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Chances Are

Chances Are

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Rating: 2 stars
Summary: briefest of thrills
Review: this is a trifle,with nary a redeeming thing to offer. Ryan
O'Neal,Robert Downey, and Cybil try to save this thinly
plotted farce, but alas, not to be done. This dog waffles
on forever,but pays back little except Cybil in a slip,
which come to think of it,is probably worthwhile for those
of you with freezeframe. Elsewise, be forwarned:this dog
won't hunt. The premise of Chances Are, couldn't be sold
to the point of suspenion of disbelief for even a glimmer.
An acting exercise, no more.All of the principals have
done far better.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Absolutely Adorable!
Review: This is my favorite Robert Downey film. It's a completely sappy 80's movie, but that just gives it more charm.

Robert Downey plays a recent college grad (Louie) who is the reincarnated soul of Cybil Shephard's husband. When he meets her daughter, they hit it off. Louie begins remembering things from his former life, frightening the (still mourning over her husband) living daylights out of Corinne. Louie must prove to Corrine that he's not making everything up, or he'll lose her forever.

Excellent acting by the entire cast--Downey really shines. Any of you who stay in Monday nights because you don't want to miss Downey playing Larry Paul on Ally will love this movie!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The Original Gangster With A Twist.
Review: This is one of Jackie Chan's funniest pre-Rush Hour films. You get a chance to see him as an actor and not only a martial artist. As usual cast members like Bill Tung, Anita Mui and Richard Ng are thrown in with hysterical results. A must for the Jackie Chan collection.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A Beautiful Love Story
Review: This is one of my favorite movies in my DVD collection. Four actors you wouldn't expect to go very well together, wind up giving a wonderful group performance. Not only are Robert Downey, Jr. and Mary Stuart Masterson fantastic, but I was surprised that Ryan O'Neal was so entertaining. Of all the characters Cybill Shepherd had the least far to go with her portrayal of a ditzy blonde.

This movie is wonderful because it tells a sweet love story. It speaks of the possibilities beyond this earth. As far as the reincarnation theme the movie touches on some basic themes, but "What Dreams May Come" is more realistic in exploring the spiritual reasons for reincarnation. This is a movie to watch if you want a feel good love story to soothe the soul. It's not a movie I'd recommend to people who's right-wing preacher has convinced them throwing people into a lake with a boulder tied to them is the correct way to deal with those you suspect of being witches. Robert Downey, Jr. looks nothing like the man who plays Corinne's original husband so it's a bit of a stretch for anyone to bemoan underlying inferences. Watch this movie when you want to bathe yourself in the possibilities of true love. It will leave you with a smile on your face and a fuzzy warm feeling inside.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Beautifully filmed change of pace
Review: This is sort of the Jackie Chan version of a chick-flick. It doesn't contain as many action scenes as some of his other films, but what action there is, is really thrilling. The chase scene through the crowded streets of Hong Kong had me laughing out loud, and when it culminated in an unbelievable fight in a rope factory, I was once again awed by the inventiveness and daring (lunacy?) of the choreography and stunts. In between the action, however, is a really lovely movie--beautiful sets, gorgeous photography, beautiful ladies (particularly Anita Mui), fabulous costumes--this looks like a Hollywood movie, and considering the difference in Hong Kong and US budgets, that's saying a lot. I have seen over 20 of Jackie Chan's films, and I am amazed at how varied and creative his movies are. This is definitely one of his best.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Most disturbing movie I have ever seen
Review: This is the most disturbing movie I have ever seen.
It is even more disturbing that it is meant/produced as a very light comedy.
It is the story to be disturbing. A man dies. In heaven there is a memory-wash and souls are routinely reincarnated memory-less.
A husband is reincarnated in a baby. When he grows up to be a boy of about 20, he goes and look for his wife. Finally, after tons of difficulties, he manages to convince his wife-widow that it is truly him, the deceased husband. At that point, in heaven they figure out that they made a mistake and forgot to memory-wash him; so they just give him a last minute memory-wash. Result: he marries his own daughter. The wife says "oh well, I'll just marry someone else" and everybody lives happily ever after.
I find this very, very offensive. Basically, in this movie there is
1. Incest. Even if the guy has been memory-washed by the time he marries his own daughter (so he does not know that he is her father); still he remembered to be her father up to 5 minutes before. It still disturbs me. People trained in Philosophy, will recognize the question "but is he really her father, now that he has lost his memory?". The movie has NONE of this subtlety, it just assumes it is not anymore and does on
2. Life is treated as worthless. In heaven, they do whatever they want. If they have to rectify a mistake 20 years later, they just squash all the emotions and life-story that happened in those 20 years. All emotions, aspirations, joy and sorrow of the husband for his wife are deleted without afterthought - just an annoyance that mistakes happen.
3. The wife-widow is the most appalling character. She is finally convinced that the boy is indeed her deceased husband in reincarnated form. Nonetheless, when his memory is "miraculously" washed (and he forgets to be his husband from the previous life), she gets over it extremely quickly, and does not ask herself too many questions at all. She marries in all speed a friend of her husband she had an eye on for long, and has no qualms about the fact that the boy now marries her daughter.
Now, most of the movie is spent in scenes with the husband trying to convince the wife it is really him. If I were the wife, and I were convinced (after so much effort) he is truly my husband, and then "miraculously" he does not recall that at all anymore, (and even assuming that I could get over it pretty quickly - which I would not) I would still have HUGE qualms with him marrying my daughter.

All this is meant and is treated as the lightest of Hollywood comedies.

It definitely qualifies as the most disturbing movie I have ever seen.

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