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My Best Friend's Wedding (Special Edition)

My Best Friend's Wedding (Special Edition)

List Price: $19.94
Your Price: $15.95
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Wacky comedy, sweet romance
Review: Your best friend is getting married..but not to you. Do you bust it up or stand by smiling? Especially when the bride-to-be is as sweet as Cameron Diaz and can't wait to be your friend...yikes. Julia Roberts juggles her friendship, her own love, the green-eyed monster, and the urge to do the right thing. Interesting how a movie can make a couple NOT end up together and still leave us happy. Enjoy!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Lucy Ricardo meets the nineties
Review: I love this movie! It's a great romantic comedy, yet it is totally un-cliched and really shows you that real life endings aren't all that bad. Wonderful and very funny... Many moments that will leave you laughing long after seeing it.

Rating: 3 stars
Review: The best things one could say about this breeze-light romantic 'comedy' (ahem) are that it does not make any pretense of being what is clearly isn't (it's simply a J.Roberts vehicle and behaves like one) or that it probably ranks high on the Top Date-Movies list.

Other than that, it's the hackneyed chickflick refrain -- she loves him, must get him, must break marriage, jealousy, hate, forgiveness, yada, and then some yada. There are moments so screwball they feel contrived and insipid.

Rupert Everett is perhaps the one and only saviour who infuses life into the sap, but in the end he has less than a pivotal role. Not even random bursts of music (Diaz in a karaoke; or a huffed chorus of teenage boys getting high; or Rupert Everett breaking into a tune) can save the movie from being a trudge of girlie gook.

Unless of course you enjoy films like Notting Hill or Wedding Planner, in which case this may be right up your alley.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: My Best Friend's Wedding
Review: This is a kind-of real-life romantic comedy. There is much criticism about the ending, but it's how real life turns out. Julianne's (Roberts) fight to get her man is not necessarily reflective of true life--which is not a bad thing--but it's hilarious. I recommend this movie if you want to cry and laugh in the same two hours.

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