Rating:  Summary: A Panamanian Opinion Review: At the beginning of the movie we can see somebody telling Pierce Brosman that he must go to the hell .... eh, I mean, Panama because of his sins, well, I think that becuase Brosman's expression was very "sad".Well, if Panama is hell, then I'm a devil, because I've lived here my whole life. We were thinking we were going to see nice parts of Panamá, like beaches and islands but they showed the ugliest and poorest part of the Country. That was like filming the mud of a nice rose plant. We see people begging everywhere, according to the movie, Panama is the land of beggars and trafficants. That's interesting.... "look at me! I'm a billingual beggar with Internet! I will be gratuated of college soon, woohoo!" Or maybe I should steal my diploma. Pierce and Jamie Lee Curtis were swimming at the Gamboa Lake. That's interensting too, where went the gators? That lake has a lot of them. Perhaps they went to beg for money of drugs.
Rating:  Summary: I felt ill from the first scene to the last. Review: Some of my friends dragged me to this movie. From the first scene of the film, I could do nothing but curl up in the fetal position in my seat. The pace was awful. I considered sitting outside the theatre in a bad part of town to avoid watching it. I regret the four buck I spent on it. I would warn anyone who wished to see it about the true nature of this flic. It is bad...
Rating:  Summary: Wicked and fun. Review: Half way through The Tailor of Panama, Jamie Lee Curtis tells Pierce Brosnan that he is "The wickedest person she's ever met, " and that trait is what drives this snappy film. Part satire, part horror (?), Tailor is the story of two men with separate but equal agendas. Brosnan portrays a British spy who has been waylaid to Panama because of his indiscretions as a rascal. He is extremely annoyed by his circumstances and seeks out an easy victim to be on the receiving end of his vengeance. Geoffry Rush is the Tailor with a secret who easily becomes Brosnan's target. Brosnan is convinced that the tailor to the prominent men in Panama must have some good information and goes after Rush with damaging knowledge. Rush, desperate for a reprieve, constructs an exaggerated tale of the Silent Rebellion (sorry, that's not the right word, but I lost it!) that stirs up the British, Americans, and Panamanians in an expensive plot of deceit. This film is entertaining. Brosnan was a kick as the rascal spy. Rush plays his Tailor with great style. John Boorman was pitiful, and it was fun to see 2 women past 40 in the supporting cast who demonstrate that sexiness isn't just for young women.
Rating:  Summary: James Bond gone bad... Review: Brosnan is back as a very different type of MI-6 operative - one who's messed up too many times and is given once last chance to succeed in Panama City. By teaming with a local English tailor desperate for money, the two create a fair deal of entertaining havoc. The movie is based on a novel that is already outdated, so some of the story seems more implausible to us now than it would have a few years ago. Still, a very good, exciting film.
Rating:  Summary: In France we love it Review: Excuse me but i'm french and my english is not so good. Le tailleur de Panama est un film formidable. Jamais il ne se prend au serieux. C'est peut-être le seul défaut que les intellectuels américains peuvent lui trouver. Je viens d'un pays où parler des choses graves avec légèreté est une chose primordiale. Le public américain est peut-être le plus amène de le comprendre puisque c'est le seul pays où l'on peut trouver le Roi de Coeur (king of hearts) de Philippe de Broca en DVD. Bien sûr, personne n'est obligé de traiter des choses graves légèrement, mais il ne faut pas condamner ce film pour sa légèreté, surtout quand il est réalisé par un des plus grands réalisateurs de ces 20 dernières années, John Boorman. Merci de revoir ce film pour ceux qui ne l'ont pas aimé, et encore plus de mercis pour ceux qui l'ont aimé à la première vision. John Boorman est un immense "Monsieur". In France we all love "Tailor of Panama". In France, we love Mister Boorman. Thank you Mathias Duhayer
Rating:  Summary: Mixed Bag Review: 1.It is a good movie, but it is not an entertaining movie. 2.Brosnan turns in surprisingly good performance, but audiences drawn in by him ends up hating his character and left the theater feeling empty, cheated or dissatisfied.( This is not a Brosnan that most audiences like to see) Bottom line: A mixed bag, when there is a good thing happens to this movie, there is a bad thing that counteract it. Rating: 3.5 out of 5.
Rating:  Summary: a mockary Review: i think this movie is a mockary of the republic of panama...i can say it because i live there and the country is not as they describe it in the movie as "a melting pot of greed". i think that the movie was terrible.....tAke my advice DONT SEE IT
Rating:  Summary: Terrible! Review: This movie was terrible - None of the characters had any redeeming qualities and were believeable. The plot (what plot?) was ludicrous. Unfortunately, I don't get alot of free time to go to the movies that often... I'm very disappointed that I wasted my free time and money on this nonsense!!
Rating:  Summary: A 007 antihero? Bond would be scandalized. Review: THE TAILOR OF PANAMA is the film adaptation of one of John le Carré's more recent literary spy thrillers - though perhaps thriller is a bit of an overstatement. Because the author also served as the executive producer of the screen rendition, the two versions bear a reasonable likeness to one another, a Hollywood curiosity in itself. At the film's outset, MI6 bad boy spook Andy Osnard, played by Pierce Brosnan, is being bundled off to the British embassy in post-Noriega Panama. It's no secret that this backwater posting is punishment for Andy's penchant for gambling and diplomats' wives, all of which have left the Service seriously unamused. Nevertheless, once established in the embassy and the bed of a sexy embassy staffer, Andy proceeds to report back on the country's political buzz, based on insider knowledge coaxed from a haberdasher to the ruling elite named Harry Pendel, played by Geoffrey Rush. Furthermore, as luck would have it, Harry's American-born wife, Louisa (Jamie Lee Curtis), is conveniently employed as an advisor to the Director of the recently nationalized Panama Canal Company. Taking advantage of such contacts, Andy's suitably embellished intelligence summaries sent back to his London controller soon take on a life of their own, and arouse the concerned attention of Her Majesty's Government and that of Uncle Sam. After all, we can't allow The Ditch to become inaccessible to the English-speaking superpowers, can we? And what are those inscrutable Japanese up to? One of the more delicious elements of this movie is watching Pierce personate the devious and unprincipled Osnard. He's positively reptilian in a charming sort of way. (One has to believe that the casting for Andy's role was done tongue-in-cheek, considering Brosnan's previous appearances as the sexually irresistible, but always upright and noble, 007, James Bond.) Rush is splendid as the equally opportunistic and conniving Pendel. There's no protagonist here, and the viewers' sympathies will naturally gravitate to the misused women in the story, both Louisa and Harry's receptionist/secretary, the tragically scarred Marta. THE TAILOR OF PANAMA was filmed on location, so the ambience and "look" are lush and tropical. Consistent with a le Carré creation, the action is low key, and there's no high tech gadgetry to divert attention from the nuances of character and plot development. (Well, there is one scene with a coin-fed vibrating bed that's worth the price of admission.) This isn't a great film by any stretch, but its dark humor and the viewer's philosophical acceptance of government machinations may cause him/her to reflect on its plausibility and ask, "Well, why not?"
Rating:  Summary: Excellent Story - Poor Movie Review: Tailor of Panama as a novel is much better than the half hearted attempt to bring it to the screen. The film isn't so much confusing and vague, as it is just poorly acted. Pierce Brosnan is extremely shallow in this role and just plain seems to act like he wishes the movie were over. The viewer doesn't build empathy with the characters, and ends up watching a poorly produced film that can't decide if it is a drama, a spy film, or a action movie.