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Chances Are

Chances Are

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Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Most disturbing movie I have ever seen
Review: I love this movie, I would definately reccomend this movie to any Robert Downey Jr. Fan. Robert Downey Jr.'s character is overtaken by the spirit of Sybil Shepards husban that died before their daughter was born. Robert Downey Jr. is involved with the daughter and is visiting her home when he is visited by her fathers spirit which does not leave until the end of the movie. This is a great, cute movie.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: "Chances Are" You'll love this movie
Review: I love this movie, I would definately reccomend this movie to any Robert Downey Jr. Fan. Robert Downey Jr.'s character is overtaken by the spirit of Sybil Shepards husban that died before their daughter was born. Robert Downey Jr. is involved with the daughter and is visiting her home when he is visited by her fathers spirit which does not leave until the end of the movie. This is a great, cute movie.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Favorite Movie Ever
Review: I love this movie, it is the best movie ever. I like it so much I have become obssesed with it. I'm dying ot buy it but I don't find it anywhere because it's too old. Robert Downey Jr looks so cute in that movie I could just eat him up. I desperately need this movie in my stock. I'm totally in love with it. I've been asking my sister to get for me and she can't find it anywhere! That is so rude! I think they should sell more of the movie in shopping stores, I least they would make a lot of monw\ey with me trying to buy that movie! Well, Bye!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Hilarious!
Review: I rented this one night with my friends and we were laughing so hard! It's a really fun movie... with all the action you come to expect from a Jackie Chan film. Although, Inspector Ho's background music... especailly when he first meets Chan... sets him up for numerous musical numbers which left me waiting hopefully for song and dance routines which never showed up... I loved this movie and highly recomend it!

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Delightful!
Review: I was a fan of Downey's before this film, but this is the one what made me totally fall in love with him. He was so sweet, sincere and believable in this film. He's a versatile and excellent actor, possibly one of the best of his generation!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Another Miracle From Jackie Chan
Review: Jackie Chan has done another outstanding job with this movie. I am very happy that he works 40 days on action and 4 days on the speaking instead of the other way around like most American action films. We get Jackie Chan for one reason and one reason only, because of the action and the stunts. This is one of the best action movies that I have seen and one of the best that Jackie Chan has done. I highly recommend getting this DVD. I have the subtitled issue and I am going to get it when it again when it gets dubbed in english. I couldn't wait, I had to have it and it is worth it!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: "Meet the real gangster!"
Review: Miracles is a good comedy with great fighting sequences. Jackie Chan is funny as a "good" gangster and, as always, amazes with his stunts. I particularly liked the fight scene in the restaurant and the chase in the streets. Anita Mui, who plays his lover, is not as funny as in movies like Drunken Master II, but is still adding a nice touch to the comedic aspect of the film.

Unfortunately, the quality for the picture and the sound of the DVD isn't what we're accustomed from Columbia/Tri-Star. A few scratches from time to time destroy a little bit our pleasure. And I can't believe that this edition is offered in mono only. It should at least have been in dolby surround.

A strange thing is that the subtitled version on the disc is 127 mins. long, but the dubbed one on the other side of the disc is 106 mins. long. Personnally, I don't mind since I don't quite like dubbed versions. But why?

Overall, it's a good Jackie Chan movie and a must for Chan's fans.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Not as good as everyone thinks
Review: Most people praise this movie as being a triumph for Jackie (he views it as his best directorial work), but there is a reason that Hollywood doesn't make these melodramas anymore. Yes there is a story, but who really cares if Jackie and friends pull of the deceipt? The 1950s type story doesn't work and seems very corny. That being said, the few fight scenes are very good, and the film is beautifully shot. But you are now warned.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Best film on the topic of reincarnation
Review: So few Hollywood films cover the topic of reincarnation, that this one, when it came out in 1989 was a breath of fresh air on the overdone romantic comedy formula. One reviewer was disturbed by this film in what she claimed was "incest" or the promotion of it. That's not the case. Incest is a genetic issue, or one of close familiarity (like two children raised as brother and sister even though they have different parental lineage, yet fall in love and marry after having lived all their lives as "brother and sister"). In this film, for anyone familiar with reincarnation, the relationship roles we have have with one another don't exist after death. When Alex (Robert Downey Jr) meets Miranda (Mary Stuart Masterson) in a college library on the last day of the school year, they are the same age and he didn't have his past life memory recalled yet (not until he sees the Georgetown home and her mother, Corinne, which triggers his past life memory through deja vu). In Alex's previous life, he was Louie Jeffries, who sired Miranda with Corinne but died before she was born...so how is Alex Finch (of different genetic lineage than Miranda's parents, Louie and Corinne Jeffries, and not having been raised in the Jeffries family as her brother) committing incest by getting together with Miranda in the end?

Having studied reincarnation intensely for the past six years, I believe this film is pretty accurate in its portrayal of how past life memory can come to the fore when we least expect it. If we know things we shouldn't know by any logical means, or have an inexplicable attraction to certain people and feel a mutual sense of having known each other for a longer period of time, or we experience intense deja vu connected to a place, those are good indicators of past life connection. This film does a great job unraveling the mysteries surrounding Alex's discovery of a past life and how he tries to convince his former wife, Corinne (played by Cybil Shepherd) that he is her beloved Louie, whom she never got over.

The movie develops the way it should, with Corinne finally getting over her husband's death and realizing that Philip loved her, supported her and waited all those years at her side. She even explains to Alex how people can change over the years and its not a rejection of the love they once shared. The age difference would be a problem, and in the end, Alex gets a chance to know Miranda after being absent from her life as a father (in the body of Louie). It all works out in the end, and the film closes with the beautiful song "After All" by Peter Cetera and Cher.

The only weakness with this film for me is the scene in heaven, thus the reason I subtract a star. The image of heaven in the clouds is uncreative and a cliche. The producers of this film could have done a lot with that scene, but it seemed like pure laziness to just have a heaven with no real form other than clouds and long lines. But I guess, that's what other films are for ("Defending Your Life" is a good one set in heaven), as this was just a tiny portion of an otherwise outstanding movie. Robert Downey Jr deserves a lot of credit for bringing his frantic physical comedy to the role, and my favorite scene (not to mention some of the funniest) occurs at the dinner table when Alex experiences the first rush of deja vu memories, which freaks him out and has him running in and out of the bathroom and committing self abuse.

So, if anyone is interested in reincarnation, I highly recommend this film for your collection. There are no other films that I can recall that cover that topic so well and so humourously, so this remains the standard bearer. Nicole Kidman's recent film "Birth" covers the topic of reincarnation in a very slow placed and darkly lit, somewhat boring manner (though Nicole is remarkable in that film)...so my recommendation is to stick with "Chances Are" and if the topic further intrigues you, there are plenty of books out there that explain how the beautiful and just process of reincarnation works. People who think this film is promoting incest haven't the first clue about reincarnation. The soul is separate from the physical body, and our souls aren't confined to the same relationship roles with people in life after life. As one New Age lady says to Alex in "Chances Are": "you don't know who's lurking in what body. The guy who gets on your nerves could be your mother-in-law" (words to that effect). Its a funny line and a little exaggerated, but students/believers of reincarnation will understand this film at a profoundly deep level. Probably the only people who wouldn't enjoy this type of film are those who aren't open minded enough to consider reincarnation a plausible theory/spiritual worldview...and if you're a strict Biblical literalist, I doubt you're gonna like this film. That's why films like "The Passion" and "Joshua" are made. Now, if only Hollywood would produce more films covering the topic of reincarnation of this calibre. Until then, "Chances Are" will fill that niche pretty well.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Fantastic, Jackie at his best.
Review: Take a good story, add a slice of comedy, music and action plus a lttle romance and what do you get? A wonderful film called Miracles. This movie is great and with Jackie Chan directing it, well it just cannot fail to be a hit. It is a case of being in the right place at the right time for the charactor Jackie plays in it. Conned out of his last few dollars and destitute all this changes when a lady gives him a rose for luck. He finds himself the leader of one of the top mobs and goes from rags to riches. The only thing is that this gang leader will not go anywhere without the rose that he believes changed his luck. Thats when this story starts to take off so great when the rose lady needs a lot of help and Jackie and his girlfriend promise to help her out. It becomes very chaotic and is so humourous I just loved it.This movie really shows that Jackie excells at everytging he does,whether it be action, fun and a serious actor.

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