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Forces of Nature

Forces of Nature

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Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Good
Review: I gave this a 4 because of the BAD ending! I was really enjoying it & then he just goes & picks the wrong girl! I thought it was kind of wierd that his girl friend or whatever would just forgive him like that. I really enjoyed the other parts though. It was funny too. Those poor people pretty much everything that could happen to them did! But all in all i would only rent this movie

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: mixed bag
Review: I have read other reviews on this film and I agree with some of them. I found this movie to be surprisingly entertaining! The characters were well written and well acted. This movie is fun and sad and real. It's something to really check out. The ending wasn't that surprising. I think this movie is about all the what if's in life.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A great, lighthearted movie
Review: By now, you've already read the basic plot. The only bad thing about this movie is that all the colors seem murky and muddled; even sunny (lit.) scenes seem cloudy. Just watch it in a dark room and things should be fine. Aside from that, I really enjoyed this movie. I could identify with some of the characters. Great special effects, too.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Watchable, but forgetable
Review: The concept was great placing this unlikely pair together. Individually they both have charimsa. They could not escape a movie that wasn't that bad on paper, but bad, very bad in execution. What should have been funny scenes were left a bit hollow. The scene where he is undressing in a gay man's club should have been funny, it wasn't. Both stars in their own right are very good. An inplausible plot, just makes it difficult to carry on. One bright spot in this film was some very creative camera work. Personally this is worth watching on TV if it just happens to come on, but unless you are a fan of ether Ben or Sandra I would pass on this one.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Bad bad bad.
Review: I think Sandra Bullock is a good actress. Despite that, this movie is just bad. Perhaps it's the fact that Ben Affleck is stinking up the screen that brought it down? He is just a bad bad actor. I swear at one point I thought I saw him actually reading off of a cue card. Which really suprises me because I didn't think he could read. I don't understand why he keeps getting roles in motion pictures. He has rode the success of his buddy Matt Damon for too long, it's time to cut him loose.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Boy Meets Other Girl
Review: This is a concise and effective little film. Everything seems to be preventing Ben Affleck from arriving on time and marrying Maura Tierney his fiancée of an upper crust family in Savannah, Georgia. Affleck gets coupled with bohemian Sandra Bullock and starts to fall for her. Maura Tierney does an excellent job with her role and actually saves this film from being just another cliché statement on boy-meets-other-girl. Your heat will just go out to Tierney. Sandra Bullock also has more at stake if she just falls for Affleck. The script tries to put you in the mind of Affleck and the indecisiveness he is experiencing. This is more than just a head-over-heels love story on a whim. It makes the viewer experience the emotional turmoil that the main characters are going through. This is a highly underrated story I am sure that many people can identify with. The Full-Frame VHS copy was more enjoyable than the DVD. The VHS Surround Sound complimented the film much better than the DVD version.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Romantic comedy succeeds except for its ending
Review: In the realm of romantic comedy, Forces of Nature might be described as earnest. Its makers intended to make something original, and while they did not succeed, it was not from lack of trying. The laughs and, to a degree, the romance are here, but the movie never reaches the heights it aims for.

Ben and Bridget [Ben Affleck and Maury Tierney] are to be wed in a few days at her parents' home in Savannah. He is to fly from New York City for the event. Ben writes blurbs for book jackets for a living. He's a somewhat stuffy fellow who never lets himself go. On the airplane, he meets Sarah [Sandra Bullock], a whacky free spirits with a heart of gold - the kind who exists only in movies. [You know this character. It's the one that makes a complete mess of life, yet always ends up somehow nobler than everyone else.] She tries to strikes up a merry conversation with the reticent Ben. Her attempts are interrupted when a seagull gets sucked into one of the plane's engines. This causes the craft to veer off the runway while attempting take off. Unscathed, the two find themselves hitching a ride with a mad man. Thus begins their often hilarious road trip together. Ben must make it to the wedding on time, and Sarah must get to Savannah for her own reasons.

Forces of Nature is Bullock's third foray into playing a romantic lead, and it is her best attempt. It is Affleck's first try. There is a certain amount of chemistry between the two leads, but I am convinced that Bullock's forte will eventual prove to be in other areas. This is not necessarily a negative criticism, for the same can be said of Glenn Close, Sigourney Weaver and Meryl Streep. As for Affleck, he still exhibits an immaturity which does not lend itself well to this kind of role.

Most of the humor is not provided by the two stars. It comes in the form of the characters they run into, whose observations about relationships and marriage are sharp and witty. Interest is also provided by a series of calamities, many of them natural, which conspire to delay the couple from reaching their destination.

The film's major flaw, unfortunately, is its ending. Given the premise that the forces of nature will conspire to keep you from going down the wrong path in life, the conclusion seems exceptionally unnatural.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Just Watch the Movie, forget about the politics
Review: On the front cover of this DVD in big bold letters it says in quotes "Outrageously Funny" - I didn't think that this movie was particularly outrageously funny, certainly not something I'd die laughing over, but if there were two movies on, One that I know is Outrageously Funny, and Forces of Nature, I would rather watch this movie any day. It is true that this movie did contain some lines of good humor, and some traits and sequences intended to make the easily laughable laugh, and I can see why people would write "this movie is horrible" in their review, simply based on this humor. But that just proves my theory that the best way to watch a movie is to forget about what everyone else is saying, forget about the fact that The box the DVD came in is kind of odd, or that the Interface is somewhat pixelated and over active, and just watch the movie looking to enjoy it. This movie deserves a 5 rating because it is a movie that I can sit down and watch, mainly because of it's fun attaching nature, and the fact that while it may be touted as a comedy or a love story or whatever else the reviewers may write, this movie is a perfect conglomeration of all the elements of film making with a little bit of every style, with not too much or not too little of any. Get this movie and watch it, you won't regret it.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Cute, funny movie!
Review: I just watched this movie for the first time last night and I have to say that I was pleasently surprised. I enjoyed it immensely. It's one of the romantic comedies that you can just sit back and enjoy. It kind of reminded me of "Out Of Towners" slightly. The basic storyline is that the main character, Ben, has to get to Georgia for his wedding. He has 2 days. It happens that he ends up sitting next to this woman who also needs to be in Georgia in 2 days. Everything bad imaginable that could happen on a trip happens to the 2 of them. It was a lot of fun to watch. I highly recommend it.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Forces of Nature
Review: A good cast but appaling film. It was unbelievable and predictable, I fast forwarded most of it. I mean, who has a weding in a middle of a tornado? Who gets their purse stolen and immediately goes on a shopping spree afterwards? it is said to be a romantic comedy, although nothing was funny apart from the stupidity of it, and there was hardly any romance. This is one of the worst movies Ive seen and i advise anyone with sense NEVER to see it.

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