Rating:  Summary: Trash Review: Ok, am I the only one with a bit of sense here? Jason X, the tenth film in the long running Friday the 13th saga is a mindless big heap of trash. After Jason's so called Final Friday, we suddenly find him half alive in Crystal Lake research unit. With a very shaky "we're keeping him alive due to the regeneration rate of his cell structure" plotline we're off on a bumpy ride already. Since Friday the 13th Part 3, none of the horror movies had no plot direction or credibility so at least we know what we're in for. But why must we be subjected to this nonsense once again.Vicious Kane Hodder once again returns to play the homicidal Jason in space (the year 2455) after being cryogenically frozen in a suspender. All Jason X has to offer are new gadgets, more glitzy effects and the return of the superbabes, a known trait of any Friday the 13th movie. Avoid at all costs.
Rating:  Summary: Ok - thats about it - some cool stuff - some bad Review: There was some cool kill scenes in this movie, cool concept, my only grip with this, and the couple of jason movies before this, is the movie makers are now getting away from even trying to make these movies scary. This movie is way too out there to be beleiveable. I can remember the first of this series and feeling creeped out about it. Kept hearing that damn "ch ch ch" noise when i would go outside to play (i was younger then) :)
Rating:  Summary: Whatever. Review: Jason, the unstoppable mutant vengance demon, or whatever the heck he is, gets cryogenically frozen and thawed out in the 25th-Century, "Alien"-y future, where he, like, totally gets to up the body count by, like, millions and bazillions of witless future-people. If you're willing to go with it, this by-rote, comedic sci-fi splatterfest is okay... The biggest drag, though, is when JJ gets a high-tech remake and now he looks like a T2-ish version of the Hulk. Now *_that's_* bo-o-o-o-o-o-r-r-ring.
Rating:  Summary: The other ones are much better. Review: I don't really find this one too good. It's too hi-tech and not low-budget-ey enough to make it look even slightly scary. In the other one's they never focused on Jason until the very end of the movie. They always focused on his haggard feet. However, in this one they only focus on Jason. And his stupid hi-tech uniform at the end is appaling. However, if you're a die-hard fan like I am, you'll still want to see it, just as I did. Rent before you buy.
Rating:  Summary: Taking Horror to the Next Level Review: I am a fairly recent convert to the horror genre and I have been madly filling in gaps in my viewing for the last couple of months. This was the first of the Friday 13th films I saw, but certainly wasn't the last. I had seen a lot of the classics by the time I saw this one, including one of the benchmarks, Halloween. Let's just say I was already getting a little sick of the horror cliches and predictable formula most directors use. Ever wondered why the villain has to walk when pursuing someone, yet the intended victim gets to run? Why the victim happens to be a complete moron with know idea how to protect her/himself? Well I was hoping to find something different with few disappointments to enjoy. My friends, Jason X has definately upped the ante. The story is great and breathes new life into the aging saga. The special effects are simply the best I have seen in a horror movie. Fans of Event Horizon who were disappointed by how the SFX detracted from an otherwise exceptional horror film will not feel the same way about the 10th Jason flick. Jason has always been about 'creative kills' and one of the absolute best I have ever seen is when he plunges a woman's face into liquid nitrogen for a few seconds and then smashes her crystalised face into a million shards on the bench. Pure Class :) Halfway through the film there is another great surprise...but I don't want to spoil it. Let's just say the cyborg Jason manages to do something pretty cool with the new technology available in the future... The fun continues right up until the end where for me the only disappointment of the film comes in. The ending is just a little too cheesy. I mean points for thinking of something different (and yes, leaving open the possibility of another sequal) but ummm, well, judge for yourself. The other brilliant thing about this DVD is the absolute top class special features. When you hear the makes of the film talking about what went into their vision of this film you will understand why they managed to realise that vision so well. But the best feature is the interview with the actor, actually a stunt man, who has played Jason in the last 4 films. He really loves playing Jason a little too much, to the point where he actually scares the other actors when in costume. It's all method acting or so he says, but I think he's got a little of the psycho killer in his personality personally :) Have never seen an actor talk about a role with such relish or seem so committed to it. Anyway if you like horror and want to see something new, especially if you liked Event Horizon, then buy this DVD!!! It's a keeper.
Rating:  Summary: Jason takes space Review: i like the plot to this movie, however this movie couldn't outdo the original flcks originally from paramount. that's because jason is in space rather than crystal lake. anyway, it takes place NOT AFTER JASON GOES TO HELL I REMIND YOU, since that would make this movie not make sense, but the upcoming freddy vs. jason takes place right after jason goes to hell. So, Jason starts out as a prisoner held captive at Crystal Lake research facility, where he is awaiting cryogenic suspension. Then so goverment people want to move him too a new facility, since jasons ability to regrow lost tissue, and have super human strentgh, is a quest for more research. Jason escapes his chains, and starts chasing the secretary, Rowan, who plays a big part in the movie. she develops a plan, leading jason down to the basement. she leads him into the crystasis unit, and pushes him in a freezer, and shuts the door. but unluckily for her jason wont give up that easy, so he stabs a hole through the unit, which causes leakage. over 400 years later a routine training mission to earth, they find Rowan and Jason frozen in time. they bring their bodys to a space station, thinikg they can bring back Rowan. when it looks like jason would be unable to be brought back, he just suddenly awakens on the ship. it's too late though, when they discover who they are really dealing with when they bring back rowan. she warns them of jasons past, but its too late. jason is well rested, and ready for action. (not to mention a very special upgrade or jason nearing the end.) not one of my favorites, but not bad. the dvd is my favorite part. even if your not a big fan of the movie, but a fan of the series, the dvd is still a must own.(my favorite it) it has a documentary, of the whole series, how it became, and he differnt movies. its a must see for you jason fans. it has interviews from the directors, producers, and, KANE HODDER! it also has the making of the movie.
Rating:  Summary: Introducting the Past to the Waves of the Future Review: Sometimes, when you've tried just about every methodology to solve a problem of homicidal proportions (hanging, stabbing, slicing, dicing, bullets, and blowing to bits), there is only one of two things you can do. You can either deal with the blight in the here and now, trying to perhaps reason with or recondition it so that it wants to be nice and play well with all the other boys and girls, or you can freeze it and leave it for future generations to contend with. Well, in the case of Jason Vorhees, training in the art of daisy harvesting and the coloration of pretty pictures was never much of an option, so its off to the cyrochamber he goes. Along the way, however, the military decides that he, with his ability to sidestep death with a swan's finesse, is too valuable to toss away and that they can control him while reaping those benefits. Ultimately, however, they prove that this is far from the case, costing them many a life in the process and keeping some trace of him still dormant behind that frozen antiquity of a mask he wears. So, when people come looking at the now abandoned Earth1 450 years later, space finds itself a new occupant and Jason finds himself a new killing field. In this installment of the Friday the 13th saga, all theories of Jason being stoppable in a conventual sense have been thrown out the window. Instead of worrying over silly notions like being shot multiple times or stabbed to death, he can simply shrug off barrages of bullets as if they were nothing more than a laughtrack to play by and find ways to keep getting up even when movement should no longer be an option. Still, in many respects, that's part of the endearment that this movie, while mocking other parts of the Vorhees movement, showcases for its beloved audience. Instead of the Jason that has been toned down in the last portions of the struggle against the machete-toting madman, we are now faced with something akin to a cunning (yes, silent and cunning) killing machine. The actors, in many a B-movie way, add to the fun within this film, keeping you entertained as Jason plays his twisted game of tag as well, some dying in horrid fashions and some playing a good game of chase while running before meeting fate's open hands. Added to this is the ending, which is funny as well, making it a Friday the 13th that was, in so many ways, fun of ridiculously gore-filled fun. For anyone that's followed the series up until this point, I would ask why you wouldn't take another step forward? In fact, you might find it funny in many a right, plus dismissive of those horrid chapters that should have never existed to begin with. Even people who don't like the slasher genre itself but like playful horror might have fun with the campiness herein, knowing full well that Jason will kill, that you will laugh, and that the future will never be the same again. On a personal note, it also reminded me to defrost my freezer once a month, throwing out whatevers bad, too.
Rating:  Summary: "Jason X is a creative step for the tired series !" Review: I have to be honest about this as bad as I actually want to say this movie was pooh,I just can't! After seeing "Jason goes to Hell" and 9,8,7 I was truley convinced there wasn't any hope for this franchise. But I have to honestly say this was done very well and was alot of fun to watch. This movie contains 28 interesting funny creative kills! The special effects are really cool and colorful to look at. This is a fun movie people,we all know who and what Jason is! I think people are abit hard on Jason because they expect to much. I think considering how horrible the past 3 efforts were, the did wonders cleaning it up. If you are not a Jason fan, or if you are going in to this to critique the film? This is definitley not for you! But if you are going into this with an open mind and to laugh at the kills and the quirky characters ? This is definitley going to be an enjoyable experience for the non serious watcher. I think even the producers of the movies are beginning to not take it so seriously. "Jason's character every since the early 80's was basically a uproarious character. But back then there wasn't mush out that was scary so people took the creative kills more seriously. Now generations have changed and all od these cheesy teen slasher films have taken over which makes "Jason" silly in most peoples Eye's! But I would have to say that "Jason X" is definitly a step above all other slasher films, like it or not! This delivered a extreme creativity plot wise and some nice scenery to look at. And it was written to be funny to add some comic relief to the horrible murders that take place. On the DVD it even has a section/option where you can just watch the kills and there all labeled..can you believe that? I feel the only thing that really messed this film up plot wise was the whole Uber Jason Idea ! That was abit over the top being that Jason was already invincible and couldn't be killed. That takes alot of fun out of him being somewhat human..ya know! Then the way he changed was completely unbelievable. I can understand if he was experimented on and he was given this gift. But for this to just natural happen after he was destroyed for the 50th time, was a bit more than I could swallow. Then the whole thing with the ship blowing up and him floating through space.Then he was coming back toward the ship to and another just so happen astronaut knocked him away? That was just really silly and then the astronaut was riding on Jason's back? Anyway other than the ridiculious hard to believe ending this is a entertaining film to watch take nothing from it. The Dvd is well put together it has great Audio, a beautifully crafted Menu! The documantary's and Commentary's are well put together. Actually this movie is better on Dvd than it was at the theater. You actually get a chance to look at behind the scene footage with "Kane Hodder" the guy who plays Jason. Also they go into the history of the other films and the original creater "Sean Cunningham!" Also they go into the making of Jason X , and they explain abit about who JAson is why he is hard to kill. They also touch on the Jason vs Freddy movie coming very soon! This is a good package, If you are a true Jason fan. I have to honestly say "Jason Lives" was basically the last one I actually thought was decent before this! Personally people I don't think they could have done better than this, there back was against the wall! There really wasn't much left to bring Jason back! He was really ruined with "Jason Takes Manhattan" and the Horrible "Goes to Hell!" They really made a huge effort and I respect it and I am glad they made the decision they did. I don't think another boring day at the lake would have cut it.I think the only reason this movie was ridiculed and critiqued so bad because it was Jason. You took Jason out of this and put some lame Alien aboard the ship killing everyone..then it would have been excepted better. That is just the way the world is when people have an opinion made up about a person or something they stick to it. The world is full of myopic individuals that it why we are so behind other countries in Music etc. Arish
Rating:  Summary: Jason X fell short. Review: I liked this movie, but I thought it fell short. I liked the whole "space" thing and that it was 2455 instead of 1989 and instead of hacking people with a machette, he killed people in a new fasion. Say... he threw a guy on a giant screw, or freezing a girl's head in nitrogen and shattering it. I also think the special features too. But the stupid part was Jason flying in space getting his machette ready to smash a escape pod? I mean that is stupid. The cool part is Kay Em 14, the robot blows Jason up and he gets repaired by the matchine, he becomes Uber Jason because he has metal armor. Over all, this is a pretty good movie.
Rating:  Summary: great Review: this is a great fiday flick with so much gore your eyes will get tired the actions at a very high point tthe actings good the settings freaky and the endings weird