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Can't Hardly Wait

Can't Hardly Wait

List Price: $14.94
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: This movie was great!
Review: Can't hardly wait really defines how graduating from high school should be like. When the school's jock dumps Amanda (Jennifer Love Hewitt) everbody is amazed except for Preston. He believes fate will be on his side at the party of the year. This sounds like a dumb plot, but you'll be amazed. Jennifer Love Hewitt is great and great looking in this movie. Overall it gets 5 stars from me.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: This Movie Rocks
Review: Ethan Embrys brings a humble hero element to this movie about fun and love and other stuff....

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: DVD features make it well worth it
Review: The "Can't Hardly Wait" DVD fully utilizes the features provided for that format. Especially, the very funny and insightful audio commentary by the Directors (Deborah Kaplan and Harry Elfont), one of the Producers (Jenno Topping), and one of the cast (Seth Green). The interactive menus were fabulous with different pictures of the cast for each sub-menu. The DVD contains both the widescreen (1.85:1) and pan-and-scan versions making it very accomodating to those who prefer one display format over the other. Watching it on in widescreen format certainly made it virtually like watching it in the theatre again.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: This movie is da bomb, as Special K would say!
Review: Can't Hardly Wait is an awesome comedy for young adults. It has the humor, the problems of real life, and of course the babes (Love Hewitt)!!! I watched it at the theatres three times, then rented it while I'm waiting for the DVD to arrive. I really recommend this to anyone

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A great movie for the graduates
Review: I saw this movie right before highschool graduation. I must say its a funny, have fun type of movie.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Paul Anthony Hay on Can't Hardly Wait, An A1 Movie of 98
Review: Seth Green, Ethan Embry, Peter Facinelli, and Jennifer Love Hewitt are perfect in Can't hardly wait. The Graduation class of 1998 go out with a bang as a celebration they have an end of school party!, and everyone is Invited. Prestin ( Ethan Embry ) is leaving town only he finds out that the girl of his dreams?, Amanda, ( Jennifer Love Hewitt) is single again. Prestin has decided to go to the party to hopefully win the heart of Amanda. And then we have the guys who are ready more then anyone to go to the party, ready for Action is Kenny A.K.A Special K (Seth Green) and his possie looking to seek a young fine honey to lose his verginaty, but has trouble in doing so!. The we have the band on stage ready for their performence their first ever show, and all hell breaks loose as none of them can agree with the lead singer on the night. And of course we have Willam who has had it in for Mike Dexter (Peter Facinelli) since Grade school!, as Mike has torchered him since the begining of time!, and is Willams night to take revenge on Mike, but dosen't go to plan when Will get's drunk and has a good time.

I'll have to give this movie a ***** star award as it is the best movie of 1998. you could watch over and over again!. "Buy this movie"

Submition Paul Anthony Hay

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Among the better 90's teen movies
Review: I guess I was in a particularly good mood when I watched this, but I really enjoyed it. It didn't succomb to the predictable schmaltz of many of the more "romantic" teen flicks of its era. Instead I found this film understated and ultimately underrated. There is plenty of fun along side some honest "dealing" with relationships and saying the things that have gone unsaid for years between classmates and friends.

I found the relationships portrayed to be quite believable and almost effortless at points, which is due in no small part to the acting. Here we have a showcase of some of the best young actors of their generation, including no fewer than three of the cast members of Six Feet Under. Lauren Ambrose is wonderful in a stand-out performance. And yes, Ethan Embry is adorable.

There are plenty of extras to keep true fans happy, but the film itself is enough to please your average teen-movie fan.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Lauren Ambrose and a great soundtrack are not quite enough
Review: "Can't Hardly Wait" is the "American Graffiti" for this generation of actors and actresses. Not because it is a classic coming of age film that will be remembered fondly for years and years but because you will recognize a dozen of familiar faces that have become a whole lot more familiar since this movie came out in 1998. Talking strictly in television terms that is Jennifer Love Hewitt from "Party of Five," Ethan Embry from "FreakyLinks," Lauren Ambrose, Freddy Rodríguez, Eric Balfour and Peter Facinelli from "Six Feet Under," Seth Green, Paige Moss and Amber Benson from "Buffy the Vampire Slayer," Selma Blair from "Zoe, Duncan, Jack & Jane," Nicole Bilderback from "Dawson's Creek," Donald Faison from "Felicity" and "Scrubs," and I am sure more, but that list is more than enough to prove my point. Oh, Jenna Elfman from "Dharma and Greg" and Melissa Joan Hart from "Sabrina." Should not forget those two.

This is one of those movies when a senior class has a big blow out to celebrate graduation and some house gets totally trashed while the parents are away. This year the party is at the house of Molly (Michelle Brookhurst), who is identified in the credits as "Girl Whose Party It Is." The major development is that Amanda Beckett (Love Hewitt), the prom/queen cheerleader has broken up with jock boyfriend Mike Dexter (Facinelli), which has inspired Preston Meyers (Ethan Embry) to have hope. He has loved her from afar for all four years of high school. An aspiring writer, Preston wrote a love letter to Amanda as a freshman and tonight he thinks fate is telling him to give her that letter. After all, Barry Manilow's "Mandy" is on the radio.

The other three characters who would be seated at the dais are Denise Fleming (Ambrose), who is Preston's friend and apparently the only sane member of the senior class, William Lichter (Charlie Korsmo), the class super brain who comes to his first party armed with a chart that will help him figure out how much to drink and remain sober, and Kenny Fisher (Green), who has come to the party for the sole purpose of having sex that night and who talks like a black rapper despite the fact he is really, really white. He is not alone in this regard, although he will not run into some real African Americans who are not amused by their antics. Actually, "Can't Hardly Wait" is one of those movies where they try really hard to be amusing and it rarely works.

Granted, part of the problem is that I am at the age where when I watch a movie like this I cannot help but have nightmarish visions of it being my house being destroyed by a teenager kegger. I should identify with Preston, since I did my fair share of pinning for high school girls from afar, but there is so much going on that he gets lost in the proceedings. Besides, Jennifer Love Hewitt gets the top billing but the stand out performance is Lauren Ambrose, which is exactly as it should be if we are talking most talented actress and most interesting character.

I was leaning towards at least enjoying this film on its own terms, but then there was a scene where a blast from the past shows up at the party. Trip McNeely (Jerry O'Connell) and has a "deep conversation" with Mike Dexter, his heir as it were, and pretty much dumps a "meaningful message" into the film. I am not sure if it is too little too late or insult to injury, but it is one of those. That means that "Porky's" is a better film than this one (and funnier too). "Can't Hardly Wait" has a better soundtrack, which should not be the main reason for recommending a film, but in this case it is the truth. Still, as long as Lauren Ambrose is in a film you have a reason to see the DVD and not skip ahead directly to the CD.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Among the better 90's teen movies
Review: This is one of the few feel good movies that I would give this high a rating. It isnt anything new, the characters don't break any new ground, but that isn't important. It is like listening to Beethoven, no new ground is broken, but how well are they playing it?

The cast is perfect, they not only were all decent actors and fit the roles, but they don't look like actors. They are people that you can see yourself going to high school with, not my white trash high school;), but from the average high school. Seth Green is in perfect form as the white boy who wishes he was black, posing and growling more than acting with others around him groaning. Ethan Embry plays a believable book worm, flawed and nerdish, but believably so. Jennifer Love Hewitt is the clas princess, and looks the part. She is pretty, but has the look of the girl next door not a model in teenager clothing. Rounding off the cast is the refreashing Lauren Ambrose playing the bitter intellectual. She was rated as the new Jeannine Garafalo, unfortunate she didn't do much after this as she was a better actress than Jeannine. As well as the underrated Charlie Korsmo, playing the uber nerd of the class. Interestingly this was his last performance before joining the department of energy.

As previously stated, they don't really break any new ground. The white boy wishing he was a black guy has a moment of self realization. The bitter intellectual realizes that she might be at fault for her lonliness and hooks up with a very unlikely person. The quiet book worm gets courage to ask out someone who was beyond his level. The jock has a sobering moment when he sees where is life is headed. etc........

No new ground broken, but it is treated more seriously than most movies of its genre. The pacing is well done and keeps you interested throughout the movie. The humor is offbeat at times and has a freash feel to it. Though the characters are cliche, they make you interested in them and their plights. I found myself wanting the bookworm to give his letter to the girl, for the princess to discover who she is alone, etc.. Plus they used their soundtrack well, good songs and they fit the scenes that they were in.

All in all it was a good movie, not great, but good. It is also one of the few feel good movies that I would advise to others. It is a movie that is idealistic and has a happy ending but doesn't become sappy or preechy like others of its genre. It also manages to be one of the best high school party movies ever.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Can't Hardly Wait
Review: It really is a shame that Ethan Embry has not gained more starring roles. though many of his films feature him as a goofy guy, Can't Hardly Wait is his proof that he can play a leading man wonderfully.
This simple story of a man in love is jam-packed with an all star cast that creates perfect little subplots that all come together in the end. it's hysterical! cheesy when it's supposed to be and serious when needed.
In the last scene, the two main characters finally come together and share great chemistry when they finally do. it also shows that ethan embry, aside from being a great actor, is one of the best on-screen kissers i've ever seen.

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