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Bull Durham

Bull Durham

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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Superb Feature Film
Review: "You've got fungus on your shower shoes!" I love that bit. This movie is incredible. Not as good as Eight Men Out, but very close. Much better than Costner's Field of Dreams, which is overrated and inaccurate. Bull Durham features some great performances, especially from Costner. Crash Davis is just a wonderful character. And Tim Robbins and Susan Sarandon are great too. I can't say enough good things about this film. If you haven't seen this film, watch it.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: What a unique, accurate and inspiring movie about baseball!!
Review: Anyone who loves baseball will definitely enjoy this funny and inspirational story about a down and out team with quirky personalities and superstitions, trying to come together and win a championship. The writing and acting are superb. I would absolutely recommend it!!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Bull Durham has the most memorable script of all time.
Review: Bull Durham captures the magic of baseball and the reasons why we enjoy it like no other movie in history. Remember what Crash says. "This game is fun, dammit." His short speech ending with "wet kisses that last for three days" is unforgettable. Bull Durham shows how those who are intelligent and work hard at what they do are often overshadowed by those who are ignorant and untrained in the ways of real life.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Hilarious
Review: Bull Durham is the funniest movie I have ever seen

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Entertainingly funny
Review: One of the most funniest movies ever

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: If You Love the Game Of Baseball And Sex This Is The Movie !
Review: Kevin Costner at his best, I love to here him talk. You can tell he knows baseball and he knows women. This movie shows you the humourous side of the game and the meaning of love between a man and a woman. Great Movie!!!!!!!!!!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A very good flick!
Review: I, unlike the previous respondent, do not feel this is the best movie ever. I do not think it has any close relation to any ideals of humanity, or any other such rubbish. I do think that this movie is funny, intelligent, unique, different, and just plain great! I think it is Costner's best work as a comedic actor, and one of the best story lines I have seen. Sure it is a comedy, but it is very well written, and has some underlying meanings that only add to the story. I would definitely recommend this movie to anyone!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: I could watch this movie over and over again....
Review: I'll make this short and sweet, what makes this movie so good is the reality you feel from the characters in the movie. I think the best scene in the movie is when the players have a meeting on the pitchers mound and the talk about everything BUT baseball. I heard someone once say that scene is actually how it is sometimes. Quite funny!!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Minors baseball with all its home-town flavor, and spice!
Review: Best monologue from Kevin Costner, aimed at swooning ladies. Great legs, and poetry readings by Susan Sarandon, and an excellent storyline for those who need to get focused on the Big Show, and not so focused on the little things.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Baseball, Sex, Non-linear thinking and a Volvo 544
Review: This movie is a tour-de-force. Costner's laid back familiarity with all that concerns baseball, love and life's combination of the two is intoxicating. His monologue about what he believes in and Sarandon's response are classic. Robbins' portrayal of the outrageous, punk, flamethrower sets the stage for his future roles. This movie can really heat up and is not for kids but adults who can appreciate a literary approach to sport, sex and aging, this is a must-see.

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