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Blast from the Past

Blast from the Past

List Price: $14.97
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: So sweet!
Review: I saw the previews for the movie and it looked like a really cute movie to watch, so I rented this movie and I simply enjoyed every second in that hour and a half (or so) sitting there. It's just one of those cute-funny-sweet movies, that can provide good entertainment whenever in need.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: What a Surprise!
Review: I didn't see this film in the theaters. But, after enjoying The Mummy, I wanted to try out another Brendan Fraser film. I was totally surprised by this film. It was refreshing, somewhat original and very funny throughout. I was also surprised by Christopher Walken, finally proving he can be funny outside his excellent Saturday Night Live performances. Fraser was convincing and didn't go over-the-top with his role. The DVD version is clear sounds good and while it doesn't have too many extra features, it is nice to have a choice between full and wide screens. I give this film a B+

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Blast from the Past is . . . swell !
Review: What a surprise this picture was. I admit the movie trailers suggested a goofy "Pleasantville" knock-off but this was truly a great film. I've seen it over a dozen times on DVD and it keeps getting better. The DVD is outstanding in both audio and visual quality. Christopher Walken provides a stunning performance of the genius dad who's gone just a little bit over the edge and Sissy Spacek provides the perfect 60's mother, complete with oven mitts. I'm a '50's -60's music lover and the Perry Como sountrack was, shall I say, swell!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: This movie is FUNNY!
Review: This movie gets better and better the more times you see it!I highly recommend it!Well acted with believable characters.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The Best Comedy of the Year - You have to See It!
Review: You have to rent this film right now and find out how good it is... All the actors are simply great! Forget "She's All That", "10 Things I Hate About You", "Never Kissed Before"! "Blast From The Past" is an intelligent, hilarious, romantic movie! You have to see it!

Rating: 5 stars
Review: My daughter brought this movie home and I watched it with her. I laughed all the way through it. I watched it again the next day with my two sons and laughed all the way through it again. It was one of the funniest movies I have seen in a long time. They say that laughter is the best medicine and this movie made me feel good when it was over. I loved Sissy Spacek as the mother. I can't wait to buy this movie.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: A Blast of Comedy and Characters
Review: Blast from the Past was a surprising blast of comedy. While the jokes or gags were not 100 a minute, the dialogue was hilarious with some hidden tongue in cheek jokes. Spacek as the Beaver Cleaver doting mother was awesome. I only thought Spacek did strictly dramas and no comedy ( the thigh machine and martini scene was great) !Christopher Walken as the overly eccentric scientific dad was a smash; he's the only current actor who can play such a character flawlessly. As for Brendan Fraser he's a great actor who can switch from comedy to drama and vice versa with ease ( or combine the two). His facial expressions are a crack up ( especially when he bugs his eyes or twitches his mouth). I am still waiting for the day when somebody in Hollywood or anywhere else comes up with an excellent film script for a comedy that would have Fraser playing opposite comedian Rodney Dangerfield in a father and son piece. Or, a story that would focus on a main central character where Fraser is the young man and Dangerfield would play the same character aged. There are astounding facial expressions and vocal similarities between Fraser and Dangerfield ! Alicia Silverstone finally got a part where she shows a little bit of toughness and streetwise sense. She's always great to look at !!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: It was great, as is all of Brendan Fraisers work. He's HOT!
Review: What a wonderful movie. As usual, all good ,movies end too soon. We need to see how they all handle the real world in the 90's together. A wedding, children. I loved the dancing and the way he fixed her hurt knee and the way he loved the rain and the sky. I am going to buy this one, as well as all of Brendan Fraisers other movies. Alicia could have had better lines, etc., she reminded me of her clueless character, ALOT of which I have that movie and watch it over and over, and I am sure she was meant to be older. Brendan needs another regular hunk role in the future. No nudity, no language just his sweet self.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: No Way
Review: Brendan Fraser is a fine actor, as evidenced by his performance in Gods & Monsters, but even his 'cute guy schtick' can't carry this utterly scriptless, witless, disappointment. The premise is fantastic and truly interesting, but the execution is so typical of Hollywood right now--write a script in five minutes, give the comedic actors bitchy, cleverless lines to say, and hope the audience is dumbed down enough to think they're watching real comedy. Yikes. The jokes are banal at best, outright lazy at the most. Then the film tries to throw poignant parts in to the mix by Brendan's first encounter with "the ocean" and he performs a joyous dance of ecstasy while the utterly boring Alicia Silverstone character and her irritating(very unfunny) gay guy friend looks on. Come on. Sissy Spacek is the only genuinely funny person in this film, and this is because her physical comedy skills are right on target. her lines are sub-par comedy, too. All in all, an expensive, much-hyped poor excuse for clever comedy--with a story that could have made it into something so much better. Wake up, American film fans.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Hysterical!
Review: At first we were going to bypass this rental, thinking it would be too "teenagery". Boy, were we glad we rented it. I have to see it again cause I'm sure we missed a lot of dialogue due to us laughing too much at Christopher Walken AND the dance that Sissy Spacek did when the finally opened the vault door!

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