wild, weird exercise in goofy humor.
Rating:  Summary: Killer Klowns = Kult Klassic Review: A shooting star lands. A Mountain hick and his dog go to find it. They find a large glowing circus tent. The dog is stolen and the guy is cocooned in...COTTON CANDY! Killer klowns from outer space have landed............Finally, the low budget cheezfest known as Killer Klowns From Outer Space arrives on DVD. I had recently picked up this "Midnight Movie" on VHS and watched it for the first time since the early 90's. Killer Klowns was a superb idea for a campy movie and it just SCREAMS 80's. If it is a parody or take-off on anything, it is more a parody of slasher films than science-fiction. And given the low budget, the makeup FX are excellent. Tom Savini would be proud. And kudos to the The Chiodo brothers for their eye-catching art direction in this wonderfully twisted flesh-eating aliens story. Now, where's the sequel?
Rating:  Summary: Balloon dogs are vicious!!!! Review: Awww, man, the only thing that sucks about this movie is that is failed to attract my attention back in the late 80's! I wish I had seen it back then, because by now it would not only be a great fun movie, but also have that additional nostalgic factor to it. But regardless, there's still enough 80's atmosphere and cheese to daze my brain. That and the movie is actually pretty good. I'm a huge fan of movies that take place in one day/night. This movie takes place all in one night, is all shot during the night hours, so there's none of that pesky mood-killing daylight to worry about. I may have missed this back in the 80's, but at least they have it on DVD now, and it looks great. I just finished watching it the second time. Also, the commentary by the Chiodo brothers is entertaining and funny. What a miracle it was that the executives okay'ed this movie! Too bad movie producers don't seem to have the guts these days to take shots on such wild ideas. I keep hearing the brothers are going to make a sequel (that would rock!), but the rumor has been spinning for years now. C'mon, we want more Killer Klowns! Come back, Klowns, come back - earth needs you! :)
Rating:  Summary: This Movie is a Trip!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Review: This movie was referred to me by my friend Mari. At first I thought...how gay..but it seemed kind of fun. Last night, I decided to watch it.. The movie rocks!! I recommend it to everyone! It is so far fetched and full of cheese that it is a masterpiece in itself..I was not bored once..I even got a little scared! I love how the clowns spun everyone in cotton candy! and the people in the movie are so lame that you find yourself rooting on the clowns!! Go Clowns!! Spin that fool into Cotton Candy!! Nail them all with your deadly popcorn!! and the ending.. hahahahahahahaahah!!!! well I better not mention the ending... But.. it was simliar to the ending of pretty much any Brady Bunch sitcom.. I just bought a copy for myself today, and as soon as I get it.. Im going to watch it again! and again! AGAIN! AGAIN! I am not one to dig movies this far fetched.. I am a fan of the classics such as Halloween, The Shinning, Amityville, and the exorcist... BUT this movie is right up there with them!!! WATCH IT THIS MOVIE.. for It rules. ~Kristin Rubatt P.S- feel free to accompany this movie with a little smoke..it pretty much goes hand and hand.
Rating:  Summary: BEST CHEESY CLOWN HORROR MOVIE EVER! Review: This movie rocks! I first saw it on Sci-Fi and loved it! I went to hastings later that day and sure enough I found it. It was on VHS but I didn't care! But, with my luck, about 1-2 months later it came out on DVD. so, I sold the VHS one and bought it on DVD. Killer Klowns has loads of special features. Two teens are out on some hill and see a comet/meteor go flying past them. They decide to go find it and check it out. They find it and decide to go in, by they way it looks like a circus tent. They explore around and find some of the klowns. They freak out and go hide in this room with these cotton candy things. They open one up and find out that they are storing bodies in them. They run out get in there car and go to the police. Pretty soon the klowns start recking havoc on the town. This is one of my top 10 favorite movies along with dead alive and bad taste! by the way this is nothing like those two movies that I just mentioned.
Rating:  Summary: Best B Film Ever Made! Review: If you only see one B film in your entire life, this should be it! This horribly entertaining production is loved by true fans of the genre everywhere. I have fond childhood memories of the Killer Klowns. I can only hope that Hollywood will one day wake up and realize that we need a sequel. Enough negotiations... Hit up Donald Trumph and force him to finance this bad boy already!
Rating:  Summary: Got Sequal? Review: I love this movie...it rocks! one of the best Midnite Movies ever!!! i would have givin it 5 starts but it just needed a little bit more! it ended and you just want more!!! i first watched it on sci-fi and then later that day (or week) i went out and bought it on VHS. then about 5 or 6 months later it came out on DVD and i bought it! thier is tons of special features (to many to list!) if you like cheesy horror flicks with a little bit of scares then buy this! i will never eat cotton candy again!
Rating:  Summary: Big Bad Jojo coming into town! ;) Review: Gather round, gather round! Step right up, ladies and gentlemen! Come see a one-of-a-kind creation; a work of cinematic genius by the three Chiodo Brothers! Of course, I'm talking about my favorite film, "Killer Klowns from Outer Space!" Released in theaters back in 1987, it's an entertaining cult classic with a B-movie plotline and clever, unrestrained dialogue. You won't want to miss this, folks. This film is a sci-fi spectacle packed with thrills, chills, and cotton candy carnage! On a romantic Friday night, Mike Tobacco (Grant Cramer) and Debbie Stone (Suzanne Snyder) are awestruck after witnessing a bright yellow comet rocketing across the sky. Filled with both curiosity and a need for adventure, the two lovers search for this shooting star and accidentally stumble onto a circus tent isolated in the woods. Soon enough, they discover in horror that this tent is really a spaceship, and that the clowns operating it are malevolent aliens from another planet! Underneath the floppy shoes, grotesque greasepaint, and enormous collars are bloodthirsty bozos who later invade the quiet town of Crescent Cove and hunt down every homo sapian they can find. Desperate to warn the town's citizens, both Mike and Debbie seek aid from other memorable characters. Dave Hanson (John Allen Nelson) is a steady cop who also happens to be Debbie's ex-boyfriend. While reluctant to believe Mike's off-the-wall story, he still is willing to investigate according to procedure, much to the chagrin of the Police Department's odious chief, Curtis Mooney (John Vernon). In the station, after having a close encounter with a murderous clown, Dave finds out that an alien can only be killed by a bullet through the red nose! Also involved are Rich and Paul Terenzi (Michael Siegel and Peter Licassi), two bickering brothers who provide alot of the film's comic relief. They are the only ones who can drive an ice cream truck in a high-speed chase. And, of course, they make many failed attempts at attracting women with fudgey-wudgey bars. Racing against time, all of these young heroes attempt to battle the clowns as they wreck havoc on Crescent Cove in a death parade of destruction. Their arsenal of toys will astound you, for nothing is what it seems! Hungry for human blood, these hostile buffoons carry guns that wrap hapless victims in cotton candy cocoons, monstrous shadow puppets that swallow spectators whole, popcorn spores that grow into ravenous serpents, and even whipped cream pies that melt people's flesh off their bones! Purchase the DVD while you can. "Killer Klowns from Outer Space" is an outrageous piece of work that blends the comical with the sinister. And now, let the show begin!