Rating:  Summary: This is the best day in my life Review: This is the best day in my life! What does this cliché really mean? For a lifelong time, people are looking for that kindof day. "Groundhog's Day" is simply a movie fantastique about the best day in one's life. Since is it a FANTASY, there is hardly a best day in one's life pappen in the real world. In the end of the movie, all Phil, Rita, and Ned said that they just spent the best day in their life, but only Phil has the idea of what that really mean for him. There are other people in that party on the "last Feb 2nd" thanked Phil for his help throughout the day, may they had spent the best day in their live too. But I think the camera guy just met the worst day. Anyway, maybe after the DAY you saw this wonderfully funny movie, you would say that was the best DAY in your life, wouldn't you?
Rating:  Summary: MUST SEE COMEDY! Review: THis film is must see. You get good acting by the cast and some well timed humor. Futher more has a good plot. If you are in the mood for a romantic comedy this movie is it.
Rating:  Summary: MUCH more than the sum of its parts Review: When Bill Murray appeared in a skit on SNL, it was an automatic "MUTE" until the next commercial was over. Andie MacDowell has always been much too cute for her own good. Harold Ramis has an inflated opinion of his talents (just watch his cameo in this movie to see what I mean -- the man apparently phantasizes himself as another Alfred Hitchock). Yet, in spite of it all, this movie earned 5 stars (and more, if such a rating were available) from me. Why? Frankly, I honestly don't know. Part of its appeal has to do with how it treads on the very edge of cloying, yet somehow always steps back about 5 seconds BEFORE you say, "Ohmigod, they're not going to do THAT, are they?" And they never do! Beyond that, though, there is an underlying truth to this movie that transcends any rational analysis. If you're not a Hindu/Buddhist before you see it, well, maybe you shouldn't see it. Religious implications aside, I'm put in mind of an old joke about a great American soprano making her debut at La Scala. After singing the crucial aria, she was bombarded with deafening pleas of, "encore ... encore." So she dutifully reprised her aria. Again the crys of "encore" arose, and again she gave the audience what it demanded. However, after the 4th encore, she stumbled to the footlights and hoarsely protested, "ladies and gentlemen, I appreciate your enthusiasm, but I've sung this aria five times now!" Whereupon a small Italian man arose and shouted, "si, and you gonna KEEP a-singin' it until you get it a-righta!" Well, the bottom line here is that, in spite of themselves, these guys managed to get it "a-righta". Don't waste your money renting this movie for a "trial run" (as an earlier review suggested); just buy the DVD and settle back for the first (of many) pleasurable and thought-provoking viewings.
Rating:  Summary: This is a profoundly funny film. Review: Bill Murray has done many funny films [The Man Who Knew Too Little (1997) ASIN: 0790734796] and many profound films [The Razor's Edge (1984) ASIN: 6302800498. This film is profoundly funny. What would you do if you had all the time in the world? This movie covers just about everything you can think of. Phil Connors (Bill Murray) is a conceited self-serving weatherman. He gets caught in a time warp while covering the Groundhog Day events. Everyday becomes Groundhog Day. After exhausting all the fun things you can do, he has time to confront himself and reflect on what is important. In [Joe Versus the Volcano (1990) ASIN: 0790741393 reviewed November 10, 2000] people relate that environment to where they work. Groundhog Day summed this up in one statement: Phil Connors asks, "What would you do if you were stuck in one place and every day was exactly the same, and nothing that you did mattered?" Ralph answers, "That about sums it up for me."
Rating:  Summary: A giant squirrel predicts the weather Review: Bill Murray just might be the finest comedic actor out there. He is exceptional is this comedy about a day that repeats itself over and over and over again. The real beauty of this movie is the soft touch it is given toward the end. Too often comedies try to just rest on laughs without much notice given to the story. Not so with Groundhog Day. This is a must-have DVD.
Rating:  Summary: A Modern Classic Review: Great comedies are rare these days. Not that there isn't always some good or cute stuff still getting released on a regular basis, but you don't often stumble onto a film that is consistently outrageous, and thought provoking at the same time (at least not since Preston Sturges). This is great stuff, the best work from both Harold Ramis and Bill Murray.
Rating:  Summary: A VERY FUNNY AND ORIGINAL FANTASY/COMEDY... Review: This is without a doubt, one of Bill Murray's best films. It is both a fantasy and a comedy flick. The basic premise of the film is simple. A man is forced to relive the same twenty four hours, over, and over, and over again, ad infinitum. Bill Murray is that man. An obnoxious Pittsburgh weatherman, he is in Punxutawney, Pennsylvania to cover its Groundhog Day celebration, along with his beautiful and altruistic TV producer, played by Andie MacDowell, and his patient, long suffering cameraman, played by Chris Elliot. Murray, playing an uncaring, unfeeling wretch of a guy, is, for some inexplicable reason, forced to relive the same twenty four hours in Punxutawney over and over again. Why? Who knows and who cares? What follows next are some of the funniest moments in film. At first, Murray is confused. No one else, however, seems to be. As Murray continues to relive the same day, confusion turns to anger. Ultimately, that anger turns to mischieviousness and indulgence. After all, what would one do, if there were no consequences to one's actions? This premise provides for quite a few, very funny scenes. This puckish foray quickly denigrates into profound despair, as Murray realizes that he seems destined to relive the same day forever. Frequent, subsequent suicide attempts fail to stop the clock, and Murray rethinks his position. He concentrates , finally, on becoming the best man that he can be, with the lovely Andie MacDowell as his romantic interest. Murray's transition from smarm to charm provides for many hilarious scenes that will leave the viewer howling with laughter. The ultimate impact of his transition from Neanderthal man to Renaissance man is, needless to say, a positive one. This redemption will ultimately prove to be be Murray's salvation. Murray provides droll, comedic delivery, and he is perfect in this role. Andie MacDowell is the perfect straight man and comedic foil. Together they make this movie one that the viewer will want to see again and again.
Rating:  Summary: Don't Drive Angry! Review: A very cute movie. Many of my friends do NOT like this movie... it's definitely an "either you love it or you hate it" kinda movie. Personally, I could watch it over and over again and never get bored with it, there's always something new to catch that you missed before. You won't rent it for mental stimulation...in fact, it could quite give you a headache... it's dizzying storyline is very much pre-"Run Lola Run". Nonetheless, its humor - both slapstick and morbid - is very entertaining. I'd say: Try it first (i.e., rent it from the video store).
Rating:  Summary: The more you watch, the funnier it gets Review: This is one of those movies that I watched once and thought, "Jeez, that was fun." I watched it again with some friends and caught all sorts of extra things. Each time I watch it, it gets funnier and funnier! You have the take the whole thing as a fun campy movie. Bill Murray is great as his character goes from egocentric weatherman to caring individual. Sure, this bizarre timewarp just "appears". Sure, much of Bill's motivation to change is that he just wants to escape the warp, not that he (at least initially) really cares about the people he's helping. But it's all in fun, and the bizarre things that go on are hilarious. There isn't any great redemption in the movie, or mystic message ... it's simply a lot of fun to watch, to catch all the subtle ways things change as the day continually loops back into itself for Bill. If you ever feel like you're stuck in a rut, this is the perfect movie to help you laugh your way out!
Rating:  Summary: Perfection Review: This is a perfect movie. One of my favorite line in this movie is, "How do you know there is a tomorrow, there wasn't one today?". That line says it all. Bill Murray is stuck in Groundhog day and must come to terms with all his fault before he can get out. Andie McDowell is so beautiful in this movie, she act as the trophy at the end. This movie is a must see. It has everything, humor, tribulation, & heart.