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Can't Hardly Wait

Can't Hardly Wait

List Price: $14.94
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: this movie is great
Review: can't hardly wait is the best teen movie of the 90's jennifer love hewitt looks extremely hot in this movie and does a good job of acting too seth green is hilarious ethan embry also does a job of playing the high school loser i recommend watching this movie even if u arent a teenager

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Great performances and soundtrack!
Review: I loved this movie. The soundtrack was a great mix of old and new stuff and I thought all the performances were outstanding, especially Seth Green, a true comic genius of our time. As far as the film's characters being stereotypical, maybe some of them were, but I'd say all in all, it was pretty true to my high school experience. Keep in mind teen-oriented movies have been faulted for having stereotypical characters since "Sixteen Candles" and "The Breakfast Club" came out 15 years ago. Don't expect too much from "Can't Hardly Wait", its just a funny, highly entertaining little film that doesn't take itself too seriously.

Rating: 5 stars
Review: great movie. great acting.funny THE RIGHT STUF

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: A funny and Cool movie
Review: I liked this movie because the cast are all great at acting, and plus, they are cute. I really liked the plot, and all of the little details in the film, like people making out in the closet, and the nerds who believe in aliens. I also liked Seth Green because he is such a dorkus in the movie, but he's still really cute in it. It is sad, though, that he didn't get any girl to kiss him until he was locked in the bathroom with his old friend. If you see a teen movie, see this one.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: This is a good movie, the best there ever will be
Review: In this movie a boy named Prestin (Ethan Embry) has had a crush on a girl named Amanada (Jennifer Love Hewitt) from the first year of High school. He thinks that they had a "special connection" from day one.he is now relying on fate to get them together by going to this party on the last day of school. But at the same time there are many other "situations" happening. for one there is a character named Kenny (seth Green) who thinks of himself as a "player" or "pimp" and gets rejected by every girl that he talks too.(exsept one, who is trying too get back at her boyfriend for cheating)He finnaly gets locked in a bathroom with Deinise (Lauren Ambrose) whom he hasn't talked too since 7th grade and talks things out with her. The jerk in this movie is Mike Dexter (Peter Facinelli)He gets what he deserves and is even nice for a while near the end of the movie too a nerd whom he has picked on since grade school. The thing that made this move better than the average high school flick was the fact that there was so much going on at any given moment of the movie. Somthing else different about the movie is that Mike, Amanda's old boy friend, and Prestin never even say a word to each other as do many of the main characters in this movie. In most movies the boy friend gets in a fight with the boy that likes his girl. The best performances are from Jennifer Love Hewitt and Ethan Embry. I won't give the end away, but near the end Jennifer Love Hewitt puts on the best performance of the movie with her puppy dog eyes and cute face.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: a must see movie!! funny, cute, and great cast!
Review: This is my favorite movie. This movie is so wondeful! It has a fantastic cast. Seth green, Jennifer Love, Melissa Joan Heart, Ethan Embry. This movies characters have great personalitys and i can garentee you, that you will fall in love with one of them. I fell in love with Kenny Fisher, (Played by Seth Green). He is a confused, funny teenager who trys his best to be a homie, but just sorta makes an adorable fool out of himself. You've gotta see this movie, the actings fantastic and so is the plot.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Not One Real Character in this Story
Review: Essentially, this movie lacked any and all reality. The plot line was trite and predictable--who didn't know how it would end? The characters, all of them poorly acted, were stereotypical of the cheerleader, the jock, the nerd and how they all end up. The worst of all the pathetic actors was Ms. Hewitt, who was boring and lifeless as her role as Amanda. It's my fervent hope that Hollywood would stop making this stereotypical movies of what teen live is "supposed" to be and start focusing in on the real life.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Best movie I've seen
Review: this movie is so cool. Seth green Yum yum . Ethan Embry oh my lord what a hottie

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: It's the best movie I've ever seen!
Review: It's such a good movie plus it has the best actor in it--Seth Green! I would watch that movie over and over, not to mention I watched it 5 times in 3 days!!!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Seth Green and good sound track, saw Idle Hands cuz of that.
Review: I liked the movie, most of it that is. I really liked the whole Prestin/Amanda thing. The only thing I couldnt figure out was why he thought she was so great beyond just beign pretty. If she was really as amazing as he made her out to be, she would have chosen him or someone better then a a-hole she was with. I really enjoyed the American Pie charactoristic way that the Seth Green charactor was looking to ditch his virgin status. I can completely understand why The Offspring wanted him for the pretty fly video. The charactor was an example of his comic genious. In almost all the other parts hes been in he has at least dignified the fact that he was what he was, a white guy who likes rock music. The chick he was in the bathroom w/was so much like me I claimed for weeks that the writers had been fallowing me. As a whole the movie really was very funny, well acted and written. Not all movies ment to apeal the teens are bad. Just the ones that take themselves seriously.

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