Rating:  Summary: It's a Jason movie!! Review: I read a lot of editorial reviews in papers and online about horror movies, and notice that they always knock the movies for the same reasons: plot, acting, etc... WHY?? THIS IS A FRIDAY THE 13th MOVIE!!! Not Monster's Ball or Forrest Gump. Yes, the acting isn't great.. No, the plot is not too deep... This is simply a great genre movie from a great series. Period. There are a lot of great innuendos to other films in the series, some thoroughly impressive death scenes, and the usual cast of young hot people. The story gets to the point pretty quickly and Jason makes his entrance early and nicely. There's no plot twist, no extended periods of dialog, no excessive drama. Just great action; some decent, well-timed scares; and an overall fast pace. So overall this not a "critic's film" or a "think piece", and critics can spare me the teardown of the theatrical elements of the plot and acting. It is a film with an awesome nemesis, great setting, plenty of blood, and at least a little sex. What more do you want as a horror fan?
Rating:  Summary: Best in the Series---& Nanotech *STILL* doesn't scare ya? Review: I am convinced there are two camps of movie-goers: Camp 1 thinks that the goal of cinema is to explore the human condition, create an epiphany in the viewer, and make the audience better humans for having watched the film. Camp 2 just wants to have fun. Jason X is the ultimate Camp 2 film (to say nothing of Camp Crystal Lake), perfect for a weekend night with beer, chips & salsa, and a few good (Camp 2) friends. And if sheer entertainment is the mark of a fine film, then Jason X approaches high art. Jim Isaac helms the Friday the 13th series' 10th outing; this time the series' eponymous machete-killer is under military guard at the Crystal Lake Research Facilty. Naturally things go wrong, Jason slaughters the Army squad sent to transport him "elsewhere for study" (he even impales horror master David Cronenberg in an amusing walk-on), and it's up to nubile scientist Lexa Droig to lure him into a cryogenic freezing tankand contain him for future mayhem. Alas, Jason's machete pierces the tank and her ribs, freezing her as well. Jump ahead 450 years; a salvage/research crew from the starship Grendel recover Droig and her hockey-mask wearing companion from the Cryogenic facility, and rescue both from an Earth which has become a burned-out, dead husk. What happens next isn't exactly the stuff of Roman Polanski: Jason is taken aboard the ship, Jason thaws out, Jason slaughters with abandon! Of course, where director Jim Isaacs succeeds is by having fun with his dialogue, with the actors, and with the movie's far-future setting. Worried that Jason X is just Alien with a machete and a hockey mask? Fear not. Director Isaacs plays with space walks, the destruction of a space station, nanotechnology gone wrong, and even a holodeck scene---the funniest scene in horror movie history, in which the crew re-create Camp Crystal Lake to distract Jason, even conjuring up two toke-smoking, bikini-clad, topless teenage girls who just "love pre-marital sex." Better still, Jason X underscores why guys like K. Eric Drexler, Bill Joy, and Mike Crichton are worried about nanotechnology----who cares about grey goo destroying the world, when nanotech makes Jason a better serial killer! The scene where an army of little nanites rebuilds Jason is worth the price of admission alone. Set design is cheesy but workable, acting is---well, we don't watch Jason flicks for acting, but a sexy android and cute victims in spandex make up for that---and the deaths are cruel even by the standards of the franchise's typical sadism. Victims get their necks snapped slowly, decapitated, dipped face-first in liquid nitrogen and then have their faces shattered, impaled on an industrial screw, sliced to death by machete, and even pulled through a grate. DVD extras are amusing as well---you can use the "Jump to a Death" to instantly access your favorite Jason kills, the director/write commentary is amusing, and the two documentaries are enjoyably done. The only misfire is the soundtrack by Henry Manfredini, which sounds like a South Park-style parody and loses the movie one star; a heavy-metal soundtrack with some Rob Zombie and Manson would have been more fun. All in all, Jason X doesn't change the world, address the human condition, or reinvent cinema. That said, with the exception of the first Friday the Thirteenth, it's easily the best in the series; if this is your sort of thing, this is the sort of thing you'll like.
Rating:  Summary: One Star is even too much! Review: How anyone can give this biggest piece of c%$p movie any stars is beyond me! Even a die hard Friday the 13th fan could not possibly find anything about this movie that makes it remotely good. How any movie studio ever even approved a budget for this movie I will never know. Wait for it to come out on TV, and even than you may want to consider watching something else.
Rating:  Summary: Jason in Space Comon!!!! Review: Ok if you are a very hardcore Jason fan you will most likely like this video because you will defend him no matter what cuz you love him right? In my opinion Jason being frozen for 455 years and then unfrozen to come alive again in space is the lamest plot i have ever seen in any Jason Movie. Ok so now hes like 500 years old and he still is murdering and slashing all over AGAIN. The murdering and stabbing in this movie does kick ... i have to say. Its like no other Jason movie in that concept. But if you want to buy a movie that is more fake than Harry Potter dont buy Jason X. He then turns into a Uber Jason like Shredder did in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2. Give me a break. This was just plain fake and pathetic. As i said the murdering rocks but the plot sux. Go for the Rental. P.S. The next movie Freddy Vs. Jason is going to slash through theateres damn soon. Hopefully the directors arent filming this in Never Land. But Still i Love Jason and he will always thrill me till i die. VOORHESS FOREVER
Rating:  Summary: fun in space Review: a surprisingly entertaining continuation of the infamous series, featuring great special effects and campy dialogue that amuse. There are some scenes that are quite ingenius. Don't want to give anything away, but whoever dreamed up cryogenic suspension with flashbacks of the eighties deserves alot of credit. This is one of those movies that's taken with grains of salt, of course, but the writing is witty and the visuals are pretty interesting. For what it is, it's pretty darned good.
Rating:  Summary: Evil Isn't the Only Thing That Got An Upgrade Review: Jason returns with a vengence. At first I thought that the idea of Jason in space wouldn't work, but it works great. Great kills, great futuristic innovations, and some of the old formula that Jason fans have come to expect. The fact that they called the movie Jason X and not Friday the 13th Part X was a good idea, in my opinion, as they can go any of a number of ways with the franchise at this time. Great ending, as Jason in many ways goes back to where it all started. Great performance, as always, by Kane Hodder as Jason.
Rating:  Summary: Quite Funny Review: Dont get this if you want to be scared. Its actualy quite funny, there are some scene's were there is cool sci-fi action, grusome horror and killing, comedy, T&A, and ofcourse bad language. Fun for the whole family. About as lame as the others (i got them all) but by far the best. Not the same plot as the others though which makes it very refreshing. I would suggest watching it. Its not bad.
Rating:  Summary: Jason X Review: I love the Friday the 13th series... Always have and always will... :-D
Rating:  Summary: Surprisingly good sequel to the seemingly endless series... Review: Upon renting this movie, I wasn't expecting much. Just a basic hack-and-slash type film. Well, yes it is just that, but one with just enough style and cheesy one liners that kept me wanting more. This time, Jason is cryogenically frozen, taking Scientist Rowan along with him. They are discovered in the year 2455, by a group of students, and a greedy professor accompanied by an small army of soldiers who are no match for the killer. He soon slaughters the crew one by one, and it is a race against time as they try and evade Jason and meet up with another crew who will take them aboard. KM14 was pretty kewl, a loveable character, which the series has faltered in that department. My only objection was Uber Jason, the whole look wasn't working for me, give me classic Jason with that trusty ol' hockey mask anyday. Heh heh, well, Jason X may or may not be for fans of the series, on one hand you've got the promiscous teens, the machete through the gut, but Jason in space? That might not have been something the fans have been ready for...
Rating:  Summary: It's A piece of .... Review: If Jason goes to hell wasn't bad enough new line had to go screw themselves again. The story was .... You know that a series is dead after they take the serial killer to space( lepauchaun 4). I really had high hopes for this movie since ive seen all the other ones millions of times. It was both poorly acted and poorly written. The actors would blurt out cheesy lines that no one would ever say in a time of crisis. The actors were very unemotional and you could tell they never were in another movie. In my book the only thing that saved this movie is that the kills where highly original and highly gorey. The uber jason has to be one of the worse parts. you shouldn't have to give an unstoppable killing machine an 'upgrade'. this movie [stinks] its highly un recommended. If you want a good jason flick. Check out part three. Already seen all of them check out the halloweens.