Rating:  Summary: Juicey Jr., real juicey............ Review: In 1993, I still remember the night my buddy showed up at the barracks with a VHS tape in his hand, and a sly grin on his face. "Ya gotta see this movie." was all he said as we broke out the beer, and popcorn. Man was he right. I watched Tarantinos little masterpiece twice that night, stopping it the second time as we went along in order to rewind and watch great (now classic) moments again and agin. From the absolutley brilliant opening scene at the diner, "Let me tell you what 'Like a Virgins about'." To Tim Roths amazing telling of the "Pot" anecdote, I was transfixed, then bubbling over with excitement wanting to tell any one who would listen about this incredible new slice of movie making. Of course it aint for everybody, and I found plenty of people who hate this film. But if you have been living in New Guinia or Bob Jones University for the last Ten Years and haven't seen the one that started it all in the Ninties, then do yourself a favor and check out this piece of cinema history, you (probably) wont be sorry.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent FIlm -- Sub-Standard DVD Production Review: This is one of my more favorite films of all time. The video quality is great. However, the DVD seems to lack one feature I've come to appreciate in the DVD format: English language subtitles. I'm slightly hearing impaired and I often like to have these available even on English language films. A small beef, but those of us with less than adequate hearing appreciate this feature.
Rating:  Summary: Powerful! This review contains spoilers. Review: In just a short period of time, eight men go from being good friends who put their lives in each other's hands to the paranoid nervous wrecks at the end of the film who one by one are killed in a shower of blood, bullets, and psychoses. There is no one to trust in this perfect emulation of classic film noir, and most end up lying on the floor of a blood-spattered warehouse while only one makes off with the loot. The credits roll long before the shock wears off. The best scene in this movie happens when Mr. Orange, who turns out to be an undercover cop, is reciting an "amusing anecdote" to the criminals he will be partnering with. In a clever use of film art, Tarantino lets Mr. Orange recite this story as his physical self travels from his bedroom, to the performance in front of a cop, to the bar in which he tells it, to the actual imaginary scene itself where it finally ends. This film is entertaining as well as thought-provoking, and I'm glad it is so well rated.
Rating:  Summary: BEST MOVIE EVER MADE Review: Reservoir Dogs is the most under-rated movie ever. You haven't seen a truly great movie untill you've seen Reservoir Dogs. It makes you think while keeping you very entertained. Everyone should own a copy!
Rating:  Summary: Isn't holding up as well as I'd like... Review: RESERVOIR DOGS is a classic movie. It is responsible, almost single-handedly (along with SEX, LIES & VIDEOTAPE) for ushering in the current era of "indie films." Right around the same time that every home in America seemed to have a VCR, these "little" movies came out, tacking daring subjects in a daring manner. And while they got little attention in traditional movie-houses, everyone heard the buzz on them and rented them and turned them into cult classics.I watched the movie again the other day. It shows clearly the Tarentino hallmarks that would make him huge with PULP FICTION, KILL BILL, etc. Snappy, clever, filthy dialogue. Elaborate violence...unrealistic amounts of blood pouring from one person's body. Cool camera moves and great use of music. (After all, can anyone really hear STUCK IN THE MIDDLE WITH YOU in quite the same way again?). But the film is showing its rough edges. What seemed edgy and new now sometimes looks a little lazy. Long shots through doorways, where the camera sits still and the actors move in and out of the shot. Kinda cool, but...kinda boring. Cool male actors encouraged to yell and overact. Harvey Keitel and Tim Roth and Steve Buscemi are all great actors, and they're pretty darn memorable in this film. BUT, they are also occasionally prone to rage and scream above what seems believable. Many of the "tricks" of this film have been used so often since, that unfortunately, they feel trite now. It's not fair to blame this film for what came later. Therefore, I still say it's a classic, BUT, not always a classic that thrills with repeated viewings. PULP FICTION, all these years later, still tickles me and excites me. But there were long stretches of RESERVOIR DOGS where I felt like dozing. However, if you HAVEN'T seen it, I still recommend that you do!
Rating:  Summary: Quentin Tarantino's presence is evident, but not his wit Review: The first scene of the film has a group of men, all wearing black suits and ties, and they sit around a table in a coffee shop conversing about stuff. When it comes to tipping the waitress, one of them does not want to because it's against his beliefs. That was the one and only thougtful and interesting sequence in the entire film. Let me explain why. The intricate story of the film involves a jewelry heist gone wrong. The intricate part, on behalf of QT, is that the heist is not mentioned in the film or depicted. Only its aftermath. Most of the film takes place within an abandoned warehouse, containing wounded men; all of who belong to the original thieving group. The originality factor of the film strikes when the audience learns, early on in the film, that the men do not, in actuallity, know each other so as if any of them get caught the rest of them are safe. Good so far? Now, QT likes to direct films based on stories that are more interesting when "taken out of context". He does not film them with a linear story line. Flashbacks occur quite often, and in this movie, they occur for the sake of introducing the cast through who they REALLY are. I found that to be quite a mistake, on behalf of QT, because since the criminals don't know each other, why should we know them? Will it explain what drives them to do what it is that they do, or will do? No. They are all crazy, per say, and haven't a problem with killing. Sooner or later, the "someone's a snitch" approach hits the screen and everything hits the fan. At this point, the film should concern itself with the style and approach to solving the caper. But instead, QT decides to pin in on ALL the characters and without a doubt, they all begin to kill each other. No questions asked. It's not a violent film but it is a bloody film, taken properly out of context, and the conclusion is very unsatisfactory. The DVD, however, is very well crafted (as is the Pulp Fiction DVD) and I liked it a lot. But not it's feature presentation; or lack of it.
Rating:  Summary: Deserves to be taken seriously Review: I don't think this movie's quirky sort of cult reputation does it justice. There's nothing of the guilty pleasure about it; it's more than just a blood-drenched gangster film (although, admitedly, it is that). Tarentino's mastery of dialogue is obvious from the first scene. While the reccurence of sudden, violent death might be the thing which lingers in the mind, it's important to realize that the bulk of the movie's substance consists of meandering, basically pointless conversations between the main characters. A sense of their humanity is built surpassing even the characters in the Godfather; they're human beings first, second and third, and criminals only incidentally. The round-table conversation about song lyrics and the ethics of tipping; the extended one-upsmanship between Vick Vega and 'Nice Guy Eddie;' Keitel's fatherly tutoring; everything is brilliant. Some classic playwrights can't write this believably. Second, the violence, while not central, is extremely effective. The curt way in which death occurs emphasizes the difference between this genere and the martial arts/action genere showcased in the later 'Kill Bill;' in this world, no matter how cool you may be, or how tough, or how well-developed your character, all it takes is one gunshot, and it's over. The rapid-fire executions near the end have a resonance which the ten-hour death scenes replete with speeches in, say, Metal Gear Solid, don't even approach. This move is an absolute classic, Tarentino's best second to Kill Bill, and, more than enjoyable, something of real skill and merit.
Rating:  Summary: Not as good as Pulp Fiction, but still a good watch Review: This is one of the best movies i've ever seen. The dialoge isn't as good as in Pulp Fiction, but still managed to impress me. The cast was great as usual, and the soundtrack was brilliant too, with 'stuck in the middle with you' being the the track that seems to stick in everyones mind (mainly because it's played during the highly controversial scene where Mr. Blonde cuts off the policeman's ear). As a whole i don't think this movie is very voilent like people say it is. Ok, so there is lots of blood and guts, but theres not many gun fights. There is quite alot of talking so be prepared to listen, and don't expect lots of car crashes, police chases and gun battles because theres not much of that. What there is, is lots of humour, blood, a good story skillfully woven, great belivable characters, and a good setting making a great film to buy!
Rating:  Summary: This is a very funny movie Review: Reservoir Dogs (1992) Quinten Tarentino's first film is really a movie about words more than actions. The dialouge in this move is sharp, witty, real and just plain halarious. This is a very funny movie about charecters and the crime that went wrong. The movie is never dull and always clever. This movie was just the begining. Reservoir Dogs still is a great one
Rating:  Summary: A solid movie Review: I recently was turned onto Quentin Tarantino by a friend of mine and she suggested that I see this movie. The concept was very good and the interweaving of the story lines was excellent. The ending... well it just kinda ended. If not for the ending it deffinatly would have received 5 stars instead of 4 in my book. Now...to all you who think this movie is "barbaric" and "too violent"... you pathetic ignorent ticks. This movie is about profesional crime and mob dealings. YES they cuss and swear and carry on. YES they shoot and torture each other. Do you think these are nice men? NO. Then why would you make a nice movie about it? Its rated R for a reason you intellectual deviants. Movies like this are less like an entertainment more like an art form. Who are you to criticize his expressions. Go watch the rugrats and stop spreading your idiocy.