Rating:  Summary: A fresh and original sci-fi series Review: A highly underrated series. After hearing some negative comments, I didn't expect much from Andromeda. However, I was very pleasantly surprised and I am now a big fan.After watching the dissapointing Voyager, with its cliche storylines and mediocre character development, Andromeda was a refreshing experience. The plot and back story are excellent, the writing intelligent and original, the acting and character development superb. Special effects are some of the best I've seen on a television show. One thing I really like about Andromeda is that the characters are not black and white like other science fiction series. All the major players have their own agendas, and only a little is revealed at a time. The show is full of plot twists, surprises and a lot of action. Several important themes are explored, such as philosophy, morality and science. I highly recommend this collection to anyone who is open to something new and different.
Rating:  Summary: Going, Going, Gone... Review: Although the series had a good start, on the overall, it has fallen from grace. The producers thought that having a war and an arch-enemy on the loose will do good for the series, but they are streching it a bit too much. the characters have become more talkative and more philosophical, sometimes to apoint that they make no sence and contradict themselves. The whole "Dylen the Massayah" idea has become exadurated and un-believable. All in all, it's an OK series, but no more. The Imagination of Gene Rodenberry is lost on this series, and it shows.
Rating:  Summary: I wish people would stop complaining Review: Andromeda has been one of the best show ever to watch.I really like the story that it has.Buy it!
Rating:  Summary: Good start but should have been first Review: Andromeda is a great show in the science fiction genre. Kevin Sorbo brings his unique style of acting back to syndication with another hit from the mind of Gene Roddenberry. The first season was good; it allowed fans to be introduced to the characters and certain elements of the show. The last episode was a cliff hanger, which I find to be good to rope people into a second season. The acting is show is all well down; I particularly like Harper and Romie. The themes of the show are unique; man out of time trying to bring back order to the orderless. Also, the characters of Rev Bem and Tyre add a depth to the story by adding philosophy and wisdom that if taken seriously could make a person think about things. The collection lost its first star because this is how the show should have been released. Shows should only be released as seasons and not collection of a few episodes (I hope that a season 2 collection is coming out soon). The second star was lost because of the bloopers. I'm rather picky about this but the bloopers that they had on every other disc were not very long nor very good (they were funny though). If you like Gene Roddenberry stuff, this is a good addition to your Star Trek, Earth Final Conflict and Babylon 5 collection. If you are a science fiction buff, this is a good adition. Outside of that, I would recommand this series because it is fun and exciting but leaves people with alot a questions about one's own life and time.
Rating:  Summary: andromeda is awsome to listen to the idiots Review: andromeda is a really good show with a really good story and cast season 1 was really good dont listen to the stuped people
their are 1 or 2 episodes not worth watching but its like that in all scifi series like star trek their were certain eps that were not worth watching over all andromeda is a great show and well worth buying you will not be disapointed
Rating:  Summary: A great, fun, action/sci-fi show Review: First I'll review the show, then the box set itself. The Show: From the first few moments I knew this show would be enjoyable. The production values are pretty magnificent. The CG battles are easily on par with feature films. The makeup could use a lot of work, but the sets are pretty solid. The characters are definitely unique. My favorite being Tyr (Anasazi, out of Victoria by Barbarossa) the Nietzschean mercenary and perfect foil to Kevin Sorbo's Dylan Hunt. The plot seems to meander quite a bit in this first season, with more filler than I like, but when it works it works spectacularly. The season finale is some seriously tense television. Overall I love this show, dispite its flaws. It seems to think it has the epic scope of Farscape, DS9, or Babylon 5. And at times it reaches those heights, but not consistently. At its heart it is a character driven action show, and on that score it delivers by the boatloads. If you're a sci-fi nut like myself you'll find little not to like. Personally I see it as both contemporary and companion to the show Farscape. The DVD/set: As with all ADV products I've run across, the sound and picture quality are magnificent. That's never the problem. The box set is pretty dry on the extras I like to see, namely interviews and behind the scenes footage, both with the cast and the writers. Though there is a lot of info on the background on the world, I'll give them that. Again, as with other ADV box sets (*cough* Farscape *cough) you're truly better off waiting for the box than buying each "collection" individually. Unlike the FS boxes however, you can buy this and still afford food that month. Overall: The show got better in the 2nd season, and it could use more interesting extras, but its still a great and underrated show.
Rating:  Summary: A sci-fi lover's dream come true Review: Great characters, great special effects, great music, and pretty good stories. Andromeda is a very fun show to watch. I love the intro/theme to the show, especially the second season's. Gene Roddenberry shows usually have cool voice intros with the themes, like in Earth: Final Conflict (which had possibly the best intro ever). Gene Roddenberry can't miss! First Star Trek, then EFC, and now Andromeda. All great. (Well except Voyager -- haha, I hated Tuvok -- worst, most boring character ever invented.)
As for the DVD set, what more can you ask for. Anamorphic widescreen, 5.1 sound, and extras on top of extras. The TV spots are awesome and the ADV previews are good too. It's a huge box that has a dominating presence in your DVD collection. I love the box, with its large pictures on it, it's like owning artwork. It's a great waste of space, but what a beautiful waste of space it is.
The one main complaint for the first season I have is that sometimes they can get FAR too sappy/lame. Some of the things Rev Bem says, for example, will make you want to cringe. Same goes for Trance, she can get preeetty lame, too. There are some very lame, lame, LAME episodes this season! Barf worthy! But there also some great ones. The season-ending cliffhanger was among the best anything television has ever produced. As far as other characters go, Sorbo's Captain Hunt is amazing, as is the character of Tyr, and Harper is hilarious ("Trust in the Harper, the Harper is good").
I am now into the second season and the lameness I was talking about has thankfully been diminished greatly, showing that the writers/producers have learned some important lessons from the first season, and improved. So far the second is even better than the first. And Rev Bem looks different now, haha! It reminds me of how Worf's appearance changed over time on TNG, same with Quark and Odo on DS9.
If you love Star Trek, you cannot possibly not like Andromeda. I also very highly recommend checking out Earth: Final Conflict -- an overlooked gem of a sci-fi show, which is also presented in glorious widescreen. I swear these things feel like movies.
Rating:  Summary: I wish people would stop complaining Review: I like this series, and I'm now waiting on the Season 2 release to be delivered. I just wish people would stop complaining about the fact that ADV released the boxed sets at a lower price than the individual discs. Buying in bulk, things are always going to be cheaper, that's just the way things are. I always wait before buying any series, including this one, because boxed sets will come eventually, and as time goes on, prices will inevitably fall on just about anything. I don't want to be rude, but I think anyone who didn't have the foresight and patience to wait for prices to fall, and boxed sets to come out, and rushed in to buying individually packed discs at inital retail prices, deserved to get ripped off.
Rating:  Summary: so bad it's embarrassing Review: I liked Kevin (ex-Hercules) Sorbo and A.D.V. (the same releasers as farscape) so I figured this would be at least 1/2 way decent. Man was I wrong! The 1st episode has a "bug woman" complete with feelers on her head and blue blood. there was some other alien that had horns on it's head. It looked like it was made from papier-maché. It went down hill from there :(
Rating:  Summary: "Gene Roddenberry's Andromeda" Review: I recently got hooked on "Gene Roddenberry's Andromeda" when Sci-Fi began airing the series; I was hooked from the first episode. I'm not sure about some of the science; for example, is it possible for a starship to edge close to the event-horizon of a black hole, yet not get sucked into it, since even light cannot escape a singularity? And why is there a starfield in front of the black hole, and the "Maru," as she's towing the "Andromeda" away from the event-horizon? Wouldn't the black hole swallow any star systems in the area-as well as both ships? Or does the "Andromeda Ascendant" have capabilities which allow her to safely maneuver that close to a collapsar? And why does the technically advanced "Andromeda" not have tractor beams for towing? Other than that, its a great show-so great in fact, that the occasional science inaccuracies don't seem so bad. The First Season DVD is a keeper. It has pretty good special features; the timeline of the Systems Commonwealth adds a nice bit of background history, as do the Argosy/High Guard ship specs. My only complaint is that the ship specs should feature blueprints of the ships along with the specs. Still, I s'pose that's a minor complaint. The print for the ship specs and actor/character bios are very small and difficult to read. But I can live with that. I like the commentaries and actor/producer interviews as well. The second season "Andromeda" DVD graphics and features are a bit slicker and more sophisticated than those of season one, still, though season one's very much worth owning if you're a fan. All-in-all, a worthy addition to the Roddenberry corpus of fine sci-fi shows. Its nice that Majel Roddenberry, "Star Trek" TOS's Nurse Chapel, and Roddenberry's widow, is executive producer. And series developer/producer Robert Hewitt Wolfe, of "Star Trek Deep Space Nine" does his usual great job on this series as well. This series has an epic scope that comes across real well-you can actually believe there was a vast Systems Commonwealth, which collapsed three hundred years in Dylan Hunt's past. If you're a fan, you'll need to order the season one boxed set.