Rating:  Summary: a constant state of amazement Review: This movie is like a fine wine, it gets better with time. You won't appreciate all of the symbolism the first time through.
Rating:  Summary: Hardly any improvements over the VHS tape... Review: Joe Versus The Volcano is a great movie. That goes without saying. However, the DVD is a huge disappointment. The first and most obvious problem is that there are really no special features. The so-called "Behind The Scenes" footage is a 5 minute clip of Hanks, Ryan, and the Director all using a few small phrases about the movie that could have come from a movie poster. The only other special feature is the "16 Tons" music video, which is worthless and rather boring. The biggest of all the DVD's flaws is the music playing on the main menu screen. While a picture of Hanks and Ryan standing on their luggage in the ocean under the moon is displayed....16 Tons plays. TERRIBLE! The main theme would have been SO MUCH BETTER. But they made a fatal mistake and made the Menu Screen offensive to any true Joe fan. I say if you have the VHS version, save your money until you find the DVD on a really good sale.
Rating:  Summary: Meg Ryan Rules! Review: This movie is the first one starring famous on-screen pair Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan. It is also their best one. Meg Ryan plays most of the female roles in the movie, and she steals the show. She plays a wide variety of characters that shows off her dynamics as an actress. The look of this movie is amazing, from the stunning imagery in the opening sequence (with the flower being crushed by the army of laborers going off to work), to the paradisiacal island where the volcano of the title is located. This movie is funny. It's more a comedy than a romance. It's well written, well performed, and well made. If you want classic romantic comedy, this is the way to go.
Rating:  Summary: The Lamest and Silliest of the Hanks/Ryan Pairings Review: This is the lamest and silliest of the Hanks/Ryan vehicles, not worthy of either of their talents. Contrary to what one viewer said, Meg Ryan CAN act when she has decent material to work with, (I can remember when she played Betsy Stewart Andropoulos on "As the World Turns"), but this movie is NOT it. I've seen TV sitcoms that are better than this movie. I think of movies with Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan to be akin to old movies with Katharine Hepburn and Spencer Tracy. Not QUITE that good, but almost. I consider these two to be this generation's Hepburn and Tracy. If you're looking for a GOOD Hanks/Ryan movie, go with SLEEPLESS IN SEATTLE or YOU'VE GOT MAIL instead. If I could give JOE... 2-1/2 stars instead of three I would. Three is too generous.
Rating:  Summary: Artistic and entertaining. Review: I still remember back on hot, humid 1990 Connecticut day going into an empty theatre to see this movie. There were three of us, and I think each of us was there to kill time and perhaps escape the heat. Having seen the previews, and judging from the name, I was expecting a mediocre, superficial, silly comedy. I was in the mood for that, so I would have had no complaints. From almost the beginning of the movie I was shocked, not only was this not silly, superficial, or mediocre, it also was all three. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder was never more pertinent. If all you could see was the obvious, yes, it was a silly, superficial, and mediocre movie. Shockingly this is all the reviewers were able to see. For anyone who was awake (and in constant amazement, which happily was true for this film), the movie was incredible on every level. The dialogue was so true, so real, and so full of feeling. It was impossible to know what they were going to say next, the cliches were all gone. The cinematography and symbolism were everywhere and engaging throughout the movie. The artistry in creating visual sets that magnified the dialogue and mood is nothing short of sublime. The movie is never rushed either, it focuses more on making the scenes work, making sure you get a strong feeling from all of them. Art must evoke emotions, and this movie is truly a piece of art. I would recommend this movie to anyone who really likes movies and is interested in the profound subtlety and immense detail put into each scene. The only negative I can say about it is the end was a little weak, the movie did seem to fall off a bit when the reached the island. The other 85% of the movie is pure magic, any one of the scenes is worth the price of the DVD.
Rating:  Summary: About the DVD Review: The trouble with all the fancy menus and extras on DVDs is that you come to expect them. So when you see a DVD with boring menus and extras, it comes as a disappointment. Even when you bought it for the film. There's a "behind the scenes featurette" which consists of about 5 minutes of interviews with the stars (just the "stars"... it would have been interesting to hear something from Amanda Plummer or Nathan Lane), and clips from the movie you just watched, obviously taken straight from the presspack. There's a cringeworthy music video, and a "Cast & Crew" page that only bothers to provide filmographies for Tom Hanks & Mag Ryan (hello? did they see the rest of the cast list?). The menus are workable but pedestrian. I think the worst thing is the packaging. It's really dull and tacky looking. It just shouts out "leave me in a corner to gather dust". I know re-releasing their back catalogues on DVD isn't exactly an exciting activity for the studios, but they could at least pretend to care. It's the worst-looking DVD I own. While I'm being negative, it also has the worst compression artifacts of any DVD I own. This was most annoying during the title sequence, it didn't bother me during the body of the film, but I think it shows a lack of care taken. So why did I give it 5 stars? It's the film, stupid! Joe versus the Volcano is my all-time favourite movie. All the other reviewers have done a better job than I ever could of saying how great it is. This is Tom Hanks' best movie. Meg Ryan is electrifying, what has she been playing at in all those other films? This film should have won Oscars. I haven't been able to see this movie AT ALL for about 5 years! I am so excited to finally have it on DVD! It's even better than I remembered.
Rating:  Summary: i agree! Review: don't listen to the llama reviewers. this movie is amazing and chances are if you are here looking at this, you already know about this genius movie. of course the guy who did this did moonstruck which is great. but he also did congo. haha. but this movie is his best! just buy it already.
Rating:  Summary: THE BEST MOVIE EVER MADE is Finally Released onto DVD! Review: What can I say about this wonderful film? Words really can't describe it, but I'll do my best! Here Goes Nothing! This Film is Perfect! It's Perfect in Everyway! The Acting is Brilliant. The Music is Brilliant. The Cinematography is Brilliant. The Story/Screenplay is Brilliant! The Directing is Brilliant. The Production Design is Brilliant. Everything about this movie is Brilliant. Any other movie I can only watch maybe 5 times and I'm bored of it for life! This movie I can watch over and over and I will never get bored of it, it's So so Perfect! Many people, when they ask me what my favorite movie is, and I tell them, "JOE VERSUS THE VOLCANO!" They either look at me Strange or they respond, "that movie is so stupid." I just feel sorry for them because they just don't get the message, and it's sad because it's so wonderful! I thought I was the only one on Earth that got it, but It looks like I'm wrong, thank god! You who've seen it will agree with this review. I'm so glad it's finally getting it's due respect and being released onto DVD. The only problem I'll have is if they release it with the current VHS Box Cover Art, it just plain makes the movie look bad. I hope Warner Bros. ... Releases it with the Original Box Cover Art, which is Tom and Meg hugging and standing on the Trunks floating in the water, with the Tag Line: An Average Joe, An Adventurous Comedy! ...
Rating:  Summary: Ten Best of All Time Review: I would just like to say, that after forty something years of watching movies, this one has touched me more than just about any other. To those who don't like it, I say, get a heart. This movie is a lot deeper than it appears. If you just are looking for a straight comedy, then shop elsewhere. If you truly want to see one of the greatest movies ever made, check it out. The characters are great (all of them), the screenplay is fantastic, the visuals are stunning, and the acting is suberb. It is a movie that needs to be watched at least five times to really get it. I have watched it at least 20 times, and get more each time.
Rating:  Summary: I am so happy to see other great reviews!!! Review: This is simply my favorite movie of all time. I have seen it so often I have gone through 3 VHS's and I am eagerly anticipating the DVD out this april. The writer of Moonstruck had his one chance to direct and he made a fanciful and beautiful film and almost no one in hollywood got it. So many have said that this is hanks worst movie and I think it's his best. It can be a bit too cute and Meg Ryan is not at her best in the first two roles she plays in the film. But Ossie Davis, Lloyd Bridges and the Luggage salesman make this film one of the quirkiest and best movies of all time.