Rating:  Summary: Jason goes Muslim Review: A new twist in the Friday the 13th series indeed. Jason has turned Muslim. After learning the teachings of Malcolm X, Jason assumes the name Jason X and wages war against the infidels of the world. Armed with a machete and a copy of the Torah, Jason delivers his finest performance on a space station hovering Afghanistan. Jason only pauses in his killings when he kneels toward Mecca to pray. Seeing Jason wrapped in white linen and wearing one of those funny hats is a bit disturbing, but you can only kill so many campers right?...
Rating:  Summary: Jason X rules! Review: I haven't seen the other friday the 13th movies, but this one was great! At first I just wanted to see it because Lexa Doig and Lisa Ryder from Andromeda was in it (they're really good) but when I saw it, I absolutely loved the film. The only minus was that it was a bit too short and too much time was lost on Jason murdering different people. If you're sensitive about people getting killed in really nauseating ways you probably shouldn't see this movie, but I still think it rocks!
Rating:  Summary: The best Jason movie so far, but that's not saying much.... Review: I hate the Friday the 13th series with a passion, but I actually enjoyed this movie to a limited extent because it is really a spoof of the Jason movies and not a serious slasher film. I don't think that it would be possible to take this piece of junk seriously. I mean, come on! Look at the plot! The big smelly Jason Voorhes gets cryogenically frozen at Camp Crystal Lake and is discovered in the Star-Trek-like future, which seems to be populated by characters from the movie "Aliens". Jason reawakens when he is on a ship in outer space and starts killing people. Think of it as the Jetsons meets the Texas Chainsaw Massacre. It's a comedy. At least, I think it is. The guy who thought up this movie probably sat down with the rest of the film crew and said "Okay guys, we've made nine crappy Friday the Thirteenth movies that are really just the same thing over and over again, now what do we do? What the hell, let's send Jason to outer space!" They spoofed all of the cliches from the earlier Jason flicks so that when people see this movie they'll say "Well, at least they KNOW that their movie sucks." Overall, it isn't as funny as it is horrible. It isn't scary enough to be a real horror movie (actually it isn't scary at all), and it isn't quite corny enough to fall under the "So bad it's good" catagory. But it does have some redeeming values: 1)It is funny at times, and 2)Hot chicks (which are a redeeming value in any movie). There are several very lovely ladies featured in this movie; my favorite was Kristi Angus (who gets killed early in the movie and should have had way more screen time. The scene where she dies is pretty cool, though). Of course, the humor and the hotties are not enough to save the film. There are only three good scenes in the entire movie: 1)When Jason first wakes up, he grabs a cute female doctor by the hair, freezes her face in liquid nitrogen, and then smashes it on a counter. 2)The scene in witch Jason gets his butt kicked by a robot. 3)A hilarious scene where Jason finds himself in a VR Camp Crystal Lake. Besides these really cool scenes, there is hardly anything worth watching. In fact, you could fast forward to the face smashing scene and then fast forward to the robot scene, and then to the VR scene and you wouldn't miss anything good. Take my word for it, unless you are one of those Jason fanatics who is so in love with the crusty zombie that you have to see everything he does. This movie is definitely worth taking a look at if you are in the mood for something stupid, but not buying on DVD.
Rating:  Summary: Completely Hopeless!!! Review: This could possibly be one of the worst movies I've ever seen! Jason Voorees and a young women are frozen in time and then in the very far away future a small group of researchers find them on earth which has been completely abandoned due to contaminated seas and toxic air. The researchers take Jason and the young women to their space craft where they both wake up! Of course from there it's pretty predictable. Jason slaughters everyone on the ship . . . blah, blah, blah The beginning of this movie is just SO wrong!!! Did the director even watch Friday The 13th : Jason Goes To Hell? How did Jason become chained up in some kind of Crystal Lake Secret Facility? The ending of the film is semi-decent. It leaves the door open for another movie and if there is another one lets hope it's sain!!! Freddy vs Jason made a very good decision and acted like this movie never happened! My opinion . . . DON'T WASTE YOUR TIME!!!
Rating:  Summary: Pretty cool!!!! Review: I've only seen 3 of the friday the 13. I've seen Friday the 13 6 Jason lives,Freddy vs. Jason,and Jason X.I enjoyed this one and the fact that Jason's in space is really good.The fact that it took Jason so long to get unfroozen was terrible. I liked the way he looked when he gets his upgrade,real futuristic.Him fighting an android was a good idea.The way Jason dies was brillent.This movie was awsome,but not as cool as Freddy vs. Jason.
Rating:  Summary: THE WORST MOVIE OF A GREAT SERIES Review: The Friday the 13th Series is legendary, and in my view, may never end! It is the greatest role model for Slasher movies. But, even though I'm a huge fan of this series, and of lots of other horror movies, I have to say that this movie was absolutely pitiful. It is boring, corny, low budget, and a horrible comeback for such an awesome series. I'm sorry, but whoever thought of putting Jason in a spaceship in the year 2455 is a total idiot! If you want something like that, go mess with the ALIENS series! Friday the 13th is centered on one thing, and that is the classic elements of a great Horror Flick. Isolated in the woods, killing PRESENT teenagers, and having all the creepiness it can have! Plus the crucial element of awesome graphic sex and nude girls, but I won't go there! This movie sucked! I am a die hard horror fan, and I have been since I was only eight years old! But this is low class science fiction comedy with poor special effects. Don't waste your time with Jason X! Go back and watch the previous nine over and over again until someone with some brains down at the studio comes up with a REAL Friday the 13th!
Rating:  Summary: 1 Star is actually 1 too many... Review: This was the worst movie I have ever seen in my life. I can't believe the Friday The 13th series has turned itself into something that reminds me of a late night cinemax cheesefest horror wannabe. This movie had terrible music, unbelievably bad special effects, Less than mediocre acting, and one of the least scary, most unimaginative plots I have ever had the displeasure of witnessing in my life. I actually felt sick after watching this movie for getting my hopes up after thinking it could possibly reinvent the series after it's terrible, 2 star successor JASON GOES TO HELL (which is only slightly better-but still a terrible horror movie). The worst part of this movie to me was really the cinematography and film quality...It honestly looked like a made for tv movie! How did this peice of crap ever get approved for theatrical release? Also, what's with all the ALIEN rip offs? How unoriginal could they get? After only 30 minutes into this film I wanted JASON himself to walk into my room and slaughter me for my own good. This movie sucked. Don't waste your time!
Rating:  Summary: Jason Paints the Cosmos Red Review: Yet another entry in the hoary "Friday the 13th" series, "Jason X" really had nowhere to go except up-to space, that is. After sending our hockey masked anti-hero to New York and the underworld, the individuals who own the rights to this franchise decided to send Jason four hundred years into the future so he can wreak havoc on a whole new crop of young airheads. As I watched this movie, I couldn't help but think how far this franchise has gone in its twenty-three years of existence. Who among us would have thought that a low budget film about a killer at a summer camp would achieve such longevity? Moreover, that it would encompass such bizarre plot elements as sending a killer into space? O.K., they did give us Leprechaun and Hellraiser in space, but still-JASON? Sheesh. You know before even sitting down to "Jason X" that there's going to be a mess of killings. That's a given. What I look for in new "Friday the 13th" films concerns imaginative plotlines. How are they going to pull this off and still make it interesting? Several entries in the series became so tedious that watching them is a titanic struggle to avoid looking at your watch. Remember the one with Corey Feldman in it? That's one of my greatest fears while watching a Jason movie: child stars. I'll probably hang up the towel for good if I see one with Todd Bridges or Adam Rich fighting the masked crusader of carnage. Well, "Jason X" managed to hold my attention; it even attained a level of "goodness" not seen for some time. Sure, the dialogue still sent up waves of unpleasant odors, but the ladies never looked better and the special effects and techniques used to film this movie make this title the slickest looking entry in the franchise. One of the best things about "Jason X" is that it obliterated that age-old groan about why the people stalked by the killer just don't leave when confronted by danger. Well, they can't leave here because they're on a space ship! There isn't anywhere to go. In the year 2455, a team of archeology students leaves "Earth 2" on a mission to recover valuables from the decimated planet Earth. They just happen to land at Camp Crystal Lake, where they find the remains of a research facility loaded with all types of goodies. One of the discoveries is Jason Voorhees, still holding a machete while preserved in a cryogenic tank. The team also discovers a young woman safely frozen as well, although this person has a stab wound in her abdomen. Needless to say, the amateur archeologists take Jason and the woman up to their space ship, called "Grendel," with the idea of returning to Earth 2 with this precious cargo. But the professor leading the team discovers that the woman is still alive, and after some cool nanotechnology special effects, revives her just as Jason awakens and begins his bloody killing spree. Of course, repeated warnings about the murderous powers of Voorhees fall on deaf ears until so many bodies stack up that it's impossible to ignore the fact that everybody is in serious danger. Various efforts fail to stem the tide of mayhem until Jason takes a BIG fall at the end, but even then, we see he may reemerge to continue his reign of terror. The cast of "Jason X" is largely forgettable, with the exception of the delicious Lexa Doig who plays Rowan, the survivor from the Crystal Lake Research Center. Rowan's role is that of a warning siren sounding ominous notes about Jason and the danger he poses. There is a team of grunts onboard who die in particularly grisly ways as they hunt down Voorhees, but only the leader of the soldiers gets any real screen time. The student archeologists consist mainly of young woman in scanty attire, which really surprised me. It is, after all, 2455. Who knew Britney Spears's fashion sense would last nearly five centuries? The other notable member of the crew is an android, played with hammy effectiveness by Lisa Ryder. The android gets an "upgrade" by her creator in order to battle Jason. At this point, Ryder emerges decked out like Trinity from "The Matrix." It's laughable, but Ryder's one-liners and snarky emoting (nose twitching, exaggerated smiles) helped me through the movie. Look for David Cronenberg in a short lived (ahem) role as Doctor Wimmer, a sleazebag who wants Jason for his own sick research plans. By the time Jason gets his own "upgrade" thanks to nanotechnology, you know you're watching truly brilliant cinema. "Jason X" isn't the best "Friday the 13th" movie, but it still entertains. The DVD contains a slew of extras, including a documentary about the franchise including interviews with Sean Cunningham, a couple of goofball fans of the series, and Joe Bob Briggs. There's also a documentary about how they made this installment, and it is one of the best "making of" extras I've ever seen. Throw in a trailer for the film (along with three others for movies like "Nightmare on Elm Street"), a "jump to a death" feature, and a commentary with the director, producer, and writer, and you've got a nice disc. I'm still miffed to learn that cuts made to insure an R rating carried over onto the DVD. Why, oh why, can't we get those cuts restored on a DVD release? Even if they don't put them back in the picture, they could still add them as deleted scenes. This has been a major problem with nearly every entry in the "Friday the 13th" series, and it's about time fans of the movies saw all of these gory cuts.
Rating:  Summary: New inventive ways to die Review: Frozen at the beginning of the movie a la Demolition Man, Jason stands frozen for over 400 years before being discovered by a space team on a training mission. After awakening in the future, he has fun. After being blown apart by a sexy android, everyone thinks he is dead. He gets reconstructed thanks to some kind of machine as an unstoppable half man, half metal very mad dude. If you don't watch this movie, Jason will come for you. Tonight!