Rating:  Summary: Made me laugh more than any comedy! Review: I saw this in the movies, with my cornball brother, and at the end when everyone was screaming that they wanted their money back, we just applauded. This movie makes fun of itself and the whole jason genre, perfectly. There are some great lines -"It gonna take more than a machete through the back to finish off 'ol sarge..(JAB!)...yep, that'll do it", or "Hey guys, it's ok, come back, he just wanted his machete". If you are looking for a real scarefest, than I would not bother with this one, but if you're into cheez and ladies getting their faces frozen and then smashed in space, than knock yourself out with this one....C'mon, he was reanimated with his mask...HA!
Rating:  Summary: Not So Scary, But I'm Ready to Defend This Entertaining Film Review: I hear many complaints about "Jason X." It's not scary, some say, and it's true though some part of the film actually is. And some say it borrowed, probably unashamedly, many things from sci-fi classics like you know what (yeah, a spaceship full of soldiers? And a super-android? Or virtual reality?). The story, if you need to know, is set in ... 2455 (wow!). After they somehow succeeded to freeze Jason Voorhees with unlucky scientist Rowan (Lisa Doig), the unsuspecting crew of a professor and his students (who are mostly females with scanty clothes ... oh, not again!) bring the bodies of them into a spaceship, where the bloody killing soon starts. The truth is, "Jason X" knows what it is doing -- it has "Don't-take-me-serious" attitude with its definite intention to entertain us -- and it works, as long as you accept the film as it is. Look at the whole premise: Jason in outer space. That's it. And he chops, hacks, slashes, without any particular reason, but this time, he even makes us laugh sometimes intentionally. The final 20 minutes are truely, genuinely, (and awfully, perhaps) outrageous, with "Uber-Jason," Jason becoming an upgraded killer-machine. They are right in making those rather cheesy special effects, because we don't need "Episode 2" here. You may think this film looks like an episode from "Star Trek," and with good reasons. The main two characters are from TV-series Gene Roddenberry's "Andromeda," and provide good acting, particularly Lisa Ryder's Kay-Em character, whose riot-like fighting against Kane Hodder (with his always reliable menacing physical presense) is a real fun. Wynona Ryder should have been like that. Take this film as it is -- an entertaining film (not a horror film) that doesn't pretend. I like this one simply because its attitude free from any pretenciousness. And don't miss the cameo of David Cronenberg, who appears in the first sequence.
Rating:  Summary: in space who cares, its all about what we want to see Review: and that is bodyies hitting the floor, jason is really big in jason x compared to part 3 and 4 but this makes it better, this is the best f13 movie closly followed by p4 and p6. i love the part in jason x where they have him at the beginning and the guard grins at jason, so jason gives him the most evil look ever just by seeing his eyes and of course the guard now needs clean underpants, there are some great killings in this film, two spring to mind involving a big screw and some really cold chemical, his upgrade looks quality but he is more spooky lookin when he is normal. I Can not wait for freddie vs jason, that will be awsome, but foe now gat jason x you wont be dissapointed.
Rating:  Summary: Cheesy Plot, but hey...it's JASON Review: Jason X was a decent horror film, but the idea of Jason in space transforming into a iron robot is not what i call a good horror movie. It also follows with cheesy lines and a pridictible plot. There is really no plot, but i will tell you the basics..A icecube from Earth is took back to some moon in space, it thaws out, Jason kills people, he gets transformed into a metal beast, he kills..then he kills some more...
Rating:  Summary: Come on now... Review: It's absurd, really, to read people saying how far fetched "Jason X" is. Well, OF COURSE it's far fetched. If you really think about it, horror as a genre in and of itself is extremely far fetched. To a slightly lesser degree (because who knows?), so is sci-fi. "Star Wars" ain't reality either, folks. The suspension of disbelief is a requirement in both genres. Although, I do understand about script dynamics, character development, etc. But even in that case "Jason X" is no worse than most horror flicks, barring the classics. What we have here is the new "Friday The 13th" movie, no more and no less, nine years after the last one. I see no reason to complain about it. It's a horror film tradition that has continued for 22 years so far. There's really not much left to do with Jason these days, he's been done to death (pardon the pun). All that can be done to keep the series fresh is being attempted and the results have been pretty good. "Jason X" is not a good movie, but it is a fine horror film, and there is a difference. The film was beautifully shot digitally, and one of the finest and most imaginative scenes ever done for a "Friday The 13th" movie--the Virtual Crystal Lake sequence--is here. Not to mention the absolute greatest score ever done for a Jason flick (please check out the cd soundtrack, you won't be sorry). So all in all I'd say "Jason X" is, despite it's many flaws, one of the best of the entire series. A 5 star horror film, certainly.
Rating:  Summary: This Film Needed to Happen Review: Jason's last outing, The Final Friday, was really awful. The whole Hell-Baby concept (Jason's Heart was itself a deadly entity, capable of possesing others) was weak, as was the ending with the cameo appearance of Freddy (at least his hand) building fans up for the Jason Vs. Freddy film (which a decade later has yet to be made). That said, this film rocked. It's the most original entry in the series since Part Two, and to be honest the most fun I've had since Part One. The film engages one of the only amusing aspects of Part Nine, that everyone knows about Jason and society is concentrated on trying to stop him, but it doesn't get anywhere as melodramatic as Nine was. At this point the series can only try to either be fun or go back to trying to scare you, which after part Seven and Eight I really doubted they could do anymore. That this film is both fun and makes you jump a few times is a real accomplishment. I also found it cool that the future storyline made it reasonable for characters to combat Jason with a less predictable outcome. Uber-Jason in Virtual Crystal Lake is worth the price of a rental. That the opening is set 10 years from now, and there's a whole lot of future to play with after the ending means that they can do pretty much anything they want with the series. Definately diggable.
Rating:  Summary: Okay, but not enough effort Review: I saw this on April 26 when it was released and it was interesting but I expected a lot more effort. I'm a huge fan of all the Jason movies and I was really looking forward to this one. There are some parts that are stunning and funny though. It was cool to see a new cyborg Jason in this one! I would recommend this only to Jason fanatics, because it has its moments, but you can tell that the producers weren't really commited to making an awesome return for the classic hockey masked killer.
Rating:  Summary: "Definately the best one I've ever seen...!" Review: I've been waiting a while for a Friday the 13th film that was actually creepy, and I hit the motherload! Kane Hodder returns as Jason, and his performance as Jason in the beginning and as Uber-Jason was extremely creepy, and extremely good. The score, composed by Harry Manfredini, was very sinsiter, and went along well with the opening titles, but sadly, there was no 'let the bodies hit the floor' to be found, or heard, or whatever. The film begins where Jason escapes from suspension in chains and kills all but Rowan (Lexa Doig), who locks him in a Cryo-Freeze chamber and freezes him. Before he is frozen, he stabs his machete through the door of the chamber and right into Rowan's stomach, she is very phased and doesn't get out in time, she get's frozen with Jason. Now it is the year 2455, and some people have awakened her from cryogenic suspension and she warns them about Jason. Unfortunately for them, Jason is now alive again. Pretty soon he battles Kay-Em 14 (Lisa Ryder), a sexy science android, who blows off his leg, his arm, and most of his head. They think they're alright, but out from a steam-invaded room steps Uber-Jason, which looks extremely cool, futuristic, and has a bad-*** mask. This doesn't follow the script very much, I mean, who knew Todd Farmer was bald? I strongly recommend Jason X, it was done extremely well and you should see it today, if you can.
Rating:  Summary: "Why does everyone hate this...?!" Review: I finally saw it, and I thought it was really good. Uber-Jason was extremely cool, but as silent as a rock, as always. There were some funny parts, but I didn't think the movie was mostly funny like everyone is saying. It was, however, extremely gory, and the scene where Uber-Jason was in the virtual replica of Camp Crystal lake and he wrapped one of the teen girls up and beat one of the others with her was pretty funny. The ending left it open for yet another sequel, and you wonder what Jason's modified face looks like, considering that Kay-Em 14 blew most of it off in the movie while he was still regular Jason. All in all, Jason X was a really good movie and I definately recommend it!