Rating:  Summary: Jason X The best out of the series Review: I was one of the lucky ones to find a download for this movie off the net. It's a very good movie. Definitley beats out the others in the series. When we all heard it was gonig to take place in space, I was a little dissappointed. It would probably be the same goofy space movies like Hellraiser: bloodline. After watchnig the first 30 mins I was hooked. I was quite pleased with a Jason movie taking place in space. I recommend if you can't take gore then don't watch this because there is plenty of gore and blood. It had a great ending that I wish to tell, but won't because it would ruin the whole ending. I definitley gotta hand it to the director on this one. It is a great movie. Definitley go see it!
Rating:  Summary: Jason in Space! Review: If you haven't seen this movie yet--and chances are more than probable that you haven't--this is a MUST SEE for any Horror Slasher Flick Fan. See Jason Kill military personell on Crystal Lake. See Jason Kill Future military personell on board a space freighter. and last (but certainly not least) see Jason Kill college students (also in space). But that's not all. Watch Jason kill holograms on a holodeck designed to trick him.Of all the Friday the 13th movies, this is one of the best. It has everything. Horror, Comedy, Promiscuous Sex, and even Science Fiction. Don't be left out of this Final Friday the 13th movie. But is it the last? Or, is there room for yet another sequel? Only those who have seen this Ultra-fun movie know for sure.
Rating:  Summary: JASON IN SPACE? Only good for fans Review: I saw this movie today, at 1:30 in the morning.And I was very excited.'Cause I love Jason and his Friday the 13th movies. I always liked them,and watched them since I was very little, I got scared like a baby with Jason(Of course that was many years ago. The movie starts with a great slasher beginning.Rowan(Lexa Doig) and Jason(Kane Hodder) are in the same room and only one of them will survive...No.Rowan and Jason get both frozen in time when she suddenly tryes to scape from him(The year is 2010). After, like 400 years, this two frozen bodys are found by a goup of students.The take them to their ship and bring Rowan back to like with the new technology. But she's not the only one that wakes up, Jason begins his large(Very large, I dare you to try to count them) body count, just after he gets up from bed. Jason X is a real well done movie.It's visually amazing, the athmosphere it's creepy, and it's a real big step for the Friday the 13th movies. Acting was pretty good for a Friday movie, I specially enjoyed Mellysa Ade's(Jannesa) and Lexa's(Rowan) performances. Jannesa was like the funny character, always making sarcastic jokes. And Rowan is the main character, she's very pretty. But they were nothing compared to the master of Friday the 13th, that's right, I'm talking about Kane Hodder.He's perfect for Jason, he was born for becoming Jason.He's a real horror king. What I really loved here was Crystall lake 3-D version, I mean, it was like and old Friday the 13th movie mixed up with a new one.It was just great.Uber-Jason looked awesome, but I just wanted a longer part with him. What I really hated here was KM-14, it was so stupid!!!. I rate this with 3 stars out of five, 'cause the movie was a little too stupid and sarcastic for a Friday movie.But I have to say that is one of the best sequels in the series. The go like this(From great to bad) 1-Part 6(Awesome) 2-Part 4(Tommy rules!) 3-Part X(Cool) 4-Part 1(The original, but not the best) 5-Part 7(Really cool kills) 6-Part 3(Just liked it 'cause it was 3-D and Jason gets his mask in there) 7-Part 8(Loved the Manhattan secuence, the rest of the movie sucked) 8-Part 2(Not bad sequel, not great either) 9-Part 5(There's no Jason, so ther's no more to say) 10-Part 9(What a BAD movie) JASON X it's a real horror movie for fans, but it's true.If your not a Jason fan, you'll never like this movie. But I did, it's pure fun, I mean it doesn''t make any sense, but It was an hour and a half enterteining flick. JASON X Directed by J. Isaacs Starring: Kane Hodder, Lexa Doig, Lisa Ryder Running time: 93 minutes Rated: R Origina: U.S.A. Year: 2002 FINAL GRADE: C+(7)
Rating:  Summary: I have seen the movie Review: the movie is a lot better then what i had expected. if your looking for scares then you may not like this movie too much. its definitely not that freaky but it has great elements to it. i was thinking that this might be along the lines of leprechaun 4-in space (i promised my self i would never use the two words leprechaun and space in the same sentenece again), but it was 1000x better than that, which was one of the worst horror movies ever made. if your a fan of jason, see the movie, its worth the admission price. you may or may not like the ending though. it starts off fast paced
Rating:  Summary: One of the Best Jason movies Review: Jason X is the best Friday the 13th movie in several years. The effects are Awesome. I think that Jason X is Kane Hodder's best outing as Jason Voorhees. Bring on Jason vs. Freddy.
Rating:  Summary: Count the bodies Review: The wait was over in August 2001 at the Fantasy Film Fest 2001 in Munich/Germany - the Closing Movie & the best of all, with Series 7 & Brotherhood of the Wolf, but they a different type of movie...(Most of u have 2 wait till April 2002, just some lucky guys in Spain will c it earlier)! Kane Hodder as Jason is the best of all them Jasons, we know that since the 7th Part. Anyway, count the bodies this time, laugh ur ass off... well enjoy this dope movie... The only bad thing is the short(it should have been a lot longer, but who gives a s#*t, hehehe) cameo of David Cronenberg! C IT!!!!!!!!!!!!
Rating:  Summary: Jason Voorhees is back, fans rejoice...for the most part. Review: It's been too long since a "Friday the 13th" film stalked the theatres, with this in mind, it gives me great pleasure to announce to all the hardcore Jason fans out there that "Jason X" is worth the wait. While this isn't the best entry in the long running classic series, this film serves up enough gore and violence to entertain horror fans for 95 minutes. Unfortunately, there's some bits sprinkled throughout this movie (and a few terrible characters too) featuring some truly stupid humor that does detract from the proceedings, but overall, there's enough to like about "Jason X" that should please all Friday fans out there, as well as people just looking for a fun, popcorn crunching way to enjoy an evening at the movies. The film beings roughly around 2010 at the Crystal Lake Research Facility where Jason (Kane Hodder, returning to the role for the fourth time and giving what's probably his best turn as the killer) Voorhees has been caught and awaits cryo freeze under the supervision of Rowan (Lexa Doig). During one of the film's best sequences (with an amusing cemeo from director David Cronenberg), Jason is freed and several bloody deaths later, he's stalking sole survivor Rowan through the facility where she outsmarts the hulking madman and traps him in a cryo freeze chamber, only to be accidentally trapped herself. It's here that the film jumps 400 years into the future, a group of science students on a research field trip back to what is now referred to as "old earth" (an uninhabital place) discover both our hero and villian still frozen and well preserved. They are brought back onboard the ship Grendel where Rowan is thawed out, but it only takes minutes before Jason too is thawed and before long, he's off, stalking the Grendel; racking up what is sure to be the highest body count of the entire series. As the group of people on board the ship quickly dwindle beneath Jason's blade, the remaining students and single military soldier attempt to escape the ship, Jason's terror refuses to yield, and the masked maniac has one more surprise in store for the heros... "Jason X" is far from the best "Friday the 13th" film, but it moves along at a fast enough pace and has enough moments (and some very attractive females) to keep viewers interested. Among the positive moments included are some very innovative kills and some particularly good special effects, not to mention a new although at times, refreshingly familiar, score from Friday alumni, Harry Manfredini. There are some beautiful women in the cast (especially Lexa Doig in the lead, whose also a very good actress) and a likable soldier, the leader of the squad played by Peter Mensah. One scene that will stand out for fans, is the virtual reality scene taking Jason back to Camp Crystal Lake during the summer of 1980. Although the scene never lives up to its full potential with the silly actresses spouting stupid, unfunny dialogue (an attempt to poke fun at the formula these films went by in the 1980s-but failing miserably), the scene is scored with the original music from 1980's "Friday the 13th" and is accompanied by a murder scene which is really quite funny. While it could've/should've been better, this scene is still one of the best, most nostalgic of the film. Where "Jason X" flounders is the humor. Aside from one really funny line describing previous attempts of kill Jason over 400 years ago, this film drops the ball in the comic reflief department. Overall however, "Jason X" works. It was fun and refreshing to see the big guy back on the screen after so many years and despite the above mentioned faults, it's a good time. This is the tenth entry in the "Friday the 13th" series, while it's not the best (that honor belongs to Fridays 1,2,4 and 6) film in the series, it's at least a good time, with an ending which is VERY entertaining, and one I wouldn't dream of giving away. When this film hits theatres (whenever that may be), it will surely provide moviegoers with a good solid 90 minutes of slasher movie fun, good and gory, like the ones they used to make!
Rating:  Summary: A few words from someone who's seen the movie... Review: I was very lucky to see this film in advance of it's theatrical release and I must say that Jason X is a great movie. At first I was skeptical because Jason in space didn't sound like a good idea. Well, my fears are put to rest. This movie has so much going for it! First of all, it has a very high body count. Someone's buying the farm every couple minutes. This movie has action from the very beginning and never lets up. I can't really say too much without giving away anything. Just take my word for it. Although Jason X may be a big change from previous Friday the 13th films, I think that any TRUE Jason fan will be very happy with this movie. There's even a point in the movie where we actually see Jason back at good old Crystal Lake. Go see this movie when it comes out and then you'll understand what I mean. Even though I've already seen it I'll still see it in the theater just for the sake of seeing it on the big screen. It'll also be great to see how other people react to the movie. JASON X ROCKS!
Rating:  Summary: Jason In The Future Review: I saw this movie and it was awesome, and that the graphics and technology kicked a... in this film. I hope the viewers will like it when it comes out March 29th, 2002. Don't get scared!
Rating:  Summary: slasher films in the new milenium......Jason X Review: Next year the friday the 13th franchise will turn 22. For series of films that is universally panned by critics, they proved quite profitable. we the fans love this stuff, low brow or high art. We all have varying tastes. I dig the angle New Line cinema has thrown at the franchise in order to keep Jason a viable commodity. Jason X looks fresh, fun and boasts the highest bodycount so far. The film pokes fun at the conventions of the horror genre. Jason X was shot digitally so it will look great on DVD. Slasher films, horror films are our modern twist on tall tales and mythology. Plus gallons of blood being spilled in zero gravity is probably pretty cool too. The only problem is where do we go with jason fom here? Well,it's a double edged machete. Now that Jason has been brought to outer space, following installments will have to stay within some sci-fi continuity. In other words: give us what we really want...Jason versus aliens,cyborgs and Freddy Krueger......... Justice X