Rating:  Summary: Surprisingly Entertaining Review: The Friday the 13th series doesn't show any time of stopping, regardless of how well the films fair at the box office. I have seen every film in the series once and have enjoyed them all. They're entertaining movies, and with the exception of the original Halloween, better than the Halloween series ever was. Jason X succeeds in taking the series in a new direction. Jason Voorhees is resurrected in the future on a spaceship and finds various sharp objects on board that he uses to wipe out the crew one by one. Okay, so the formula isn't radically different from the other movies in the series but I admire the filmmakers for trying. Still, towards the end of the film, the emphasis is clearly on action, and there is a fiar amount of gunplay and explosions, two things typically not seen in this series. This was a fun movie, and I am now looking forward to the upcoming Jason vs. Freddy, which pits Jason Voorhees against Freddy Krueger the villain from the Nightmare on Elm Street series. Also, for horror fans, looks for a small part from director David Cronenberg in Jason X.
Rating:  Summary: The Comedy Section Please Review: I must say if you are looking for a real scary movie you probably already know this is not the one. In the distant future a bunch of students recover a vessel from space. On the vessel is Jason, of course, and a woman from Earth. They revive the woman and assure her Jason is dead. I must say this movie is the funniest I have ever seen. Seeing Jason beating ..two holographic women that just won't die. Or a droid switching into Rambo mode and beating ...Jason is hillarious. This movie is really trash, but it is very enjoyable. The DVD has excellent features you can watch all the murder scenes one right after another without worrying about the storyline inbetween. A great addition to any DVD collection.
Rating:  Summary: Most people look at it the wrong way... Review: When you think about all of the things Jason Vorhees has been through in the 10 sequel span of the Friday the 13th series, you have to laugh. He drowned, he got a machete in his shoulder, he got an axe in his head, he got hung, he got a machete through the head, he drowned again, he got set on fire, he drowned again, he got splashed with toxic waste and transformed into a little boy (!), he was blown up and he was even sent to the pits of Hell! Boy, you would think it ends there, but nope. Good old Jason, everyone's favorite unhappy camper is back for yet another sequel! Jason X is not what the average F13 fan would expect. The wilderness setting is ditched for (like you didn't know already) outerspace. The movie opens up with a very sad looking Jason locked up in the Crystal Lake Research Facility, sometime in the very near future. Now, if you're like me, three questions will spring to mind: 1.) How did Jason get back from Hell? 2.) Why would a small, insignificant town like Crystal Lake have a high-tech research facility? and 3.) What exactly is a research facility? It doesn't matter. The movie doesn't waste time in trying to explain it. Jason kills most of the people in the "research facility," except for the head scientist, Rowan, who is cryogenically frozen with Jason to return to a time where free love no longer reigned and greed and corruption ruled again (sorry, wrong movie). The rest of the movie takes place in the year 2455 aboard a space ship full of students from Earth 2. Yes, you heard me. Earth 2. As one of the characters briefs us in the beginning, Earth 1 is dead, The water and the soil is forever tainted. Yes, 453 years in the future the teenagers are still horny, still do dumb things when in danger and still have really corny lines. Which means Jason has plenty of good morgue meat to serve up, and believe me, this one has the highest bodycount of all the F13 movies. One thing I noticed about this movie, as opposed to the previous entries, is that the gore is not as restrained as usual. This was noted by director James Isaac on the commentary, where he states the the MPAA went easy on this movie because they understood what the purpose of the movie was. This movie is not just another Friday the 13th entry. It injects a lot more humor (not the wink-wink nudge-nudge type, it's the kind that when it's making fun of itself, you'll know) than previous sequels and it isn't just an excuse for an 80 minute gore/special effects extravaganza. This movie is a labor of love. Everyone involved is either related to the series or is a fan of the series. First time screenwriter Todd Farmer, a writer from Texas (He also plays Dallas in the movie, a nod to his hometown) wrote an excellent script for this movie. He is said to be a huge F13 fan, and it shows. Sure, the dialogue is corny, but that's not the point. Together with David Cronenberg understudy, James Isaac (Cronenberg has a bit part in this movie), they created a nice change in the Friday the 13th pattern and some very memorable moments. Who can forget the Crystal Lake flashback? The "Screwed" death? Any Friday the 13th fan who is willing to let themselves have a good time will not be disappointed. The DVD also delivers, giving us audio-commentary, a half hour documentary on the series and it's impact on pop-culture (quite interesting), a documentary on the making-of Jason X and of course, the excellent "Jump To A Death" feature where you can cut out the fat and just watch all of the murders, one after another.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent revival of the series Review: When I heard Jason X was being set in space, I had to see it just to see if it was that bad. Lo and behold, this is actually one of the best Friday flicks in my humble. Think of this as a one-off. Basically it's a solid revival of a stagnant franchise and a nice tideover until the long-awaited Jason vs. Freddy installment. Sad how it's taken New Line over 10 years to get a Jason vs. Freddy movie put together. This is not Orson Welles, folks. Most of the fanbase for these flicks are getting older anyway. Jason X however, hits all the marks. The acting is terrible, and there are characters we either like or completely hate (and we know this 2 minutes after meeting them). The script is completely silly but well-paced to provide the mandatory stalk-and-slash sequence. Speaking of which, Jason X scores very well in the kill department. After hacking these movies in the 80s, the MPAA didn't object to much (according to the director commentary). So we get a guy impaled on a giant turning screw, another guy completely sliced in half, a backbreaker, an exaggerated sleeping bag bashing (during a virtual reality flashback scene that is a highlight). And we get what is perhaps one of the best kills in the entire series: a girl has her face frozen in liquid nitrogen and then shattered to pieces on a counter by Jason. Speaking of Jason, he's begun to seem like a true anti-hero now. When some research students unthaw a frozen Jason in the year 2400-something, the 'evil' head scientest aims to save him and sell him off for big bucks. (Since they have the ability to reanimate bodies). The scientest is a complete lowlife, of course, and he will have to die. Also, since all of the students are following him, they have to buy it too. Jason has become an avenging angel who kills idiots in these movies. Naturally things don't work out when Jason wakes up from his 400 year nap. He's exceptionally angry (why shouldn't he be, they wake him from the dead at the beginning of every movie) and he takes it out on the people aboard the ship Grendel. Yep. So we get a very hearty dose of Aliens-style action with an incompetent team leader (evil scientest) hurling the soldiers toward their death at Jason's hands. Come to think of it, we also got a similar situation in Hellraiser: Bloodline, also set in space. So basically once you set your horror sequel aboard a spaceship, you need to pay homage to Aliens--have the people gunning for the killer (Jason, Pinhead, whomever). Then have them get taken out one by one. A guy has his neck sloooowly cracked, another guy has his head bashed in...you get the idea. And this is a very nice DVD. Unlike all of the other Friday DVDs, this one has a ton of extras. Two documentaries talk about the making of the film, while the other traces Jason as a "character" through the series. Then there's nice commentary from the director, writer and producer talking about the whole project. There's a trailer, and the particularly demented but brilliant "Jump to a Death" feature. On the whole the film has a better look to it than most of its predecessors. While still a low budget movie, this had to have the highest budget for a Friday. The sets are cheesy, of course, as are the costumes and weapons, which look downright funny at times. Then we get the budget cgi effects of the spaceship. Some are acceptable and fine, others are funny. But hey, they made do with what they had. A lot of credit for this one. It delivers all of the Friday appeal--the kills, Jason, the heroine, Jason--while applying a fun twist and making it work. Kane Hodder seems to like playing Jason. They also made him look good in this one, giving him a moldy zombie look. A since the film ends so far in the future, the next film they make will have to take place earlier. They have the freedom to make a completely new story. This is a nice one-off and a small buck for New Line once they sell enough DVDs and sell it to cable. Highly recommended for Friday fans. If you think it sounds bad, give it a chance. It's hard to go wrong with a proven recipe for cheese.
Rating:  Summary: The worst one but not real bad Review: What were they thinking when putting Jason in space i agree with making something new but not something stupid. I admit the death scenes are pretty cool and the cinemotography isnt real bad but the score, the special effects, and especially the acting is real bad. The story for this one is i have to say isnt bad but how they used was pretty bad. A research team studying on jason find out hes more powerful then they think and he escapes and kills everybody except for a girl who lives to cryogennicaly freeze him and herself as well while 300 years in the future college students find Jason and defrost him and the girl on their spaceship when jason comes alive and starts killing people. This is the worst in the trilogy but it is not the worst horror film ever created.
Rating:  Summary: Surprisingly Entertaining Review: Some with say that the Jason has been done a great disservice by this movie. I think not. The "Friday the 13th" series of films became a parody of itself a long time ago (remember when Jason battles the psychic in Part 7?!?). That said, "Jason X" offers just enough blood and silliness to make it a good movie to rent when you want some mindless eye candy.
Rating:  Summary: What were they thinking? Review: Who's idea was it to make this movie and why haven't they been tarred, feathered, and then shot in the head in retaliation? If you read that sentence and still have the urge to watch this movie, please go rent it, instead of purchasing it. Also if you haven't seen this movie and plan to, please do not read the rest of this review because I talk about key plot points, and they may give away what little (and that is an overstatement) suspense this movie has. O.K back to my review. First of all why did they only have one guard to guard Jason in the beginning? Also why is only wrapped in chains? They attempted to kill Jason a bunch of times and they decide to keep Jason wrapped in chains in a warehouse with one guard. Come on now that is just idiotic. Then in the future he is revived and after they kill him, he is reginerated by a broken computer. But wait I thought they tried that in the beginning of the movie and failed. That's why he was frozen in the first place. Jason can't be killed, he can only be knocked out. No matter what you do he is still alive even if it is just a piece of his brain. But somehow a stupid robot can destroy him. It makes no sense. Why is it when Jason is reginerated he is "upgraded"? Why can't the producers of the Jason movie can go back to the basics? A bunch of stupid kids that go into the woods to get laid, drunk, and stoned. Then they are killed one by one by Jason. That brings to me to another part of the movie that made no sense. What the heck were the writers of this movie thinking when they put the scene at the end with the hologram. The guy commands the computer to put up a hologram of the 1980's. Then a hologram appears with two girls by a Camp Crystal Lake cabin. They are half naked, with sleeping bags, and ask Jason if they want to smoke some weed, drink some beer, and have some unprotected sex. That is just the most idiotic plot twist in a movie since, well I have never seen a plot twist that idiotic. It also makes absolutely no sense. The writers are going to rot in Hades for what they have done to the Friday the 13th series. The last thing that annoys me is the lack of good death scenes and nudity. All of the death scenes were way too predictable. Not that I am complaining that I knew who was going to die (I can tell with all of the Jason movies, who is going to die), but I knew how they were going to die. And that just takes all of the fun out of a Jason movie. If the producers ever decide to make another installment of the Jason series, they better go back to their roots. Stupid teenagers, crazy old man that warns the stupid teenagers, rain, Camp Crystal, rusty sharp objects, nudity, drugs, alcohol, and a not upraded version of Jason. If they make a movie that contains all of the above, then maybe, just maybe I might rent it when it goes to the Favorites section of my local Blockbuster. But I will never forgive the producers of the last two Friday the 13th installments. Jason X and Jason Goes to Hell will never be added to my collection of Friday the 13th DVDs, and I hope that you will do the same.
Rating:  Summary: The Jason Vorrhees of tomarrow is here today!!!! Review: For all of the fans out there for Friday the 13th and all of the sequals that came afterward, this is what you've been waiting for. Jason Voorhees, the living, breathing embodiment of mankinds most evil sins and psycho madness, is here in his tenth film, where his murderous rampage of human butchery rockets to the stars over 400 years into the unknown future. Upon claiming the life of his 200th victim, Jason is captured by the scientists of Crystal Lake Research Facility. Up to this point in the saga, Jason has been put through what would kill pretty much anyone else; gas-poisoning, impalement, hanging, drowning, electrical shock, over 200 bullet wounds at one given time, and even being blown apart, and still he keeps coming back. And each time he's been put down, he comes back even more psycho and dangerous than ever, gaining new abilities each time. It's pretty clear to everyone that Jason is not just a disfigured retarded killer. He's a supernatural entity that defies all the laws of death and reincarnation known to man, either natural or supernatural. They have decided to freeze Jason so that he can't kill anyone else. But, as usual, there is someone who just happens to let Jason out of his cage. He says that Jason's inhuman ability to regenerate lost and damaged tissue is too valuable and that it must be researched. Like most scientists in movies, he's willing to risk the lives of innocent people if Jason manages to get away, even though he is very confident that the grunts with him can handle the task. Well, transfering Jason without getting killed just isn't that easy. The scientist and his men end up getting slaughtered without getting a chance to deliver a blow in return. The clever and witty researcher who told these guys that Jason is just too dangerous to be kept soft manages to lure Jason into the cryogentic suspension chamber, but there happens to be a breach and they both end up getting frozen. Finally more than 450 years later, when Earth is no longer the life-giving planet that it used to be, they're brought on board a spaceship as relics. Some crazy professor says to Jason that he can have fame and fortune. Apparently, money and a place in the history books are of no interest to Jason Voorhees. Once Jason is out of the fridge and thawed out, he starts just where he left off. Even advanced weaponry and space soldiers arn't enough to keep Jason from getting back up. And when he's considered to be very dead for about the millionth time, he becomes a cross combination of reconstructed living tissue and cyborg technology, becoming a totally indestructable half machine Uber Jason, even stonger and more powerful than he ever has been at anytime in the series. Jason X will not dissappoint you!
Rating:  Summary: Ten Is The Lucky Charm Review: Sorry I was going to review this film earlier Yet, I did not have the time to be the movie critic So here is my review for JASON X All of the F13 movies have been pretty bad They all contain a few things 1)over the top violence 2)tons of nudity 3)bad acting 4)Jason My favorite Friday is Friday the 13th Part 4 It's the best one! This one is good also! Plot: The year is 2455. The Earth is dead. Students ([young] teenagers) from a science expedition find a frozen man with a hockey mask and a woman named Rowan. They bring both back to life. Then the horror begins with many killings totaling up to about 30 dead bodies. Jason is finally blown to smitheerens! Yet, he gets regenerated with metal and becomes Jason like no other! Story: The story isn't that bad! Surprise! It has a good plot.... Yet, it doesn't take place on Camp Crystal Lake again. This time we are in space. It kind of "kills" the series. Because there is no more woods or any cabins! NOW WE ARE IN SPACE! As I said, the plot is not too bad! It is your usual sequel to a horror film..... guy goes around killing people, they stop him (they think!), then he comes back! I also have to say the bloodletting is excessive! Many killings will make you cringe at the site of them! Story - 84/B - Acting: The acting is pretty good. All the people act seriously in this story. Hey this might not be too bad! Acting - 89/B* Killings: I have seen many horror films in my life so far! There has been a vast number of deaths in all of them. Yet, in this film the killings are very gruesome. The slogan title for Jason X is "EVIL GETS AN UPGRADE!" Yet it really should have been, "THE KILLS GET AN UPGRADE!" There are so many kills! I couldn't believe it! It was really gory, too! Here are some of the deaths below: 1) Getting sucked through a little hole out into space! 2) Getting sliced in half! 3) Getting your head frozen then it shatters on the wall! 4) Getting your head thrown into cables! 5) Getting beaten up by a sleeping bag! 6) Getting a spear thrown many yards away into your chest! 7) Getting the bones in your body broken by being crunched! 8) Getting a chain around your neck and being strangled by it! 9) Getting your neck cut and your still can walk around with it bleeding! Then from there it is mostly done with the machete. Jason's trusty machete! Killings in this movie aren't bad. Killings - 90/B* Ending - I'll put it like this! Do you think he died this time? This movie over all deserves a trusty B*. Check it out! It's pretty cool! RATED R for extreme violence, for some mild profanity, sexuality, and brief nudity. Check it out at BLOCKBUSTER! See ya