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Le Divorce

Le Divorce

List Price: $14.98
Your Price: $13.48
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Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Beautiful to Look at, But Awfully Unfunny and Unpleasant
Review: Excuse me if I sound too harsh, but I have to say this. James Ivory film was never so humorless and pointless as "Le Divorce," wasting everything and everyone who must have gathered here simply because of the name of the director. Sorry that I have to say so, but it was a painful experience to sit through the two hours watching this mess.

The premise based on the bestselling novel of the same title is promising. Naomi Watts and Kate Hudson are American sisters. Naomi is married to a French, who turned out unfaithful at the beginning of the film, and we see him leaving the apartment in Paris, where Kate arrives at the exact moment when he ditches (when his wife is pregnant). Naomi's character Roxeanne refuses to divorce (for no other reason than ... well, we are not allowed to know), while Kate's sister Isabel falls in love with a guy (and husband), watching him in a show on TV.

Now, it should be the time for hilarious culture-clash comedy, or at least some good romantic comedy against the backdrop of the beautiful city of Paris. And Naomi Watts and Kate Hudson can really act, as you know, plus you get delightful Stockard Channing as their mom flying all over from America. You also get Stephen Fry, Bebe Neuworth, Jean-Marc Barr, Leslie Caron, and even Glenn Close.

And what happened? A mess. A real mess. Don't be mistaken, please. The photography is great, showing the charms of the city. And I do not particlulary disagree with the descriptions of the French. Well, they may not like talking about money; they do not care much about infidelty; no, no, I just don't know these things, but the film suggests so.

The real problem is its characters, or the way the film shows them on the screen. In short, you can relate to none of them. French may act like this, but the problem is, THE FILM FAILS TO MAKE THEM CHARMING. It is quite unfunny to see a pregnant woman deserted unless the hubby in case has some redeeming quality. In "Le Divorce" there is none. And you see wrist-cutting; stalker, and murder. What do these things mean?

Or see Kate Hudson. It is quite disheartening for us to see a grown-up American female (and played by Kate 'Penny Lane' Hudson') fall in love with a cardboard character, simply because he looks great and speaks French. And it seems that Kate thinks he is gorgeous (actually, he is not) and marvellous even after she knows that she is just one of many affairs. If this is a typical case of love in France, the film should be dealt with more delicate touch and convincing characters.

The sub-plot about the painting is just as uninteresting as the main one, and the film, with so many great locations, adds up to nothing. It's all about the fantastic costumes and hairduts, but the they can hardly cover up the fact that "Le Divorce" is awfully empty and its values are quite dated. Avoid it.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Le Divorce is Tres Horrible!
Review: The trailer for this movie looked so appealing, and then I saw it. All this picture led me to think is that Kate Hudson is one of the luckiest young celebrities in show business. She can coast on the fact that Goldie Hawn is her mother and make movies that are 10 times worse than any bad flick her mother has ever made.
All Le Divorce really adds up to is another chance to shoot scenes with Kate in bed--never mind who with--period. I don't hate her as an actress, but her exceptional roles are few and far between. In fact, you could confuse her with Heather Graham.
Also, shame on Leslie Caron for being a party to this lousy endorsement of kept women in modern day France. After her portrayal of Gigi, a favorite heroin who revolts against that sort of sexism in early 1900's France, it's a slap in the face to see her play a mother-in-law who's willing to put up with it!
There's no delicate way to sum up this cinematic turkey: Le Divorce makes moi want to vomitte!

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: a disgrace
Review: I didnot find this movie as a romantic comedy...
But, for sure, I think that this movie is a disgrace to American women and to the French culture.
American women are supposed to be tough, smart, and able to file a lawsuit against anyone for everything...
I could not believe a housewife sooo naive that after knowing her husband cheated on her, she wouldn't file a divorce, still wanted him and loved him so bad she became suicidal... goodness !!! her husband came from a wealthy french family !!! so, don't get sad... get everything, baby !!!
Also, I might not understand french security system... but this movie made french people look bad... a policewoman, after being dispatched to a crime-scene, still cared enough to put some perfume on herself (she was on duty patroling in her and her partner's police-car) ???? A man getting in the Eiffel Tower through the exit door, but nobody stopped him, and nobody had any suspicion until that guy took a gun out of his jacket??? that's just impossible to believe... after 9/11, shouldn't security system be strict everywhere you go, especially in a well-known place like the Eiffel Tower???
This movie is even a disgrace to other chick-flicks...

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: A little patience makes the world of difference!
Review: ok, ok, i'll admit, the first time i saw this movie i wasn't blown away. i did love the 'feel' of the film and watched it a second time in order to get into the characters more and unearth the numerous hiden jokes which play part in the 'american/french' culture battle. as a brit, i can't help but laugh at both sides of the divide - and greatly appreciate the role played by stephen fry as the british represenative for 'christies auctioneers', fantastically wry and witty as usual for stephen. the rest of the movie paits a fabulously detailed picture of french life and its clashes with the american visitors. the french culture is undoubtingly confusing to the world and to see it being pointed out so comicly by the american faux-pas is highly amusing. personally, the insight into various manners of behaviour accross the national divides is extremely interesting. add to that the emotional story of an american mother-to-be and wife struggling to understand these differences whilst living between her french and american lives is captivating.
a chick flick, maybe - but an intelligent and thought provoking one!

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Boring, Boring, Boring
Review: I skimmed through the 84 reviews here at Amazon and most people are of the same opinion as me. I only saw one review with 5 stars and he called it a good chick flick. Not! It's a boring film and I'm so happy I didn't shell out money for this sorry film. I checked it out of the library for free but I am sorry I wasted my time watching it when I could have been doing other things. I was disappointed in the Kate Hudson character. She was just too quick to fall in bed with men, first with the man that worked for the Glenn Close character and secondly the man who was a relative of her sister's husband. She saw him on a news program and decided she wanted to have a fling with him. Don't waste your money or your time. I wish I could give it a less than one star rating like a minus but 1 star is the lowest I can give.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: I loved this movie!
Review: I thought this movie was well acted and kept my attention!

Rating: 1 stars
Review: i am extremely disappointed after watching this stupid film called le divorce,this is the first film of james ivory i have seen and i must say that he is a david lean wanna be .half baked characters, bad editing,bad screen play and bad direction made this film a night mare for the audience. i dont know how these scripts get approved and made.james ivory is still stuck in the 1940's as a film maker ,other film makers have moved in leaps and bounds.

if mr.james ivory is reading this. can you please retire and leave way for youngsters to make films ? i dont think you will ever make a good film in your life.please spare the audience of further torture . i just read that you have announced your new film.oh my god.please i will warn all my friends not to watch it. start making documentaries ,i doubt if you will succeed in that.even an amateur film maker will make a better film than you .PLEASE RETIRE AND SPARE THE AUDIENCE .

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Le Divorce....more like Le Sux
Review: This movie was total crap. And what was up with all the anti-French propaganda? Was I the only one that picked up on that? Anyway, as I said before, this movie was totally crappy.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Wow...that was bad.
Review: This movie is NOT a comedy. There appeared to be no attempt at humor.

What is romantic about a husband cheating on his pregnant wife?

Not sure what genre this movie fits...but maybe along with Horse Wisperer, they could start their own...although their were no desperate attempts to make female audiences cry...

A trip to Paris is well worth the $ (we live 4 hours from Paris) - this movie was not.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: "Le Disaster"
Review: I picked up this movie at a store, read the jacket and noted the stars and production team. Then I watched it looking for "romance", "comedy", and a reason to care about the story and found none. I found the movie depressing--an irate husband shooting his adulterous wife and lover, an old philanderer luring and then leaving a young lady, and stuffy French family values. The sub-story about the painting just seemed added to waste time. I mean, who cares? I waited in vain for something to happen to tie everything together. And why would Isabel throw the gun off the Eiffel Tower? It was just wrong on so many levels. They had a cast with such potential, yet had the shallowest characters I have ever seen in a movie. The best writing was on the movie jacket. I would rate this movie no stars, if they gave me the option.

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