Rating:  Summary: If only Microsoft could make upgrades this good Review: Jason has come, gone, come, gone, come, gone....you get the idea. He is the most slaughtered and most frequently resurrected maniac in movie history. Each time he came back for more, I felt like coming back for less. I found that even with Kane Hodder's increasingly good performances as Jason, the movies were lacking in any element that makes a movie worth watching. "Jason X" fixed that. It isn't like it has much more plot than any of the others. It isn't like it has any crucial scenes that make the whole "Friday the 13th" universe seem any more intense. It is simply a good film. The acting isn't bad. The plot is fun. The action is incredible. Jason is actually dynamic (see the virtual-Crystal Lake scene, you'll get it). It isn't really scary, but it is fun, and that is more than you would expect from the 10th installment in a series that hasn't shown us much in about 15 years (or 20, depending on your POV). I thoroughly enjoyed this flick and I don't see why any horror fan wouldn't. Big bonus: This DVD actually has special features worth watching. The History of Jason is like watching a documentary on slasher films. And commentary tracks! Finally. Dimension Films could take a hint from the New Line crew (ahem, Halloween films).
Rating:  Summary: A Good Twist Review: The movie was entertaining and fun. Jason in space put a good twist on the franchise. My view is this needs to be the last movie and hope that Jason vs Freddy will be bring back the frightening aspect lost due to attenuation. Jason isn't scarey anymore only a joke. My recommendation is to watch the movie if you like the Jason character.
Rating:  Summary: not to bad Review: The Movie almost looked like some series that you'd find on SCIFI channel. It is deffinately NOT a horror movie. It was alot better than Leprechan In Space. I'll give it that. but still not completely amazing in the Jason saga.
Rating:  Summary: GREAT DVD but NOT A GREAT FILM x 10 !!!!!!! Review: With what I thought JASON GOES TO HELL would be the FInal Friday, there is nothing "final" in horror movies anymore. And in the 1990's horror films, only the relatives of the "killer" could successfully kill the killer. That trend has now been lost and the best example of that would be this movie, JASON X !!! This is the tenth film in the ailing Friday the 13th film series and a film I was not very pleased with at all. When I found out there would be a tenth film, I was outraged in that another film would be made. This is not to say that I am not a fan of the film series, which I am a fan, but I enjoyed the first four films better along with Parts 6, 7 and Jason Goes to Hell !!! JASON X features Lexa Doig as Rowan, Kane Hodder as Jason (for the fourth time) and a cameo appearance by David Cronenberg. JASON X takes us to 2008 where Jason is kept in a Research Lab to be frozen, but our hero kills a few workers, gets frozen with Rowan who are found four centuries later in 2455 by a spacecraft crew. Jason kills the members of the spacecrew one by one and ends up where the whole thing started, back at Camp Crystal Lake. This unimaginative film was written by Todd Farmer, who script was unbelievably stupid with such stupid dialogue, it makes me wonder if he was somking cheap acid when he written JASON X !?!?!? This film offered no new surprises, we still have sex crazed teens and we basically learn that nothing much has changed within four centuries. Although this film is as bad as Part 5 - A New Beginning and not as bad as Part 8 - Jason Takes Manhattan, JASON X, in my opinion is NOT one of the best films in the film sereis but is definitely a film that stands out on its own. This film also has an ending that would lead into many unwanted sequels. JASON X, being a flop at the boxoffice and a flop by the general public is more proof that today's audiences are no longer interested in Jason and no longer interested in any more Friday the 13th films. This also has proven that Jason has lost his prime ... a long time ago .... in Manhattan perhaps ?!?!?! JASON X is great in DVD as the picture and sound quality are in top form. This film is presented in standard widescreen (1.85:1) format. The film score by music man Harry Manfredini is not the greatest but suitable for this movie. JASON X has a great animated Menu Board and loaded with lots of Extra Feautures that would put Paramount to shame. Feautures include a commentary by the writer, producer and director of the film. ALso, A Jump to a Death which was quite cute but a slick move by New Line. Theatre trailers are included along with other New Line theatre trailers. Also, two documenturies, The Many Lives of Jason Voorhees (which is great to watch) and The Making of Jason X (which I still have to watch but am sure it is good), but the DVD packaging, presentation and its Extra Feautures are things I would give high marks for JASON X on DVD. The film, I think was quite bad. ...P> JASON X is a film for younger fans of the film series but not for the older fan of the film series. Get your copy Today !!!
Rating:  Summary: In space, nobody can hear you die Review: After the disappointing "Jason Goes to Hell", I was anxious to see someone -- ANYONE -- step up to the plate and revive the "Friday the 13th" series. Not only did director James Isaac step up to the plate, he hit it the ball out of the park! The movie starts out with our pal, Jason Voorhees, held captive in what appears to be an army research facility. Hoping to learn from Jason's unstoppable powers, the researchers probe and analyze his mangled body for clues. Silly researchers. Everybody knows that Jason can't be killed... well, he was killed by his "sister" in "Jason Goes to Hell", but let's just pretend like that never happened. Okay? So, Jason tolerates the researchers for awhile, but then he decides to strike, when they least expect it. Carnage here - death, pain and injury there. One researcher survives, and manages to freeze Jason, and herself, saving the planet from certain doom. Skip ahead 450+ years. Jason is now traveling through space on an intergalactic cruise (space) ship. The oblivious crew toys with Jason's frozen "corpse", unaware that their actions are about to create an intergalactic morgue! Of course, Jason thaws-out, and quickly starts disposing of the troublesome passengers and crew. Up to this point, there is nothing terribly exciting about "Jason X". It's the same old Jason, and the same old killings, just in a different setting. The movie really doesn't really get interesting until Jason steps into a machine that regenerates lost tissue and muscle. Over the years, Jason has had his fair-share of battles, so it's safe to say that the man has some wounds. The machine works overtime, repairing what it can, replacing what it can't. What steps out of the machine is a Super Jason, if you will. Half man. Half machine. All Jason Voorhees. If you thought Jason was unstoppable before, just wait until you see him now. Strengthened by armor, angered by vengeance, Jason becomes a true killing machine, in every sense of the word. The highlight of the movie for me, is when two of the ship's passengers battle Jason in a virtual-reality Crystal Lake. I won't ruin the mildly comical ending... "Jason X" is an intense thrill-ride that leaves you gasping for breath from beginning to end. Let the bodies hit the floor!
Rating:  Summary: Jason X Finally Comes Home! Review: Forgoing the events that unfolded in Jason Goes To Hell, Jason X, the latest in the long running Friday The 13th series, breathes fresh new life into the walking corpse known as Jason Voorhees. From the very beginning of the film it is apparent that much care and thought went into the production, and that the nearly two-year wait for the film, was well worth it. Much debate has been heard about whether this movie should have been called Jason In Space, but the space setting in reality only adds to the excitement of this film, as it doesn't provide an escape for the soon-to-be victims. It almost plays out in a 'Ten Little Indians' fashion, as unlike in the previous installments of the series, the cast knows that Jason is present. The goal is to see who will get away and survive. Kane Hodder's presence as Jason has never been better and those that felt cheated by the last installment will be happy to know that Jason gets an awful lot amount of screen time. Jason this time seems to be the most pissed that we have ever seen him'this of course is to our benefit. Though some of the kills do occur off screen, in most cases, you are able to view the full wrath of Jason. (As a side note, for those of you that don't care for the new mask, it doesn't stop you from knowing for a single moment who is behind it. After a few moments, the mask is nothing more than simply a different mask'keep in mind it has always been a different one before, this is no difference.) Lexa Doig, whom play's Rowan, serves up the best performance of a hero in the series since Amy Steele as Ginny in Friday The 13th Part 2. Not only is she strong, but smart and tries, yet to deaf ears, to warn them of the danger of Jason. Three other standouts in the cast include Lisa Eyder, Chuck Campbell and Peter Mersah. Todd Farmer's script is quick with a wonderful blend of humor and horror. Though the script is littered with humor throughout, the humor doesn't stand as something added without purpose. Being a fan of the series, Farmer has been able to add onto the horror of Jason without adding unneeded details about his mythology. The movie never lets up and provides something at least every ten minutes and it is because of this that I feel that he will stand to be one of Hollywood's great screenwriters in the work. (For those that feel that there is too much humor in the film, there is not more humor in this film that was included in Friday The 13th Part 6: Jason Lives. In fact, in Jason Lives, the laughter seemed a little more stressed than in this effort and adds to the joy of the film.) Director Jim Isaac's vision is not only crisp and clear but very solid as well. He shows much growth as a director from his previous efforts such as House 3. Jason X is by far the most visually appealing out of the series and it is due much to his direction. The combination of Isaac and Farmer is a highlight to the entire series and the money that it took to make the film shows well on the screen. There isn't much fat to this film at all. The only drawback to the film, and it is a small complaint, is the score from Harry Manfredini. Though he has worked on the entire series, this score, while good, simply doesn't feel that it compliments the final work. There are moments that bring back moments of Friday past, but it simply lacks something that you have a hard time putting your finger on. (Also, for those of you that have seen the bootleg...you didn't see the entire film as some elements have been improved upon, it was an unfinished version, and therefore is an even more satisfying film.) In all, the movie was a very fulfilling testament of what happens when true fans of the series give their heart and soul to a project. It comes across in every frame of the film just how much respect they have as well for the fans that have made this series what it is. I don't believe that every fan of the series though will appreciate their vision, but I believe that in time, Jason X will become a classic genre piece in it's own right. I personally loved and enjoyed every moment of it and I look forward to what adventures may lay in store for our favorite hockey masked maniac. The DVD release from Newline is very solid. Looks wonderful as well as sounds awesome. This DVD is everything that the series lacks in the Paramount releases. Star Rating: 3.5 out of 4
Rating:  Summary: OK, here's the deal Review: I always hated the original films because I thought they were REALLY stupid. Well, after watching part 3, I didn't watch any more until part 8, which my friend dragged me too. It [was bad], to put it mildly. Then Jason Goes to Hell came out and I went and saw it with another friend. It was a whole new studio, and I had been impressed with the coverage offered by Fangoria and had been looking forawrd to it. There was maybe 10 people at the show. It was great and I was in love with Jason as a character, although I had wished he was in it more. Now, many years later, Jason X comes on the scene. This time I went with my girlfriend. Again, there was about 10 people at the show. We all LOVED it! We all laughed at the right times, particularly the whole last half hour. This is a sci-fi comedy with horror added as spice, not as a central element. Anyway, we all thoroughly enjoyed it and everyone applauded at the end, it was fantastic! So why did this movie bomb? Well, frankly I don't know. I thought it was spoofing Hellraiser: Bloodlines and Leprachaun in Space, but I think some people took this film seriously. This film was never meant to be taken seriously. When one character says "It's ok, he just wanted his machete back.", it's a joke people. That's not bad acting, that's not bad writing, it's a joke. A funny one at that. That being said, I do have some complaints. First, the editing. This film was completed and on the shelf for 2 years, why couldn't they fix the editing?... Also, the score just stinks. I believe I read somewhere that they hired the guy from the first one to also score this one. Why? Cheesy sythesizers [were bad]then and they [are] even worse now. My girlfriend maintains that they are spoofing those old scores, but I found it annoying. It wouldn't be so bad except the trailer was pumping with cool heavy metal music and it was certainly missed here. I also didn't like the Tomb Raider inspired robo-chick. She can't act, she didn't really further the plot and her wise-cracks got old real fast. I can overlook all of this though because this movie just rocks! The effects are great, but the real hero is the story that doesn't pull any punches and just GOES FOR IT! The film ends pitch perfect and sets up for a sequel, although that's pretty doubtful. So it looks like Jason X is the swan song of the series. There's a chance it could come back if Jason Vs. Freddy gets off the ground and is successful, but I'll believe it when I see it. Short of that, Jason X is a good bookend to the series, and shows off what all these films could have produced with a little more tweaking and more time to develop the scripts. There was a Friday film almost every summer of the 80's!
Rating:  Summary: JASON FINALLY RETURNS TO THE BIG SCREEN Review: this is one of the toughest reviews i'v eever had to write. when i first saw this film at the cinemas people were walking out. there was a group of lads at the back who were hurling abuse at the screen, and even i was having a hard time not lulling into a coma from the sheer ludicrousness of the constantly cheesy plot twists. only a heart-warming nostalgia trip to the days of old as jason is lost in a virtual reality version of lake placid circa 1980 could bring the audience to cheers and laughter, just re-affirming ones realisation that the franchise should of been left where it belonged - ON EARTH !!! but as an avid collector of horror films, i purchased the dvd (dont ask me why) and i've literally just finished watching it for a second time. with my expectations suitably lowered i can safely say now that if you know what you're getting - this is daft, cheesy, stupid fun. the direction is adequate. the actors are generally abysmal. the effects (although probably very good for the ,money) look cheap and tacky, the music is suitable and thematic, and the scrip is so bad it grinds. but if you managed to enjoy the previous jason outings (and lets face it - they were over-all appaling) then you should be able to wrench some drunken enjoyment from this cartoon/comic book style horror film. the dvd is very good for this sort of thing. the picture and sound are near perfect, and the presentation is slick (far more than the actual movie). we're given a brief look at the making of the film and a damn enjoyable half hour feature on the series as a whole which (alhtough devoid of real substantial footage from the series) is a rare treat for the friday the 13th fans. along with a trailor or two and an excitablt commentary, its a good package. cant wait for freddy vs jason.
Rating:  Summary: Jason X Review: This was just anoher average cheesy horror movie. Fans of the long running series should be pleased. Anyone looking for a scare though should look somewhere else because this movie offer little to no suspense or scares.
Rating:  Summary: good, but not great Review: in actualality, this can either be a four or five star movie, depending on how you look at it. as a jason movie, and a fan of the F13 series, i admit i liked it. it had some good attempts at being scary and it was fun. the beginning of the film, up till the upgrade sequence, played like an old friday movie, just in space. the last 15-30 minutes were just plain old silly fun. it turned into a self-parodying action/comedy. the gore content is high, even when you don't see the kill, the after kill is excellent. the space ship's pilot kill comes to mind. and like an 80s horror film, and jason film, the nudity and [word] is back in horror. acting is actually capable, nothing stand out, but capable. the set desgin and special effects are nice. and old jason is definatly nastier looking then cyber-jason. but he is just eveil looking, so either way you win. is it great, no. is it a good addition to the series, yes and no. it has it's moments, but nothing beats the first seven. five may not have had jason, but neither did one. as an action/entertainment/pop corn flick, 5 stars. this movie delivers. just not a horror movie, which is where this movie loses a star and could be improved. it shows that the old horror films are still the best and that jason is better then anything out there today as a villian, but they could have made it a true horror film and made it one of the best horror films in a long time.