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On the Line

On the Line

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Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Funniest flick I've seen besides Silence of the Lambs!!!!
Review: Really, it was rather funny. Jerry Stiller is perfect addition to one of the many old screen talents as the crudgy old man. And I give it one extra star for no Britney cameos, although she does appear on the soundtrack...

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Line in Sync With Teenage Audiences
Review: Sweet, innocuous teen romantic comedy... deals with love at first sight, missed opportunities and setting records straight. Has some good laughs and doesn't shy away from being silly at times (Fatone is a comedic standout...and don't miss the spoof woven into the end credits!!). Star vehicle for Bass who is surprisingly apt and loveable in his first big screen role. Mainly targeted at teenage audiences but works well for grownups if you buy the premise. Cute.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: On the Line is amazing! The world needs this love story!
Review: I just can't say enough about how much I love this movie!! Lance Bass and Joey Fatone are the stars in this great romantic comedy. (Sorry just have to get this off my chest:all of you who say that this is a bad movie because it has Lance and Joey in it can't look past the fact that they are musicians and notice that they did a tremendous acting job. If you didn't judge this movie "by it's cover" you might see what a great movie this is.~Whew!). On the Line is the story of a shy guy, Kevin, who meets the women he is destined for on a train in Chicago. He doesn't get her name or number and just can't get her out of his mind. Kevin finds the courage that he has held inside and risks everything to put his heart on the line and find the love of his life. How could you not love a movie like that?! It is VERY funny and VERY sweet. After watching this movie it makes you feel like you want there to be a real Kevin Gibbons who can give the world a few lessons about love! You fall in love with Kevin and find yourself rooting for him in his quest to take a chance and find his love. It just gives me the giggles and makes me want to watch it every time I think about it because it is so cute!I just absolutely love this movie! It is good for the *NSYNC fan , the non- *NSYNC fan, the hopeless romantic, and everyone else who enjoys a quality movie! Must buy it! You won't regret it!

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Was not the greatest movie on earth but it was really cute
Review: I liked the movie. I thought it was cute and I thought Lance and Joey did a pretty good job. This really is a girl flick and if you liked movies like Simply Irresitable or She's All That then you would like this movie.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Awesome, not just for NSYNC FANS
Review: IT was great. A real feel good movie when america Needed it most. American's needed an uplifting, romantic comedy and they got it witn on the line. Sure, the acting may have been a little stiff but hey all soon-to-be great actors start out like this!!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Delightful romantic comedy
Review: This is a predictable film, yes, but its also very charming, funny, and sweet. Lance Bass and Joey Fatone really surprised me, they turned out to be pretty good actors!! Also, watch for a HILARIOS cameo by 2 other Nsync members!}A must have!

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Not so bad, but could have been better.
Review: The only advice I can give is don't see this movie expecting a whole lot or you will be very disappointed. The whole movie is very predictable and decent performances, and overall is a fun movie. Lance Bass stars as Kevin who falls in love with a girl he meets on the L train played by the gorgous and charming Emmanuelle Chriqui. He foregts to get her number then the whole city and his friends help him find the girl of his dreams. Parts of the movie are kind of rediculous. Why would a whole city care about helping this guy? Lance gives an ok performance, but he seems very stiff and tried way to hard to "act", but he is likeable. Joey Fatone adds some comic fun to his role, but he as well is trying way too hard, and comes off as a charicture instead of a real person, and the same could be said about the supporting cast. It is enjoyable, and the soundtrack is a lot of fun, and it is definetly one of those films you can just kick back, relax, and watch with a bunch of friends, probably making fun of it. The best part is at the end, with a hysterical cameo from Justin and Chris. The DVD also has some cool features that all Nsync fans would love to have.

Rating: 5 stars
Review: ... This movie changed my whole life. It was a romantic love story that makes you wonder, do i really love my man? I Sure Got some inspiration out of it. And Evan if Lance Bass And other mebers from N'Sync stared in it , they did a good job!

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Fine if your a 12 year-old girl
Review: On the Line is a story about Kevin (played by Lance Bass from NSync), a guy who has always failed in the love department because he's never had the guts to take big risks when it comes to his heart. One day while riding the L-train, he meets a girl with whom he has an immediate connection.... , he doesn't get her name or phone number. As soon as she out of sight, he realizes how monumental his mistake is. Kevin takes the biggest gamble of his life and places flyers all over town searching for the L-train girl. A local newspaper picks up the story and things start to snowball out of control. Hundreds of women contact him but none of them are the right the girl-the L-train girl. Will he find her? Is it true love? Well, this is a film about romance so you figure it out.
On the Line is a fluff movie without any real bite. For the 12-year-old diehard NSync fans, this PG piece of pap is at least palatable but for all of the grown-ups out there, I suggest that you just say no. The brightest spot in the entire film is the performance of Jerry Stiller-as the gruff but loveable office guy who dispenses advice and insults equally. Unfortunately, he appears to be one of the few gifted actors in this production. Lance Bass and Joey Fatone from NSync make a phenomenal effort but it just doesn't fly but at least they can laugh at themselves. For a few extra giggles, hang on past the credits and see the other band members (dressed as hairdressers) take pot shots at Lance and Joey. This extra is a real blast. To be fair, this movie was not nearly as bad as I imagined. For everyone else besides the NSync fans, I warn you that the plot drags, the acting is mediocre, and the story is a bad rewrite of Serendipity. I can't give a rave review but I won't slam it completely, I give it a C-.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Great Movie
Review: I use to live in Chicago so when I saw this movie I was like I know want building that is and I knew where he was when I saw it...... I love it a lot I was a little upset that it was not out in the movie theatres that long but I am so happy that it is out on movie now so I can buy it I saw Nsync 5 times in concerts and I am sooooooooooooooooo in love with Lance....... Oh I love the ending cresting with Justin, J.C., Chris in it I was laughing so much when I was watching the end of the movie there was people screaming in the movie when they saw Nsync I was not screaming...........

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