Rating:  Summary: A Masterpiece!!!!! Review: Reservoir Dogs was shot in just 5 weeks with the measly budget of just $1.5 million so its runaway success came as a pleasant surprise even to its debuting writer/director, Quentin Tarantino. The film shifts backwards and fowards to link the plot of a string of gangsters that hideout in an old warehouse after a robbery goes horribly wrong. The paranoya rises as they each try to figure out who has "betrayed" them by informing the police. Its a case of "honour amongst theives" and as the tension rises the film becomes more enduringly compelling, packed with attitude-laced and sharp, fast dialogue and some outstanding performances from its array of stars. Each star bites into its character with a venegance and carries it off with style, displaying, raw, gritty and instinctive realism. Michael Madsen plays the psychotic, sadistically evil, ear-slashing Mr. Blonde, whilst Harvey Kietels Mr. White displays a more two dimensional chaater. Particularly outstanding is Tim Roth as the ill-fated undercover detective and Steve Buscemi as the exasperated Mr. Pink. The film is packed with surprise twist and turns and each scene is played out too utter perfection. The harrowing climax is essentially effective, whilst th film also holds many other brutal, stomach-churning acts of violence but this does emerge as a highly origanal, compelling and cunning gangster film that exceeded all expectations. A must see as its an absolute masterpiece that will have you glued to your seat from beginning to end!
Rating:  Summary: Six Crooks...Six Strangers..1 heist....1 Rat! ....But Who? Review: This movie is an excellent film Quentin Tarantino's directorial debut and ground breaking film that pushed independent films into the main stream.. This film stars Harvey keitel, Tim Roth, Chris Penn,Michael Madsen, Steve Buscemi,Edward Bunker, lawrence T. also starring Quentin Tarantino ... Six career criminals are asked to pull a Heist by joe Cabot the main man behind the job.With the help of his son Nice guy eddie they want to pull off the job of a lifetime. The six... They know nothing about ecah other and asked not to ask persoanl questions about each..except to call each other by fake names: Mr. White: Harvey Keitel Mr. Orange: Tim Roth Mr. Pink : Steve Buscemi Mr. Blue: Edward Bunker Mr. Blonde: Michael Madsen Mr. Brown: Quentin Tarantino The plan and the Heist is simple and it's fool proof..no one knows nothing about each other this way no one can be linked to ecah other. It's simple couple minutes in couple minutes out.it's the perfect plan..right...wrong. the movie just gets crazier and crazier as the movie goes on with a heratbreaking and startling ending. This movie rocks... i became a fan of Tarantino's work from watching Pulp Fiction. i also became a fan of Tim Roth's after seeing the tv movie Murder in the heartland.... This movie is a gripping tale that shows there is no loyalty among criminals. this is one of the best crime films..best films period, that I have ever seen. The film is shot in a incredible way taking us back and forth over the day of the robbery and The planning of the robbery.. This provides the viewer with alot of violence, a difficult to solve mystery, and outstanding dialogue between the characters and outstanding performances by the actors. This is the first crime film that I have seen that is based solely on the personalities of the characters, and not the story. The break out actor in the movie is Tim Roth....I mean can you see anyone else playing this part. the thing that shocks me the most of this movie threw out the entire time they are tryin to solve the mystery while Tim Roth is lying down bleeding to death on the floor.. take a look at his shirt thru out the movie.what gripped me about this movie is how real his performance is , harvey kietel gives a heartbreaking incredible performance as well. Kietel is one of the greatest film actors ever.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent debut from Taratino! Review: This is about the lives of six killers who have code names and pull of a mysterious crime of doing a diamond heist. Then suddenly two members are killed in a police ambush and one of the gang members is a cop. Fantastic debut from Quetin Tarantino who later became a pop culture icon director who has a mouth and knowledge for pop culture. The plot is a little complicated for the acting is great, dialog by Tartino is good, lots of violence including a ear scene not for the squeamish, good soundtrack and great cast ( Harvel Keitel, Steve Buscemi, Tim Roth, Quetin Taratino, Christopher Penn, Michael Madsen, Lawrence Tierney, Eddie Bunker). It's all around a great, entertaining and violent film that is a definite crime classic for the 90's. Also recommended: " Pulp Fiction", " Kill Bill Vol. 1 and 2", " Hard Boiled", "The Matrix", " From Dusk Till Dawn", "Scarface", " L.A. Confidential".
Rating:  Summary: Quinton strikes again. Review: This movie is considered to be very entertaining. And considering that your being entertained by watching murder, filthy language and blasmphemy shows that we as sinners are entertained by some pretty bad stuff. Quinton has a certain style that attracts people to him, certainly his movies have changed the face of the thriller/crime genre, but that's not necessarily a good thing. He seems to be able to reach that psyche of people. He may be gifted by demons. I know it sounds like i'm moralising but that's ok, you can still go and watch it if you like but just as a bit of information the foul language and blasphemy does not let up from woe to go and the sadistic violence to happy music should turn the stomach. Please, watch it if you feel compelled to, but keep it out of the hands of youth. It's funny that the industry denies that watching violence can promote behaviour but pay millions to have ads on to influence behaviour? It's a mad world. Thanks for reading and don't get all upset at me.
Rating:  Summary: Thrilling, scary, gross, disturbing and unforgettable Review: Acting that will blow you away and characters that disgust you even though you're drawn to liking what little likeable part of them remains. Depraved criminals that are racist, sadistic and keenly intelligent are somehow very human and compassionate on one hand and disturbingly evil on the other. This movie is not for those with weak stomachs. Although the psychological element of fear is much stronger than anything you actually see in this film, there are a couple of gory scenes that will scar your memory forever once you see them... the type of deliberate, up close & personal cruelty to another human being that surpasses the desensitizing we've been through by watching other violent scenes on tv and movies. The isolation of the movie taking place almost entirely in one room makes even the most tame scenes un-nerving and uncomfortably intense. Tim Roth's performance is definitely the most piercing. Michael Madsen, Harvey Keitel, Chris Penn and the rest of the ensemble cast are also riveting. You will never listen to the song "Stuck in the Middle With You" by Stealers Wheel the same way again. A song I once really liked still gives me the willies each time I hear it.
Rating:  Summary: Cult classic Review: 1992's Reservoir Dogs was an excellent start for Quentin Tarantino, who will later do two more impressive works of cinema, Pulp Fiction and Jackie Brown. Filmmaking was fresh and exciting once again with Reservoir Dogs, and Tarantino would follow his classic up with the breakthough masterpiece Pulp Fiction, a tagteam one-two punch like none other. Like other movies, this had several flaws, but still a powerful, unique experience and the start of Tarantino's movie arsenal. I didn't see this movie when it debuted because I was too young to know about it at the time, but I agree, I've heard it around and seeing the movie myself justifies that it is cult classic. The opening dialoque sequence and the follow-up credits sequence start it off with a bang. The color-aliased characters and the backdrop 70's music are unforgettable. To top it off, the film's overall canvas is paced with more blood and violence than your average movie, and gave the film a sort of daring step that most directors today wouldn't take. It's amazing how Tarantino interwines the right songs for the most interesting scenes in his movies. Before Reservoir Dogs, "Stuck in the Middle With You" was just a 70's song. Putting the song in the movie gave the song more character for itself as the well as the movie. Now we know the imagery we get every time we hear it. Same goes for Chuck Berry's "You Never Can Tell" in Pulp Fiction. With all these virtues, Reservoir Dogs is sometimes too ambitious. After seeing the awesome opening, I thought I was going to be in one hell of a ride, but the rest of the movie did not seem complete. I wanted to know more about these tough guys, but no. The movie's plot is about a diamond heist that immediately goes wrong and everyone assembles in a warehouse, where all the characters yell, curse, and bleed over one another with occasional flashbacks popping here and there. Mr. Orange (Tim Roth) was talking at the top of his lungs and frequently moving around, even though he was immensly bleeding with a bullet in his belly. That seemed a bit unrealistic. Then again, what other movie can last almost 2 hours with most of action in a warehouse? The plot was about a hiest gone bad, but was only implied, not shown. The focus on the characters was the beauty part. I guess if it weren't for this film, Tarantino would have never improved his technique to make Pulp Fiction. It was an inspirational start for many young directors, and had a big impact on the way movies were to be made in the 90's. A cult classic nonetheless. A movie like Reservoir Dogs may not come around and have a refreshing take on the cinema scene like this in a very long time.
Rating:  Summary: two words....ear scene! Review: the ear scene alone makes this movie great. sweet plot too. get it, got it, see it!
Rating:  Summary: Mr.Pink is da winner Review: The end dissapointed me when Mr.Pink gets away with it all. The last three brutally shoot each other to the death. It was a great movie cause look what i rated it. 5 stars. I disliked the part where the man got his ear cut off. People say he was brutally torturing him and others say it was a joke that he was listening to"Stuck in the middle with you" while dancing with a barbers-knife. Ask me i thought it was gross, but a great movie.
Rating:  Summary: Debut from the master! Review: Quentin Tarantino popped out of nowhere to become one of Hollywood's best directors. This was the film he first introduced the world to. It's all about six gangsters, who try to commit a jewel heist during working hours. It all goes well until... it doesn't. One of the gangsters dies, the other gets badly wounded, two get away and two dissapear. The two that got away don't have the slightest idea what to do. They don't know what to do with the badly wounded character, they don't know where everyone is. Slowly, eveyone starts to get back together, but they soon become aware that there's a rat, one of them is not who they think he is. But who can it be? I'll let you watch the movie. The violence isn't really that violent. Ok, I know lots of people say there's that famous "torture" scene with the cop. That's not what I call violent. I call it "scary", because if you look at it through the cop's eyes, it would be. It is a bloody film though, I'll tell you that. Quentin Tarantino is famous for using loads of dialogue in films, and the dialogue in this is quite cool. We go from talking about "not tipping waitresses" to "Pam Grier and her movie history". We also include a lot of flashbacks of the characters lives. I thought the characters were cool, with the likes of Mr White, a very cool guy, a bit tuff, but cool. Mr orange, a bit soft, young but cool. Mr Blond, a complete psycho, but very cool. Mr Pink, a bit irratating, yes cool. Mr Brwon, you don't see him that much, but he's cool too. Mr Blue, who we hardly see in the movie. And Nice Guy Eddie, starnge guy, goes from nice to horrid, not so cool. The actors who played these guys were great. Quentin always knows who's best for his roles. Harvey Keitel plays Mr White, I couldn't imagine a better actor to play him. Steve Buscemi plays Mr Pink, he's good, but it's not usually his thing. Tim Roth plays Mr Orange, we needed someone his age for that part and he seems comfortable with the part. Michael Madsen plays Mr Blond, he's a great actor and he makes the character scary. Chris Penn suits his character when he's nice, ut not when he's nasty. Mr Blue... well he's only in about five minutes of the film. So, a great film all together. A sensation. Another similar title, also directed by Quentin Tarantino is "Pulp fiction"