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Dream for an Insomniac

Dream for an Insomniac

List Price: $24.95
Your Price: $22.46
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: My life on celluloid
Review: I was tempted by the movie several times in the video store and finally gave into the urge. I was really glad I did. Who knew that people in California were following my life. This was a great movie and I really identified with the character of Frankie. This was a smart, romantic comedy that gives a taste of love to all us dreamers.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: This movie is the best!
Review: I loved this movie. I just picked in up at the movie store on a whim and I am glad that I did. Ione Skye did a great job in this movie. She really made you feel like you were the one who found out the love of your life had a girlfriend. Jennifer Aniston played the perfect best friend after Molly appears for the first time. I would definitely reccomend this movie to anyone.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Deep, romantic, with undeniable warm-fuzzy feelings.
Review: Clever, Witty, Deep but bright, fun, and romantic. I think that there is a little bit of an insomniac in all of us, just waiting up for our dreams to come true.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: This movie rocks!
Review: If you love a romantic comedy with a smart edge then you'll love this movie. The dialogue is smart and the story line is pretty good too. It is a little slow in the beginning but just keep watching.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The best movie I've ever seen!
Review: Frankie is a wonderful woman who is somewhat "on the dark side but aims for good." This is the story of her search to find her soul mate. She says that life is mediocre and love should not be. In fact, anything less than extraordinary is a waste of her time. She knows how to llive life to the fullest and this is a wonderful movie.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Better the second, third, fourth time around!!!
Review: Prepare to be dazzled by the subtle facial expressions and body language of Frankie and Sir David Shrader! Watch a movie once and enjoy it for its plot and obvious special effects; watch a movie twice and relish in the subtle gestures which you didn't notice before and which make all the difference in your perception of the film. The barely noticeable, often unique, and seemingly unscripted facial and body gestures exacted by the two main characters not only flows with natural and believable ease, but draws you into the scene and to the feelings of the moment. If you didn't notice this before, rent the movie again and see what your missing!!!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A movie that will renew your faith in true lov
Review: Ione Sky gives a stellar preformance as a coffee shop employee that can't sleep, obsessd by caffine , literature and finding the perfect man, who in her mind does not exist.......just see this movie!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: clever
Review: This is a really smart and entertaining film. What I love about it is the little hidden jokes, which some viewers may be too slow to pick up on. First, there was the Sinatra reference of Cafe Blue Eyes, and Frankie's reluctance to date anyone without blue eyes. Then, there was the delvery man in the first scene with Molly, who, if you looked closely, you can recognize as Puck from the Real World San Francisco. I thought the conversation comparing Vedder (with two d's) and Bono was interesting. I too have been known to study the Trivial Pursuit questions, and I love Scrabble. But, aside from these clever jokes, the film portrays an idealistic girl who won't settle for anything less than mad, passionate love in life. This message should be heeded by everyone. I also loved Uncle Leo's plaid hat, his obsession with golf, and Aniston's experiment with different voices. Very funny and entertaining.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Most beautiful romance movie I've seen in a while.
Review: I love the way this movie is so close to life and how is makes you feel like your inside the movie. I love the portrayal Michael Landes does of a gay guy. He is great, but he is too fine to be gay. They need to have more pictures and sites of him and Mackenzie Astin. It was wonderful. 2 thumbs up here!!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A Magical Two hours!
Review: This movie is a gem. It's smart, funny and honest. Skye and Anniston are a set of best friends just like you and your own. Mackenzie Astin is the man of our dreams and true to life, he's taken. If noting but the extraordinary is worth your time, buy this movie!

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