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Can't Hardly Wait

Can't Hardly Wait

List Price: $14.94
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: It Rox!
Review: This movie was so much fun! It's not just a bunch of highschool kids getting hammered at a party. It's about each of their problems and different story lines. And it doesn't just revolve around 1 main character, which is interesting. The best character is Seth Green as the "homeboy Kenny Fisher". He is absolutely hilarious and loveable at the end. This is an AWESOME movie!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The greatest movie for teens this decade
Review: The different stories of the characters all revolving around this one party. Seth Green has to be the funniest character in this movie. With his little backpack and getting stuck in the bathroom and in the end has the best night of his life.`

Rating: 5 stars
Review: I loved this movie so much I wanted to watch it 300 times, but I saw it in the theaters twice. Anyone who likes good funny movies should get it. Jennifer Love Hewwit is also very beutiful. The kid who steals the police car is funny.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A Great Movie!!!
Review: This was a great movie! It was very funny and the actors were great! its about a teenage writer(ethan embry)who has had a crush on a girl named Amanda(jennifer love hewitt) since his freahman year in high school. after graduation he finally has enough courage to give her a leeter he wrote. but he cant and it strangely gets to her. well i dont want to ruine it so see it!!! It Is The Greatest Movie!!!!!

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: About as good as can be expected...
Review: Now, before I begin, let me explain something first... Okay, I did see "Fast Times," and "Sixteen Candles," and "Breakfast Club," and "Pretty in Pink," and "Some Kind of Wonderful," and "Clueless," and "Dazed and Confused," and all those other 'seminal' teen movies people want to compare this movie with. I watched them when they first came out in theaters (and I was, oh, five, six, seven years old when most of them were first released); I've watched most of them all on countless reruns on local stations, and I've even sat down and watched them all again, as they've been re-run on TBS and TNT, or on HBO or Cinemax. And, being a member of the Class of 1997 myself, I have this to say about the whole teen-movie genre: THEY WERE ALL WAY, WAY, WAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYY OVERHYPED!!!!!!!!!! Then, and now. Also, having been in high school myself, I have this to say to those who felt the characters in CHW were either one-sided and terribly stereotypical, or lacked any real saving graces: HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS ARE STEREOTYPICAL!!!!! The myth perpetuated by "My So-Called Life," the one which led many to think that youths of today are indeed multi-dimensional and mired down in the age-old questions, is just that: a myth. People in high school are really only concerned about the things which are superficial--parties, jocks, having that "first time," getting the prettiest girl/boy in school to notice you, etc. To assume anything more from them is ridiculous, for the simple fact that they're only in high school, have not really had a chance to expose themselves to the outside world and redefine who they are as people, because all they really, truly know is high school. And nothing more.

Now, as for the movie itself: it is flawed. But, like I said, so is every other teen movie ever made. None of them, to me, have been perfect, and with good reason: high school students are not fighting in hand-to-hand combat, they're not interacting with the workplaces on a full-time basis, and, with some (and, sadly, growing) exceptions, they're not tied down to other responsibilities which have tied down their parents. They're having parties, thinking about sex (whether to have it, or not), and, in general, trying to get through those three or four years before college with as little pain as possible. And, yes, they are involved in cliques, for a good reason: it beats being different...and standing alone. Sad and unfair, but true.

CHW, when you get down to it, is meant to be lightweight fare. It's not supposed to be deep or philosophical, or even "good." It is what it is: a chance to tweak some noses and kill a good 90 minutes. Those looking for a teen movie with true resonance and depth, there is one out there: "The Outsiders." In my opinion, humble though it may be, "Outsiders" is THE seminal teen-movie, should we all ever need one. Which we don't. CHW is a rollicking good time that will you make you laugh for a bit and help you forget whatever problems you have for awhile. It is a delightful cinematic distraction, should we all ever need one. Which we do...

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: I really love this movie!
Review: The first time I saw this movie i didn't think i would like it, but i really loved it alot, it was very funny!I loved the part when they are trapped in the bathroom!I think Jennifer Love Hewitt is a really good actress. And this movie sends out many many different messages, but when you get down to the core, it's all about teenagers at a party!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Best Movie i've ever seen!!!
Review: This is definetely my favorite movie. Love is my fave actress too . I absolutely love it! I recomend this movie highly.You will not regret seeing this!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: As close to "Fast Times" as the 90's has produced
Review: Nobody will ever mistake this film for "The Godfather" or even "Fast Times at Ridgemont High" (the seminal 80's teen-angst movie), but "Can't Hardly Wait" is no less enjoyable than either of them and was undeservedly overlooked by the public when it was released to theaters. I hope this DVD presentation opens the eyes of those who missed it the first time around. It is a funny, sad, sometimes mean-spirited, but ultimately hopeful movie whose central figure is played by an underrated Ethan Embry (who did excellent work but went unnoticed in "That Thing You Do!"). Those who purchase this DVD will thoroughly enjoy the director's commentary which accompanies it (featuring, in addition to the writer-directors, actor Seth Green, who is hilarious in the role of urban gangsta wannabe Kenny). It was only after being informed by them that I noticed that Embry's hair color changed a bit throughout the film and that Lauren Ambrose was under-the-weather during her parting scene with Embry. Will moviegoers remember this film as fondly as they did "Fast Times" ten years from now? Probably not. But they should.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Weak movie
Review: Out of all the highschool films from the last couple of years, this one is the worst. Jennifer Love Hewitt and the boy who is obsessed with her are the most uninteresting characters here. The best character was Seth Green, in the ultimate fly4awhiteguy role. The film was boring, boring, boring. How can it have a 4 1/2 star rating? See "Clueless" or "Fast Times at Ridgmont High" if you want to see a real high school movie. This film has too many cute people with too little talent.

Rating: 2 stars
Review: When teenagers party, boy do they party. This is probably one of the top 5 films in this genre with great performances from Ethan Embry formally known as Ethan Randall ) Jennifer Love Hewitt and the always awesomely watchable Oz man himself, Seth Green. With the party underway you can easily excuse the poor script because there is enough hilarity to keep even the most hardened party pooper rolling on the floor.

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