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Blast from the Past

Blast from the Past

List Price: $14.97
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Hilarious and light-hearted.
Review: BLAST FROM THE PAST is a great romantic-comedy. It's about a young man, Adam Webber (Brendan Fraser - GEORGE OF THE JUNLE, THE MUMMY, THE MUMMY RETURNS), who was born and raised in a bomb shelter which his scientist father (Christopher Walken) had built secretly in case the Communists decided to drop a bomb down in their home. Adam had never been outside in the "real world" before and never knew anybody except his parents. All he ever wanted was a girl to love and marry.

Finally, about 53 years later, their bomb shelter home is running out of supplies, and when the father has a heart attack, Adam's mother (Sissy Spacek), sends Adam out into the world to buy more supplies. When Adam gets out of the bomb shelter, he notices that everything around him is strange and totally unfamiliar. Then he meets Eve (Alicia Silverstone - CLUELESS), who shows him everything about the world above and even true love.

This film is so hilarious - I was laughing all the way 'til the end. BLAST FROM THE PAST is a great teen comedy and I recommend it to anybody who loves a good laugh. It's charming, cleaver, and original. The acting is solid, too. Brendan Fraser is a major hunk as always and everybody should see this film. It's a must!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Fantastic
Review: We've watched this movie again and again and it's always entertaining. Sissy Spacek and Christopher Walken give some of the funniest performances I've seen, with so many subtle actions blended in. Brendan Frazier and the rest of the cast are wonderful. It is truly one of the more entertaining movies that has been released recently and I highly recommend it.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: You got to accent the positive and downplay the negitive...
Review: This is one of my favorites, i don't what it is but it just brings a smile to your face when your watching. The stars really make this a great movie because the idea is silly , a man is born in a fallout shelter when his inventer dad back in 1962 takes his wife under ground after a nuke scare (but it turns out to be a plane that hit their house not a nuke!) then 35 years later the now grown up boy goes above ground to find out what is left of the wold after the nuke hit...he just wants a non-mutant wife! anyway it's a good funny movie pulled off well by all.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Comedy At It's Best
Review: This movie is the best romantic comedy ever made by far. The script is excellent and that is elevated by it's all star cast including Brenden Fraser, Alica Silverstone, all time veterens Christopher Walken and Sissy Spacak. For most of you Guys out there who think it's a "Chick Flik" it's NOT, let me give you an example I was with a group of friends one night, both guys & girls, and we all watched it and it was a hit i don't one person who didn't like it which just go to show you this movie is truly a great flick.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: How funny can a movie be??
Review: "A Blast from the Past" is one of those films that start with a funny idea and become even crazier every minute. Although there are no big surprises, it keeps you watching very closely so you won't miss any of the jokes - which are brilliant! Adam's (Brendan Frazer) almost unbelievable innocence colliding with the vices of the "upper world" is captivating. Also, every single character is very well played and completely integrated in the story. If you want to have a good laugh, watch this film!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Great fantasy movie
Review: Brenden Fraser and the others did a great job captureing the life of the early 60s. Every stereotype was in the movie. Many scenes were both scary and funny. In a warped sense, the innocence of that age has been captured and we have lost something in our culture today.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Good ol'fashion fun!
Review: This is a great DVD to own for a great date... it's very funny, light humor that we all can relate to; sure to get a laugh from all! This was on TV yesterday, and my sister pointed it out; I fell in love with this movie instantly, and today I picked up the DVD. It's really very cool to see how family values of the 60s would relate to those values of today (well, the 90s).

[Only thing is they need some of The Smashing Pumpkins on the soundtrack (but that's just my own personal desire!).]

Rating: 5 stars
Review: This movie was very heartwarming. The whole family enjoyed it. It was done innocently, and had alot of surprises. I thought Brendan Fraser was very good in this movie, but my favorite was Christopher Walken. I wish that there were people as innocent and unassuming as Brendan Fraser's character. I think it was very good for preteen girls to see what a "nice guy" is, since most movies nowadays play up the "bad boy" image. Chivalry is not dead. This movie is great!

Rating: 2 stars
Review: Christopher Walken, Sissy Spacek and Dave Foley save this film from being a complete bomb. The theme is a bit far fetched and contrived, but it has a few little twists and turns that might put a smile on your face. Brendan Fraser is the son (born and reared in a bomb shelter) of Walken and Spacek, and when there is an explosion outside their house, they think it is a nuclear accident and go to live in their underground bomb shelter. After 30 odd years, they run low on supplies and decide they need to venture out of the bomb shelter. Fraser is enlisted to do this even though he has never been in the outside world. His misadventures are somewhat funny, but it grows tiresome rather quickly. His interactions with Alicia Silverstone are also rather contrived and unbelievable. I like what I know of Silverstone and how she lives her real life (veganism, protecting animals) much more than I like her film roles. I could have done without this film, but I really love Dave Foley who eventually saves the day when he realizes that Fraser's character is telling the truth about having been underground since the 60s. Foley (of Kids in the Hall and News Radio fame) is always a riot.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Great escapist comedy...
Review: I have now seen this movie 5 times and I enjoy it more each time! Pure escapism, always leaves me feeling great. Highly recommended for anyone who is sick of shoot-em-up movies and just wants a good laugh.

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