Rating:  Summary: Jason X: Too far fetched... but still entertaining. Review: Friday The 13th is now 10 films in, and it's still going strong... to most people, not all. For example, many Friday The 13th fans have been turned off lately by the extreme the films have been taking... but they have a point. Jason Vorhees in outer space?The story is quite simple. Jason once again is captured and is being held at the Crystal Lake Research Facility. Guess what happens? You guessed it. Jason breaks free and is on the loose in the facility, and the killing begins... for a short while. He is lead by one of the main characters into the downstairs of the facility where he ends up being trapped and cryogenically frozen. After hundreds of years he is discovered by a exploration team, and is brought back to their ship (space ship?! How lame... this is Friday The 13th not Star Wars). The crew leader plans to make serious money on the well preserved Jason Vorhees, but his plans are foiled when Jason is reanimated and has the run ofthe ship to start killing again...and again... and again. There are some great special effects in this film, as well as some nice sound effects as well. However the ship looks kinda cheesey though...but what do you expect? This series still appears to be low budget in many areas. The music? It's a joke. It sounds like an old episode of Star Trek. There is some nice variety in the characters in Jason X. You'll find characters you'll enjoy and characters you just won't be able to wait for Mr. Vorhees to slash. Returning again is Kane Hodder (my personal favorite Jason actor)... but he's looked better in previous Friday The 13th films (such as 7,8, and 9). They obviously didn't take as much time for the makeup as they did before. Gore lovers, don't fear, there is PLENTY in this one. There is some clever death scenes as well... but I won't spoil any for you. This DVD is loaded with special features. It includes 2 documentaries, theatrical trailers, commentaries, and more. If you can get past how far fetched this film is, you are in for an entertaining Jason film. The loaded special features will also keep you occupied (2 documentaries and more). Long live Jason Vorhees! Long Live Kane Hodder! DVD SCORES VIDEO - 5/5 Audio - 4/5 Special Features 5/5
Rating:  Summary: Jason X ... Lost In Space Review: If you really aren't picky about the quality of film you're watching and a fan of campy horror flicks and sci-fi spectaculars, then you might really enjoy this movie. If you yearn for a film with fine taste and high intelect, you will simply wanna forget this movie was ever made. However, there are those of us in the middle who didn't find this movie to be a complete waste of time and rather enjoyable on occasion. The special effects (namely Jason's upgrade) were quite decent in a very tight budget sort of way, some of the deaths were rather clever, some of the characters weren't too annoying and it's always fun to see our fave hockey masked psycho killer slicing and dicing no matter where he's at. Sadly though, the bad points of the movie completely out weigh the good ones. Some of the same explosions seemed to be used multiple times which is a sign of a super low budget (note for future reference: don't make films with explosions if you can't afford them), the actors were all terrible and most of the characters totally unlikable, Jason seems to act like a lost puppy in a strange part of town on the spaceship in this sequel, the prettiest girl (and one who shows most potential) in the movie is killed off first, the script and dialogue are BAD, the concept is cheesy and unoriginal and loyal Friday The 13th fans are all but forgotten in this film which was obviously made to cash in on the horror craze which ended years ago. It's evident in the theatrical trailer which features Drowning Pool's hit song Bodies (a great song btw) that this film is trying to bring in a whole new audience. Those of us who long for the Jason Vorhees of the 80's who stalked helpless campers deep in the woods of Crystal Lake while making the infamous kill kill kill ah ah ah sound will have to wait for the 11th outing. On one final bright note, I'm sure the DVD will please some people with lots of special features and documentaries not currently found on any other Friday The 13th DVDs. If you liked the film which I only sort of did, buy it. If you haven't seen it, I urge you to rent it first.
Rating:  Summary: He's back and better then ever Review: Friday the 13th is one of the best horror movie series there is. It was a box office hit when it's original movie was released back in 1980 and now has up to nine sequels. Who would have ever thought that this movie would have a sequel being released over two decades later where the killer is now doing his murderous ways in space. I bet that was a big shocker. Jason X is great horror/futuristic movie. After nearly ten years Kane Hodder reprises his role as Jason Voorhees and does a much better job then "Jason Goes to Hell". Although this is a good movie there were still some parts in the movie they didn't explain. Like how is Jason even here? He went to hell in the one before, after all it is in the title "Jason goes to hell". And how does he have his mask?? Anybody who saw "Jason Goes to Hell" will remember Freddy Kreuger having a cameo and taking the mask. Anyway, without those quirks, it is still good. The movie starts off with Jason as a prisoner in science lab. The scientists are trying to figure out why Jason never dies. A decision is made to Cryogenically Freeze Jason (The stuff they did to Austin Powers) but before they could, Jason gets out and does his murderous stuff. The only one left to die is a girl name Rowan (Lexa Doig) who manages to freeze Jason butunwittingly locks herself in the room and causing herself to freeze (after Jason made a hole through the Cryo Freezing chamber door with his machete) 400 years later a team of student scientists is exploring the lab. Earth in now known as "Old Earth" because it cannot support human life any more. They find Jason and Rowan, because it is the future, they could bring Rowan back to life but Jason is presumed eternally dead. They take them on their ship and head to "New earth" They bring Rowan back to life and introduce her to the future but as for Jason, they were wrong about him. Jason wakes up and goes back to his murderous ways. Any F13 fan will love the intense action that is in this movie. The writers were creative when using future technology. It's 90 minutes of intense action that you can't miss. Everybody will love Jason's new look because it is really cool. As always the movie contains scary scenes, some humor parts, and every F13 fan's favorite: nudity and sex. All F13 fans will love this sequel that they waited 9 years for so see this movie!!
Rating:  Summary: DONT SEE THIS MOVIE! Review: I have so far thought that the Friday the 13th series has been alright. But this movie was terrible. It is absolutly unwatchable unless you are a huge fan. The movie takes place in space and Jason gets unthawed thats all the more proof you need not to see this movie. The plot is absolutely ridiculous and the acting is terrible. There are only two cool death scenes in the whole movie and thats it. DON'T see this movie.
Rating:  Summary: Jason is the man! Review: Seeing this movie twice is a luxary for me yet I have to admit that this movie is totally different from Jason Goes to Hell. I am sorry to that this flick did less cash than its other predecessors and I have to admit that it was a little better than some of the FT13 flicks in the long run. The technology in this flick was unbelievable! I only wish that whatever technology that is what we see in the movies can only be applied in real life. KW, man she kicks serious butt and I give that fight scene a 10 on the martial arts frontier. Look out Sigourney Weaver! Other than that if the producers of Halloween need someone to get rid of Micheal Myers, hire KM, she'll do the job real well (just avoid any emergency rooms or state of the art recupe facilities while you are at it). I rate this four for I had a good time watching it (except for the dizzing effect in the beginning credits. ...Jason Voorhees rules.
Rating:  Summary: LET JASON R.I.P. Review: I was a little surprised when I heard about a new Jason film. Being a BIG horror fan, I eagerly awaited it's release. While waiting, I had the opportunity to check out the script, and I started to think this is not going to go over well. It's just a rehash of everything else: SEX, LANGUAGE and KILLINGS. But I still went and saw it, and was surprised! I thought it was cool with the opening of the film with that girl getting cryogenically frozen with Jason, and then many years later getting thawed out. Once Jaosn was thawed out, he started killing and there were some pretty good killings. In closing, with the way the film ended, I'm hoping that they don't do a Part 11. It's time to put this franchise to rest.
Rating:  Summary: Jason need's more credit then people give him! Review: What do the fan's expect after an unheard of 9 sequel's.After awhile you run out of Idea's,Who care's if the story sucked as a true horror fan I was there for the gore not the script I love it!!
Rating:  Summary: Jason Xtremely violent Xtremely funny Xtremly fast Review: This movie kicks ass for all you hyporcrites out there. For those 'so called' friday the 13th fans I can say that Jason has come back with a bang well with a sharp knife to be precise. This movie had it all, it had everything! There was scary parts what made people jump, parts what made people laugh such as how dumb the future is as well as the girls at the lake. There were some predictabe parts but thats what you expect from any classic horror movie and for a 15 its cool!!!!! On a personal note the new suit/look rules looks like a terminator whats always a good thing. Mind you he could give Arny a run for his money. Kane Hodder for God (of death) See it now or else "TCH TCH TCH TCH" (Friday the 13th original theme) Soundtrack rules as well Bodies by Drowning Pool is a very very suitable song for the Jason X movie the new 'jazzed' up theme for the new look.
Rating:  Summary: Rebirth of one of greatest horror series with a twist Review: Jason X in my opinion is one of the few Friday The 13th movies along with 6 & 9 that "lived" up to my expectations.Jason X was full of blood,gore,carnage and a hint of humor that kept me entertained from beginning to end.the story begins in 2010 where jason is frozen along with a beautiful woman until there discoverd in 2455 by young student. they bring both of them to their ship and as soon as jason thaws, he starts were he left off ,killing every one on sight. Jason really gets... whooped by this robot chick in black leather thights but jason comes back for more as an unstoppable Cybernetic Psycho when these microscopic ant-like machines repair him. some people complain that this has destroyed the series but i think it givin it a new path to travel and I've just found out that the next one will be before Jason X and it will be Freddy Vs. Jason.
Rating:  Summary: If I could give it more stars I would Review: Whatis there to say about a brilliant think piece on the danger of cryo genics? First of all it was the single most brilliant piece of work to ever hold a very special place in my heart...it has touched me in a way that in many sttes is illegal and when the movie ended it took a little piece of my heart with it. Second of all if JAson Voorhies doesn''t belong in the future than nobody does... a future without Jason is no future at all.THe story was brilliant and the plot could not have developed in a better way. The dialog was beutifully written and the character development really helped me to relate and for those few hours in the theater I was gripped by the same fear that held the herooine of the story until she thankfully triumphed. I will leave you with one last piece of advice: get in as much hockey as possible before the year 2025 arrives.