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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Secretary is Wonderful.
Review: Before being the sexy submissive, she attended the rather superior and notable Columbia University in New York City. That's right, folks. Maggie Gyllenhaal (who plays Lee Holloway) earned her bachelors in English at this well-acclaimed school. But who cares about where she got her acting schools. Man, where did she get those fabulous LEGS that we see on the case cover? But the real question is where in the world did she meet a character like Mr. E. Edward Grey (James Spader)?

Lee Holloway had just completed some time at a mental institution, where she was sent after her uncontrollable habit of self infliction. Returning back to her imperfect suburban home, she's determined to find the perfect job with her newly developed typing skills. As the incredible typing crackerjack she became, she applies at the small, private law office of Mr. Edward Grey. She gets dropped off everyday by her mother in a typical white station wagon to this ordinary, quaint, small brown firm. But is it really so ordinary? Hidden behind the walls and closed doors is leashed sexual desire. And hidden behind the face of Mr. Grey is a troubled past and self-conflict. But what is it? Will these two screwed-up minds be able to help each other?

This story of two troubled, isolated souls contains highly arousing yet beautiful dialogue.

"Now pull up your skirt...I said pull up your skirt...pull down your pantyhose and underwear...I told you I'm not going to -f- you..."
I guess there's no romantic implication in that given statement but doesn't love always come after pleasure and fun? Well, this film allows that to be true.

The movie does center on the idea of D&S (dominance and submission) and S&M (sadism and masochism). But we don't really see the actual role-playing and leather and vinyl clothing. However, we do hear the erotic punishment and discipline in the background with the sounds of spanking and cries. And that can be enough to turn you on. Holloway and Grey enjoy this sexual pleasure, but you keep wondering and on the tip of your toes, questioning how long will it go on?

"We can't do 24 hours a day, seven days a week."
"Why not?"

I am suggesting everyone to see this film. Gyllenhaal and Spader work besides each other perfectly.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: None dare call it wicked... or even unhealthy
Review: Most people are scared to say this movie is wrong, antisocial, or wicked. Not because they don't believe it to be true, but because they are AFRAID. Afraid of being mocked, made fun of, called prudish, judgmental, or hypocritical. And so the censorship by the loud and indignant a-moralists rules the day.

Well I have to ask: If someone enjoys being a victim, is it ok to be a victim then? Is it a good thing? Or is the victim to be pitied?

This film doesn't care. This movie says that any kind of relationship is a good relationship if both partners are willing. Regardless of whether or not that relationship is demeaning, based on the desire to do harm, or to be hurt. What's even more surprising than this movies decidedly anti-social, immoral stance is that almost no one reviewing this film has the guts to say that it is wrong. Most of the people who loved this movie and justify the situations in it stoop to mocking anyone who makes a moral judgment. There's a valid form of argument! Even people who hated this movie are afraid of appearing to be prudes, so they have to gush about the fine acting. Well, somewhere along the line the quality of the acting is colored by the choice of the role. And for that, Maggie and James each get an "F" for acting. (Does the Third Reich get a 0 star review because of its Evil, or do we give it 2 stars for efficient execution during its first hour? I give it a 0. A nothing. A null.)

So go ahead and decry this review as "judgmental". To judge actions or situations as right or wrong is not "judgmentalism". It is morality. Handing down sentences and punishment to people over whom one has no authority is judgmentalism. I wish nothing but the best for the people involved in this movie, and hope they will find some kind of healing and life to wake up their dead souls.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: oh, please.
Review: two stars for good acting, but this movie is pretentious beyond belief. under the guise of an s & m love story, it smugly dares you to say otherwise. if you don't like it, it's not because it's downright awful; it's because you're uptight and unable to appreciate alternative lifestyles. like many, many movies out now, this one insults the intelligence of its audience by offering up pure drivel disguised as art.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Terrific Film!
Review: This movie is fabulous. The cinematography is wonderful and the acting is great. I saw this with a bunch of friends and the only negative feedback from any of them was that it was "weird" for me that is often a good thing, but the negative undertone of this comment came not from the movie but from the persons lack of self confidence. Definately see this movie with someone who is confident enough to enjoy something that may make others uncomfortable... Great movie! If you watch it and aren't enjoying it stick it out the ending is something you don't want to miss

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Sexy, funny and sweet .....
Review: This is a great little movie. It's original, funny and sexy. It's definitely for adults only, because of the S&M storyline, but it's a lot more than that. The story is refreshing and original, as well as very funny. If you liked James Spader in movies such as Sex, Lies and Videotape, you will enjoy this one. Have fun watching it.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Wonderful to enjoy over and over
Review: My husband and I watched this movie in the theater when it came out. We were floored. It was amazing. I've read all 135 reviews posted on this wonderful movie and I was shocked to see how many just hated it. I found the quiet flow and growth of the characters refreshing. As for people saying the setting surreal, obviously have no clue on the flavor of S&M and D/s.

While neither of us have the overt issues psychologically that the main characters seem to, we both related to them amazingly close.

This movie is about love and personal growth. The other stuff is just the mechanics to allow them both to happen. We watch this movie together alot...its a wonderful love story with a twist.

Don't watch it for the S&M...watch it for the amazing performances of the actors and the really nice story underneath.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Wasting My time !!
Review: Nothing special about the story .....
You'll waste your time watching it,

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Sexy, Tasteful & Thought Provoking
Review: This is a movie about finding love, accepting yourself, and having it all--whatever that means to you.
I thought James Spader was perfect for this role. He was domineering, yet tender, and the tension he creates is unbelievable.
Anyhow, this movie made me feel sexy & even though I believe the movie stands on its own merits, I would love it for that reason alone.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: did we all see the same movie?
Review: I see all the great reviews for this movie and I just don't understand. I forced myself to sit through the whole thing and it never got better. What a waste of time!!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Maggie Gyllenhaal shines in this story of a submissive
Review: This film is an offbeat but engaging story of a young woman who is a true submissive. Maggie Gyllenhaal plays Lee, a young woman who survived a stint in a mental hospital and a recent secretarial school graduate. She begins looking for work, and is hired by a lawyer, Edward (the always slighty creepy James Spader) who runs his office in a strangely old-fashioned way. Edward soon finds out that Maggie has a secret: she's a cutter, who deals with her emotional pain by inflicting physical pain on herself. Edward takes control of the situation, and helps Lee replace her cutting with a full-blown S&M relationship with him. The film is funny and quirky, but also an affective portrait of a woman who can only truly find happiness through submission. Maggie Gyllenhaal manages to be funny, vulnerable, and sexy all at the same time. Overall, a very worthwhile film.

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