Rating:  Summary: Do They Really Charge Money for This? Review: Rancid sequel to a franchise that has worn out its welcome twenty years ago. This time, Jason isn't in Camp Crystal Lake but in outer space, and that's the only difference between this movie and the 9 films that preceded it. Not scary and not even campy, you have to wonder why the folks at New Line even bothered with this. Even Freddy Kreuger knew when to quit. Then again, I may be speaking too soon.
Rating:  Summary: Worthless Review: I have been a fan of this franchise for quite a while. I didn't expect much with this movie, and I didn't get much. It has some of the worst acting in the series. Jason does not offer anything new, just the same old stuff, only in space. Oh by the way, I walked out of the movie at the 1 hour mark. I dought very much if I missed anything of value.
Rating:  Summary: Jason Voorhees is on his way to Earth 2... Review: To be honest, I have to admit I have a soft spot for the good old Jason Days of the 1980s, when he stayed primarily in the shadows and leapt out only to scare the life out of his chosen victims, that lovely hockey mask in full view. That said, when I went to see this movie with my brother on opening day, I tried to tell myself that a new take on old Mr. Voorhees could be a good thing; breathing life into a tired old franchise and all that. Well, I was not disappointed, and in fact I was pretty amazed at how good this movie was. Before going to see it, I had checked out some reviews on the Rotten Tomatoes website and most of those people said it was horrible! I really can't see why. Jason in this film may not be as terrifying as Final Chapter Jason, but he more than makes up for that in brute strength.Also, the main characters in this movie - really, every character - are not nearly as annoying or tremendously stupid as most in a splatter flick. In this movie, if you're wondering why they simply don't flee into the woods and head for a local highway once Jason explodes onto the scene, (or through your bedroom door) it's because there simply isn't anywhere to go on this Alien-like spaceship. They're trapped in a cage of their own making, and Jason has a grand old time. Of course this movie isn't Shakespeare, but that can be said of most Hollywood movies these days. What this is is a good movie that actually - gasp! - pays genuine tribute to the horror movies of the 1970s and 1980s: not by throwing in scantily clad young women, though there are a few, or endless referrences to alcohol (note the scene when Jason gets a taste of home circa Crystal Lake Data File, Summer 1980) but by the 1980 camp scene complete with two girls who have perfect Ginny Fields/Chris Higgens hairstyles and an ominous cabin in the background or the laugh out loud ending, which you'll have to see to believe. Rowan (Lexa Doig) is a sympathetic and attractive lead girl, and it seemed she actually cared enough about her role in this movie to use some acting talent and not her vocal cords. In the opening scenes of the film, when Jason is about to be transported to another facility by some destined-to-be-doomed military thugs, we see that she is being set up to assume the role of lead Jason killer later on. Here's something else you should appreciate: all referrences to the infamous Hell Baby of Jason Goes To Hell have been eliminated, thank the lord. Jason is no longer an alien hiding in a hulking man's body but a human being who is just a complete bad[guy] The abuse he takes in this movie while the survivors of the spaceship Grendel try to escape is wicked. He gets messed up in this more than any movie since the last one of almost ten years ago, (Whoa...it hasn't been that long, has it?) when the SWAT team took him down. In closing, this being the first time I've seen Jason's adventures on the big screen, I must report that the people involved in making this really seemed to care about producing something more than just a mindless Scream clone, of which there is ample supply. The script holds your attention, and while there is no grand finale chase scene ending in a spooky old barn, the many kills and sometimes funny dialogue (Gonna have to hurt you now, baby) make this a real treat. Go see it and munch some popcorn. Take your brother and then talk about it with him on the ride home. Five out of five stars just because I really don't think any Friday the 13th movie has ever gotten that, ... P.S. Look for the tense scene toward the end when Rowan, relying on her knowledge of 20th Century popular sci-fi entertainment, asks one of the future guys why they can't just Beam Away! His response: WHAT? It's classic, or as close as the movie business can come in this post-creepy atmosphere, grainy picture horror world.
Rating:  Summary: Jason X Review: This movie is one of the worst in the "Friday the 13th" series. First of all i found there to be no story line and to be the worst Jason movie that i have ever seen considering i have seen all the Jason movies and this one if far from the best. The only thing good about this movie was some of the humor that was included in it.
Rating:  Summary: One of the better movies in the series. Review: The year is 2455, and a cryogenically frozen Jason Voorhees and Voorhees expert Rowan (Lexa Doig) have been brought aboard a spacecraft full of students and soldiers. Guess who gets thawed and goes on a killing rampage? 10th entry (!) in this very long running slasher series is played almost entirely for laughs, and while it takes way too long to get going (half-way through is when it gets really funny), this is hilarious, fast-paced gory fun for the last forty-five minutes. Kudos to Peter Mensah for a decent performance as the likeable head soldier and a sexy Lexa Doig as the heroine (who, unfortunately, doesn't get the chance to kick that much ...). The big laughs, decent special effects, and superb gore make this one of the better entries of the Friday the 13th's ...
Rating:  Summary: Though I'm a huge fan of Jason... Review: this movie was absolutely horrible. It would have been one thing if the latest installment of Friday the 13th could've at least made fun of itself, but that couldn't even be achieved. The only good things about this movie was the quality of female cast members, and some reasonably decent killings done with practical effects. For a time when CG in movies has gotten so good, Jason X failed in that department as well, with horribly executed CG scenes and simply bad design. If there are any plans for a part 11 in this series, they should take a serious step back and re-evaluate, as well as shoot Farmer who wrote this [awful] script.
Rating:  Summary: Friday Fans.......Avoid this at all costs. Review: In every horror series there is a sequel that hard core fans ignore. A Nightmare on Elm Street 2, Halloween 3 & 6, Friday the 13th Part 8,9, and now Jason X. I went into this with low expectations expecting to like it a little. But I was so wrong. Ignore this film at all costs. Why did this utterly horrible script get greenlit by the powers that be at New Line? Here is the story, They decide since they can't kill Jason they should freeze him until they can find a way to kill him. After a sequence that rips off "The Silence of the Lambs" the chick from Andromeda gets to freeze him, but not without getting stabbed in the process and getting freezed herself. They are found by a group of students in 2455. And the morons bring them on board their ship The Grendel. They revive Andromeda girl and experiment on Jason. Of course Jay wakes up and kills again. A few things about the future, Teens are sex hungry, there must be an Urban Outfitters Super-Store on moon base 2, because the girls have their bellys exposed, and the guys look like freestyle dancers in a male disco club with their tank tops and leather pants. The wardrobe was horrible. The flim flam that other people have been spewing about inventive deaths is a sham. Jason hacks with no suspense and for the most part you don't see anything. A girl gets her head frozen and smashed, big deal it was wack. A guy impaled on a spiral and spins down, oooh that was exciting. Of course you can tell I'm being sarcastic. There were no innovative deaths what so ever. "Final Destination" had more inventive deaths. Jason X doesn't. And he kills so many people that you are bored. The music by Harry Manfredini, a Friday veteran was awful. You don't hear the signature Friday music until the VR Crystal Lake sequence toward the end of the flick. The editing was jumpy and looked like a first year film student edited the flick. The special effects also seemed to be done by the SFX team from Hercules and Xena: Warrior Princess. The actors seemed to have taken lessons at the Markie Post school of acting. Horrible. Oh and did I mention they were annoying too. The scene where that other chick from Andromeda beats jason up was so corny. She looked like Lydia's mom in "Beetle Juice" with a leather dominatrix outfit. It was so bad that at this part people started walking out the theater. Now to the UBER Jason everyone has been talking about. This is when the series was shot straight to the land of fire and brimstone. He looks like Lord Zed from "The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers." He's not at all scary and I was ready to leave the theater at that part. The only good scene in the entire movie comes in the flicks last ten minutes. Jason is distracted by a hologram of Crystal Lake, and in this scene you wonder aloud why the movie did not stay in Crystal Lake to begin with. Finally, the movie ends with a silly epilogue. Jason landing on Earth 2. This is when the audience booed aloud and left the theater upset. The bottom line, to me the Friday series was not a cinematic gem. But they were enjoyable. Part 1 through 4 were the best, Part 5 was ok, and Part 6 marked the begining of Jason becomming a supernatural character. Part 6 was good, Part 7 tried something new, and for the most part the story of Tina Shepard vs Jason was refreshing. But The New Blood was the last good Jason flick. The producers have become so concerned with breathing new life into the series that they jacked up the franchise in the process. Friday 8 was a waste of a good Idea with Jay going to New York, but that wound up being horrible. And Jason Goes To Hell: The Final Friday turned Jason into some parasitic demon, horrible. When will producers and writers learn to keep things simple. Do we always have to over explain why Jason keeps comming back. I bet if you tell the real explanation, The producers wanted more money, the audience wouldn't care. When was the last time a flick about a killer in a camp came out? They should have sticked to the Jason formula. Jason does not belong in outerspace. Another thing that killed the flick out side of it being horrible, was the trailer for "Halloween: Ressurection" that preceded it. The trailer had the audience amped. Thankfully Michael Myers won't be stalking his victims with a lightsaber in that flick. Poor Jason, he has been reduced to a big joke. Note to the producers, If the script to Jason vs Freddy is this bad, don't make that film and destroy the "Nightmare" franchise. Please don't taint Freddy's Image like that, it would be wrong.
Rating:  Summary: THERE COULD BE NOTHING BETTER FOR THE SERIES... Review: I have entertained the possibility that the proceedings are an internal criticism of the parody horror (ie Scream), but it is far more aimed toward the goal of fan indulgence. Honestly, there are practically no people who enjoyed the series to this point who actually wanted Jason to die, much less genuinely terrify them...fright, and its ideal aftermath are far more lucrative, anyway, as a means to get laid as opposed to emotional betterment. That being said, the film is actually more successful as a comedy as opposed to a traditional gorefest. There is plently of gore involved (think of an outspread incarnation of the suicide-booths from Futurama), but the tone of the film is like a blend of Event Horizon and Scary Movie - it uses its own traditional emptiness of "proper" film elements - the most overrated of which is character development - to make sport of the continuing barrage. Those of you who are fans of the series should be advised that while the dialogue has by no means slacked from the older films (it has a bit more "youthful punch"), there is a slight, though noticable level of corniness in its brevity. However, it just makes the show more of an escape from any responsibility we endure in the standard world. That, essentially, is what any film worth the stock its imprinted on can do - transport you away from the annoyance you have to deal with. On that note, and not to further annoy anyone whose expectations were prematurely harvested by the MASSIVE amount of spoilers out there, the show does exactly what it set out to do: have a bunch of hot chicks and equally superficial guys screw (and get screwed), jog around with pointless yelling, and ultimately, die in adrenalinic applause from the devoted crowd... Enjoy.
Rating:  Summary: Jason X (Friday The 13th Part 10) is far fetched Review: I am a huge fan of the Friday The 13th Movies and own every one of them. Jason has been around since i was a little kid. Now it was over nine years since the last Friday The 13th (Jason Goes To Hell) was out in 1993. Tonight I saw JASON X which takes place mostly in space in the year 2455. I have to say this is not my favorite movie in the series. Jason X is an entertaining and a funny film as well, but it is just to far fetched. I thought going in to see it that it would be a refreshing change from the older films, but this movie was just to future-unrealistic and out there for me. Jason X goes in the same direction that The Nightmare On Elm ST series went in to. In the first 2 or 3 Nightmare on Elm Streets Freddy Krueger was a scary guy, but from the 4th through the 6th part the series made Freddy in to a wisecracking joker with super hero like powers and less of a scary being. Thankfully Wes Craven put Freddy back to his horror roots with Wes Cravens New Nightmare. Jason X suffers this same flaw. In this new film Jason seems like some king of comic book hero when he has his body upgraded and goes through all the Virtual Reality elements. The film is not scary when compared to all the other Friday The 13ths, but it is more original but in s strange way. It's like a cross between The Matrix, The 6th Day and, Star Trek. Just to far fetched and the jokes seem like something right out of the comedy Scary Movie. This film did have some original (and attention getting) gross killing scenes and at times made you look away, but the film made me and the audience laugh with all the jokes more than it made us scared. From The funny sleeping bag scene, to the robotic women who fights Jason then gets her head cut off and carried by her creator, this was just a bit to over the top even for JASON. I will not give away the ending as it gives me much hope. I can say that with the ending in this one JASON will be back for sure but this time he will be where we all love him best, Camp Crystal Lake and on Earth. For the sake of me being a huge Friday The 13th and a huge Jason fan I will give this movie 3 stars. They intend to make a total of 13 Friday The 13th films, and I can only hope the rest take Jason back to a horror icon, rather than a comic like character in space. When it is released I will get this DVD just to add to my collection when it comes out but man was this Jason movie differant.
Rating:  Summary: JASON X .....The Mother Of All Friday's!!! Review: As I write this the date is April 26th and I have just returned home from JASON X. What an awsome movie! I've been a long time and hardcore fan of the series and JASON X is without a doubt the best sequel since JASON LIVES. The characters are nothing special, but who cares?! We come to a Jason movie to see Jason! The death scenes are mind blowing and the movie is loaded with gore! Harry Manfridini gives his BEST score to date and Jason looks sweet both as normal Jason and Ubber Jason. The movie gets even better towards the end when it starts making fun of itself, and the virtual reality scene in camp crystal lake is pure cinema magic! JASON X proves that even a Part 10 can still re-invent a franchise! Did I also mention that JASON X is actually scary?!