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Big Daddy

Big Daddy

List Price: $19.94
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Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Sandler can (and should) do better than this
Review: OK, I'm mystified: kidnapping a child and teaching him to pee on walls, suck up his own snot, and trip skaters, in order to impress your soon-to-be-ex-girlfriend, is funny?

I'm not a huge Adam Sandler fan, but I also thought some of his past movies were funny. In this, he seemed to be working at it, not enjoying himself at all, and it showed. Also, in my opinion, the kid had fewer acting skills than many professional animals (like Moose the Dog, who plays "Eddie" in "Frasier"), cuteness notwithstanding. Lame plot, lame casting, lame acting.

And, of course, as a single dad who adopted a child, I think this movie set public opinion about the realities of adoption back about 20 years. But I would've disliked the movie even if this was not so.

Save your money and buy "Happy Gilmore" instead.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: One of the most unfunny comedys EVER!
Review: This is easily one of the worst films ive ever seen. Adam even looks like he hates it. He hardly even smiles. The little boy is annoying. Who on earth convinced Adam to be in a movie like this. A CHICK FLICK! It tries to be sentimental and make you care for the characters but I certainly didn't care. The characters are the most Stereotyped People ever put on film. (eg. Adams Gay friends, The foreign delivery boy) This could be forgiven if they were funny, but they simply arn't. I had to watch HAPPY GILMORE 5 times just to restore my faith in Sandler. If your a REAL Adam Sandler fan, Steer clear at all costs.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: 2nd best Adam movie
Review: After crawling to my death through the horrible Waterboy. I was reluctant to see Big Daddy. I eventually watched it and it was good. Hilarious and heart-warming. I definitely recommend this. The Wedding Singer is still the best, can't wait for the sequel.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Big Daddy
Review: #1 comedy of the year. This movie will make you laugh, and cry. It will astonish all ages.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Better than first glance would suggest!
Review: My initial impression based on the trailer was that this would be another crass Sandler flick (Sandler is cool, don't get me wrong), but might have potential. I was surprised - It was very good! Adam Sandler adopts a 5-year-old boy to prove to his girlfriend he's ready for the next stage of his life. She dumps him anyway, and Sandler realizes that he doesn't know what he's doing, and so tries to give the kid back. While he's got him, though, they do all sorts of crazy things and have a lot of fun. Rob Schneider provides excellent comic relief, as does Steve Buscemi, who has a cameo in this film. In short, a normally irresponsible man grows up by having to deal with the joys of parenthood. A thumbs-up for heart, and two thumbs up for humor and entertainment! Special features include an HBO First Look which is worthwhile viewing.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Stunning...Go Adam!
Review: I must admit; I was shocked. My first thoughts were that this movie was going to be one of those formatted films that puts a kid in just for ratings; or one in which the attempt to be humorous is there but the actual humor lacks. I never really have watched Adam long enough to compliment or insult his acting; so in this film I made sure I was glued to my seat; it was long after that in which I realized I was actually enjoying this film. The fact that Adam is actually holding himself back from life, and this kid makes him understand that the life he is living is not making him happy or satisfying him. It takes a 5 year old kid to get a 30-something year old man to realize the truth about his own presence in his own little world, kids; miracle workers huh! The end surprised me totally and I even cried! When a movie can actually touch you so much that you feel the emotions and you begin to express them; it's a film worth as many compliments as one can give. It's not just another comedy; for once Adam did a film in which his true acting capabilities began to show. You're a funny guy Adam, but more important than that; it took this movie to get me to see; you're a hell of an actor.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: ?
Review: I'm a die hard Adam Sandler fan so of course I own this movie and think that it's great. However, in all fairness, the average person probably would not get a "big" kick out of this film....possibly some youngsters will. However, Adam's character just seemed a little too calm and not as excitable as many of the other roles he has become so well known for. To me Joey Lauren Adams stole the show. She's a very pretty lady and draws everyones attention when she's on the screen. If you like her be sure to check out a movie called S.F.W. she has a small but memorable (partial nude scene) role in that film.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: big daddy
Review: I would like to buy this movie but i need to know if you could send it to Hermosillo, Sonora México, this is the city where I live. I hope you can because I went to Nogales Az and I didn't find it in Wal-Mart. Also Could you tell how I buy it, I have a credit card. Thanks

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Sandler Shines again in is Comedy for Everyone
Review: Adam Sandler shows us his talents in his latest movie. While it is still Adam Sandler, it doesn't have the humor which we come to love in Billy Madison or Happy Gilmore. What we do get is a Down to Earth comedy which will hit home for all ages. This movie does go by a little slower then his previous movies, but this moive is sure to be happy addition to any video collection. The DVD version includes the music video ofSheryl Crow's version of "Sweet Child of Mine", as well as the standard bios and films of all the cast members. The DVD looks wonderfull on fullscreen, and although there really isn't that much going on sundwize.. it is still available on 5.1 dolby

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Adam Sandler-- a new twist
Review: Adam Sandler was hillarious in the waterboy, and did a great job in movies such as Billy Madison, Happy Gilmore and other movies. In all of those movies he is usually playing an imature or slightly retarted charector, wich by the is very funny, but in this movie he plays a father and adds a completley new twist to the phrase "an adam sandler movie" much his others this is a very good

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