Rating:  Summary: Sharp, Fun Comedy Review: A film that features a "Movie Montage" and divulges (finally!) why women really go to the restroom together, this is a fun and funny romp, a bit crude around the edges, perhaps, but for the most part, "The Sweetest Thing," directed by Roger Kumble, is harmless, pleasant entertainment that will make you laugh out loud and feel good for the rest of the day. And that's not such a bad deal, in my book.Christina (Cameron Diaz), Courtney (Christina Applegate) and Jane (Selma Blair) are close friends, single and young, who have for some time been living the high life in San Francisco, each of whom seems committed to avoiding commitment in any relationship (except for Jane, who's been with the same guy for nearly a year now). Christina's motto is, Don't look for "Mr. Right," look for "Mr. Right Now!" After all, girls just wanna have fun. But the men in their lives do not necessarily want to play the same game, which Jane finds out the hard way when her boyfriend dumps her suddenly. And though they don't realize it at first, Jane's situation is about to become the catalyst for all of them to do some reevaluating as to where all the fun, freedom and frolicking is taking them in their lives. They're all closing in on thirty (Christina is twenty-eight, the others about the same), and somehow, the "love 'em and leave 'em" thing doesn't seem to be all that fun anymore. And wouldn't you know it, Christina has just met a guy named Peter (Thomas Jane) at a nightclub, but doesn't realize how much she is attracted to him until after she lets him slip away. And the next day she just can't quit thinking about him. Suddenly, the shoe is on the other foot, and Christina discovers that it's just not such a good fit... Bolstered by the engaging performances of his leading ladies, as well as a terrific supporting cast, Kumble has crafted and delivered a comedy that provides plenty of laughs and a good time for all. Written by Nancy M. Pimental (a staff writer for TV's "South Park"), it's romantic without being sappy, and raunchier than what you usually get when the story is presented from the female perspective. Even so, it barely skirts Farrelly Brothers territory, comparatively, except for one scene-- involving a "piercing"-- that may be a bit too much for some tastes; but even that scene is carefully structured and presented in such a way that the filmmakers were clearly going for just plain funny, rather than anything gross or offensive. And-- subjectively, at any rate-- they succeeded. The story reflects a certain moral ambiguity consistent with today's society (similar in that regard to such TV shows as "Friends"), but this film is not meant to be taken too seriously or pondered too deeply; it's a film that was made to make you laugh. And it does. Cameron Diaz is a wonderful actor who can do drama with the best of them (As Julie in "Vanilla Sky," or Carol in "Things You Can Tell Just by Looking at Her," for example), but she definitely has a natural affinity for comedy (Kim, in "My Best Friend's Wedding,"-- in which she steals the show from Julia Roberts-- or Mary, in "There's Something About Mary"). She's a gifted, charismatic beauty with a grounded, down-to-earth sense of who she is and what she can do, and apparently has no problem with putting ego and vanity aside in deference to the demands of her craft. And it's an attitude that's enabled her to create a lasting impression and some truly memorable characters in film after film, as she does here with her Christina (which is one of the main reasons this film is so palatable). She has an alluring screen presence that serves her well (as it does her films), and she just keeps getting better and better with every project. Another reason this film works so well is because of Christina Applegate, who gives a winning performance as Courtney. Pairing her with Diaz was inspired casting; they play beautifully off of one another, and it makes their scenes together a delight to watch. Some of the things they do is just flat out funny-- like their "Movie Montage," which is absolutely hilarious. Like Diaz, Applegate has a natural charm that comes through well on the big screen, and this film, hopefully, should prove to be the catalyst that will finally take her career in that direction and enable her to at last shed her "Kelly Bundy" persona, once and for all. As Jane, Selma Blair also makes a good impression, even though-- due to the storyline-- she is somewhat overshadowed by her co-stars. Her part may be smaller, but she has her moments, and manages to hold her own during her scenes with Diaz and Applegate. Turning in notable performances, as well, are Thomas Jane, as the guy who may or may not be "the one" in Christina's life; indie queen Parker Posey, who brings her trademark quirkiness to the role of Judy, the beautiful bride; and Jason Bateman, who's become an outstanding character actor (he's come a long way since "Silver Spoons"), as Roger, Peter's brother. Rounding out the supporting cast are Damon Williams (Wedding Guest), Georgia Engel (Vera), Johnathon Schaech (Leather Coat Guy), Eddie McClintock (Michael), Don Winston (Eric), Manny Rodriguez (Paramedic) and Andrea Sabesin (Sheila). A right-on comedy that is going to appeal to a wide audience, not only because of the performances, but because it's clever, agreeable and accessible, "The Sweetest Thing" is exactly what it is supposed to be: Funny. Still, be forewarned-- there are a couple of scenes that will be hard for those with certain sensibilities to embrace, and accordingly, it has an "R" rating. But if you can go with the flow, and think Chaucer, Rabelais and Balzac, this is one you're going to enjoy. It's the magic of the movies.
Rating:  Summary: Cameron and Christina ROCK!! Review: Over the last couple of years, I had begun to think of Cameron Diaz as the girl that wouldn't go away. Christina has always been an actress that i admired and enjoyed to watch in a film or tv show. When i first saw the trailer for The Sweetest Thing, I thought it looked very cute, and at least worth watching. After seeing the movie twice, i have rediscovered my adoration for Diaz and renewed my love for Christina. These girls work very well together. They compliment each others comedy and neither tries to steal the scene from the other. The movie itself was flat out hysterical. It was very reminiscent of Diaz's film Theres something About Mary, only funnier. The comedy seems to fly off the screen.. Cameron Diaz plays Christina, a player, who enjoys the game of love and the perks that go with it. She won't settle down because, well, what is the fun in that. Applegate plays her best friend and partner in crime, who pushes her into that brick wall called love. After Christina's room mate, played by Selma Blair, gets dumped by her boyfriend, the girls decide to take her out and get her mind off her woes. At the club, Christina tries to engage Thomas Jane with Selma to get her mind off things, but when he rebuffs her, she calls him a name, and he retaliates. The two spark and eventually make up. Little does she know, he's the one. Chrisinta and Courtney end up going on a tremendously funny road trip to find the man of her dreams and she ends up finding more than she bargained for. An A+ for comedy and a must see film.
Rating:  Summary: funny as hell Review: If you want to watch a funny, no, hilarious movie with romance, get this. Though less romance and more funny, this romance-comedy has everything. 3 actresses that are top notch and a 2 great male actors (even though one hardly gets any time!) Christina Applegate puts on the best performance, Cameron Diaz shines and Selma Blair is funny as hell. The jokes are a little on the dirty side and the unrated version even has more of it but it's one hell of a movie. Watch it with your friends for a good laugh and a good movie. My all time favourite romance-comedy.
Rating:  Summary: ABSOLUTELY HORRIBLE! Review: This is single-handedly one of the worst films I have ever seen!!! It is so bad, I can't even compute what else to say!
Rating:  Summary: The female version of 'American Pie' Review: This movie is a combination of 'Bridget Jones Diary' and 'American Pie'. It's partly a romantic comedy, but there's some sight gags and semi-crass humor involved as well. I found it to be very funny, but if you don't like this kind of humor then you probably won't enjoy this movie. Cameron Diaz and Christina Applegate are perfect onscreen together, totally believable as best friends.
Rating:  Summary: 2 hours that I'll never get back from my life Review: Cameron Diaz is a very weird actress, because she can do good choices (like "gangs of new york" or "being John Malkovich") and then you see her in this idiotic so called movie! It's simply not funny, it's just a sorry excuse to show cameron diaz and christina applegate in bikinis...
Rating:  Summary: Turning it off Review: I feel compelled to write a review for this unspeakably awful offense on humankind, especially after reading four and five star reviews of it. If this has come to be quality entertainment in this country then we have sunk lower than my worst fears. It's not the crude humor - I like everything from South Park to Old School. It's the unbelievably awful screenwriting and tired, hackneyed humor that permeates this 90-minute disaster, most of which leaves you in a stunned embarrassed silence. Who is this film supposed to be for? Women? I surely hope not. Most women I know do not enjoy seeing their gender portrayed as the brainless, horny airheads that populate this debacle. Is it for men? Dear God no. I think I speak for all of us when I say that men do not enjoy watching attractive women act like twelve-year-old boys. Is it for kids? Absolutely not, given the sexual lewdness throughout. There's nothing wrong with sexual lewdness in itself, as long as it has a morsel of comedic value and possibly contributes to the plot or characters in at least an indirect way. But with "The Sweetest Thing" discussing things like plot and characters is like arguing about the arrangement of the deck chairs on the Titanic. Instead, let's discuss the film on it's own level, something that would make sense within it's context and to the cinematic connoisseurs that seemed to enjoy it - we'll just play a simple game. The rules are simple, and the first two are the hardest - you have to watch at least fifteen minutes of it, and you have to get someone else to do it with you. There. The rest is all downhill. Just count the number of times each of you says one of the following: "Oh my God," "How did this get made?", "Did the actors read the script before they agreed?", "*Was* there a script?", "How do big stars do movies like this?", "I feel insulted," "Do people really think women act like this in private?" and lastly, "This may be the worst movie I've ever seen, definitely top five." If you reach ten, congratulations, you win. You can stop watching, a prize worth fighting for.
Rating:  Summary: hillarious!!!!! Review: I dont care what anyone else sayz, but this movie is so funny!!!!! there is no reason not to like it. i love it! its funny, romantic, and just plain fun.
Rating:  Summary: 2 hours that I'll never get back from my life Review: Cameron Diaz is a very weird actress, because she can do good choices (like "gangs of new york" or "being John Malkovich") and then you see her in this idiotic so called movie! It's simply not funny, it's just a sorry excuse to show cameron diaz and christina applegate in bikinis...