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Rating: 5 stars
Review: I don't get it...this part of a great trilogy (do I hear tetralogy?), and they all link together in one way or another. "MALLRATS" is just as good, and better in someways, than "CHASING AMY". "CLERKS" is definitely the best, but not by much. In fact, I sometimes wish Kevin Smith could've found a little bit more money so he could've polished the film a little bit. The writing is brilliant, as is the acting, but it suffers from its homemade look. I know, I know...BLASPHEMY, but that's how I feel.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: The weakest of the Jersey Trilogy
Review: As a big booster of Kevin Smith's, it was with a heavy heart that I had to admit that MALLRATS was a misconceived little ditty that relied too much on slapstick and not enough of the verbal humor that made CLERKS and CHASING AMY such wonders to see and hear. The verbal sparring is present in this film as well, but is often mired in silly action sequences, tips of the hat to comics and other films, and a buffoonish take on the Jay and Silent Bob characters. Heck, even Smith himself took shots at MALLRATS's silliness in CHASING AMY. It seems that Kevin was finding his voice with this one,which is basically a more vulgar send up of John Hughes teen-angst dramedies, yet he more than redeemed himself with the stellar CHASING AMY. Overall, a misfire, peppered with some funny dialogue.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: 2 out of 3 ain't bad.
Review: If you really want to enjoy cinema at it's finest, then I recommend that you pass on "Mallrats". This had to have been one of the biggest diapointments out of the 3 films that Kevin Smith has released so far. I know, everyone is a critic. That's why I can safely say if your between the ages of 12 to 22, you might get alot of enjoyment out of the bathroom humor of this film. Even though I wouldn't own it, the film does have a few scene's that were laughable. It's at least worth a Saturday night rental. But for a much older audiance, I would have to say that you should pass on this particular film and check out "Clerks" or "Chasing Amy" for a proper dose of great indapendent filmmaking.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: brilliant!
Review: The critics are wrong. Any 20-ish person who has not seen this movie is depriving themselves. I actually had to buy another copy of this because my old copy was in awful condition from overuse. I'll be first in line to get the DVD.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: My dear Lord....
Review: There are very few statements in life that are indisputable. One such statement, however, is this: Mallrats sucks. For some reason, fans of Clerks have latched on to this wretched little film like it's a slacker comic masterpiece. It's nothing more than a tired string of gags...It even reverts to a running joke, which is about as lame as you can get. I'm fifteen, so I'm not "an old guy in khakis," as one reviewer so eloquently put it--I'm just smart enough to know when I'm being forcefed contrived garbage. Please, all you would be movie critics: Let Mallrats die. Move on. This movie has absolutely no merit whatsoever.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: it's great. the funniest comedy i have seen in many years.
Review: this movie has incredible character and it captures the sign of the time as no other comedy in the 90s has done it. all what is there has hilarity relevance.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Typical Teenage/young one funny movie, not for old farts!
Review: An excellent teenage/younger crowd movie. For those of us who find geeks and nerds funny, for those of us under 40 and for those of us who like to laugh at goofiness. Not for old farts in khakis.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Judge for yourself: It's so much fun I've worn out the tape
Review: Nay-sayers be loathed, this movie is hilarious. Smith's grip on modern humor takes a turn for the fun side (more so than Amy and Clerks). It's silly, it's smart, it's Jason Lee in all his glory! I need the DVD 'cause I wore out the VHS.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The premier installment of the Jersey Trilogy
Review: Indeed, forget any bad words attributted to this film. They are all unfounded and pretentious. Mallrats is perhaps not the best film out of the so called 'Jersey Trilogy', but it is the funniest, hands down. Jason Lee delivers each line with a cackle that will be sure to bring a smile across anyone. Excellent from every vantage point.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: simply put, spetacular!
Review: the whole movie was goddamn hilarious. it is the funniest all around movie i have ever seen. the part in the game show when brodie keeps making fun of that guy is just hilarious. the Call me Donnie, and the third nipple just made it all the more funny. if u like funny movies this is a must see!

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