Rating:  Summary: sa bomb Review: The Fast and the Furious was the best movie I have ever seen. It had a lot of action in it. My most favorite part was where they were racing and fire came out of the tailpipe. My most favorite car was the Nisson with the neon glow under it.
Rating:  Summary: Loud music, fast cars, not enough plot Review: I was disappointed in this movie. I've recently watched it and found it to be a 2 hour movie with a 1 hour( thats TV, not movie time) plot, lots of loud music, plenty of fast cars and some very interesting driving (I wonder how much of that was faked?)but not much else. I don't consider it to be a good value, it might not even be worthwhile for fans of fast cars and racing.
Rating:  Summary: Still Another 'B' Movie With an 'A" Budget Review: The Fast and the Furious is a good example of a trend that is fashionable in Hollywood these days -- taking a grade 'B' concept, idea or script and dressing it up as a grade 'A' movie. ...The movie revolves around the latest craze in street racing. Young people are taking the lowliest cars, such as Honda Civics, and converting them into lean, mean street machines. These vehicles are incredibly fast, their power often enhanced by nitrous oxide injectors. They look to be both dangerous and expensive, but that's a lot of their appeal. Frankly, I'd like to drive one myself.The movie opens with a bang, a visual adrenaline / testosterone combo rush in which several guys and a girl in supercharged little black cars attack and rob a semi truck as it roars down an interstate highway. The scene reminds me of the old Westerns where robbers attacked a moving stagecoach. It's a silly scene because it's so obviously impossible, but it's also totally exhilarating to watch. In real life, if you absolutely must rob a semi, try one that's parked. The plot involves a not-so-bright ...[man] named Brian [Paul Walker] who infiltrates a group of street racers led by the charismatic Dominic [Vin Diesel]. The group may or may not be the thieves. Along the way, Brian must prove his worth as a racer, and these scenes involve some rather amazing races along the streets of LA. He also manages to fall in love with Dominic's sister, Mia [Jordana Brewster]. Incidentally, the plot seems ... Vin Diesel dominates the cast. He was also appealing in two movies in 2000, Pitch Black and Boiler Room. He is probably our next great action star. Paul Walker, who sounds like Keanu Reeves and looks like the young Rob Lowe, makes a good white bread kind of hero. Brewster and Michelle Rodriguez are great to look at, but this is a guy flick, so it's hard to gauge their acting skills here. The Fast and the Furious is one of the most visually interesting movies of 2001. Director Rob Cohen keeps everything, well, fast and furious. The movie is in constant movement. The photography is outstanding. The colors and lighting create an LA that is appropriately dreamlike, since we know that all the things we are seeing could only really happen in a movie. This is street racing and crime as a fantasy. This movie may be all style and no substance. It's a guilty pleasure, trash mixd with class....
Rating:  Summary: Guilty Pleasure! Review: Don't expect high end acting or much of a storyline from this movie. Paul Walker is stiff as a board & not believable as a car fanatic. I couldn't picture him even changing oil much less racing! On the other hand, Vin Diesel does well with the script he was given & looks like he fits right in. Personally, seeing Vin Diesel with his shirt off made the movie for me, but the car scenes were a big plus! Is it always correct? No way! Duh, it's a movie people! It is for enjoyment only. It is not a technical documentary about cars or racing. You have to take it for what it is...a movie about a bunch of people that love their cars & love to drive 'Fast & Furious'. There is this whole undercover cop/highjacking thing in the background, but it is so underdeveloped it's not worth worrying about. Let me put it to you this way, if you get a rush when you see Eleanore in 'Gone in 60 Seconds' (for the pure enjoyment of it being a great car) then you would be able to enjoy this movie.
Rating:  Summary: A great street-racing movie ! Review: I didn't really find an interest to this movie at first when it came out . But after seeing it when it on DVD, I was quite impressed ! Don't let the title fool you as if its one of those other lame racing movies like "Days of Thunder" .(complete boredom)this is better than all those racing-like films . Seriously ! It has plenty of action, suspense, and non-stop thrills !! The street-racing scenes are T-I-G-H-T, and the chases are incredible ! When I first saw this film, I was blown away . If you like racing movies with alot of suspense, then GET THIS ONE !! You won't be sorry ! ^_^
Rating:  Summary: What a waste of screentime! Review: In the DVD extra features the director talks about the basis for this film, an article on street racing - on the sub-culture of men and women who live for speed and souped-up cars. He talks of how he and the producers were fascinated by this sub-culture. Why then did they make a pointless, appallingly written, admittedly technically deft piece of drivel? If they were fascinated by this world, why didn't they make a film about the depths and details of the people inhabiting it, rather than a drab rehash of every bad undercover cop movie we have ever seen? There were no characters, simply puppets at the service of the lame plot. The police scenes were particularly stupid. And I haven't seen a film in years where you could virtually hear the director call "Action" before every scene. There was no truth, simply a bunch of actors moving into frame and saying their lines on command. The film also contains some of the least convincing extras acting I have ever seen. And very bad over-dubbing for extras rhubard mumbling. The writing hit the biggest lows in every scene where the characters supposedly opened up. Vin Diesel's BIG speech about Dad dying was like a laughably bad acting class audition speech. Get the idea I hated this movie? Too right I did. And how depressing that it actually made money. I was also appalled in the extra-features featurette about censorship to watch the director and editor quibble about a few frames of blood. Okay to show characters of total moral bankcruptcy as supposedly cool and emulatable dudes, but perish the thought that we should see a few frames of blood. This film is a classic example of the warped values of the Hollywood dream factory.
Rating:  Summary: A MUST SEE Review: This is definitly my favorite movie! It is action packed and has a little humor in it as well. If you are into cars, then this movie is like heaven for you. This movie is basically based on trust and illegal street-racing. The technology in these cars are unbelieveable, and the stunts that are performed are mind-boggling. I have never seen so much "interesting" action in one scene in my life. I saw this movie twice in the theaters, and I bought the DVD the first day. Some of these cars would be anyone's dream car, but each car gets better than the previous. Whether it's the Green Eclipse or the Honda Civics. This movie is about an undercover cop who joins a racing team in order to find out who has been robbing tractor-trailers for their electronics... Overall, the plot is a 3 but the action/special effects are a 5+. The cars in this movie are some of the best I've ever seen in my life. I think that this movie is more for the younger crowd, it appeals to us more than adults.
Rating:  Summary: The Fast and the Furious Review: THE FAST AND THE FURIOUS **** out of ***** The Fast and the Furious is about Brian Spilner who is sent to pass over himself as a racer, when in reality he is a cop, investigating about a hijacking incident releated to the street racers, sounds familiar dosen't it?, well yeah it sounds a lot like "Point Break", but unlike "Point Break", this film has more balance and i liked this one more. STORY:The story and plot is a bit thin, but likeable, the storyline is good, the problem is that there are no surprises, because they are revealed all ready in the plot. ACTING:Well, i could say that it was good, Vin Diesel did an excellent job, he truly is his character, Paul Walker is good as Brian Spillner, but nothing great, the worst actrees in the film is Jordana Brewester, she needs to take acting classes, she dosen't even proununce her dialouge right, but the rest is good SCREENPLAY:Very good, but some flaws, too much cussing for my taste, and sometimes the dialouge is cheesey, for example "I Like the tuna here", "Bull(BLEEP), nobody likes the tuna here", "Well i do". MUSIC: The music by BT is fantastic, but the rest of the soundtrack is nothing but rap, i liked the rock songs and some of the rap, but it wasn't very good, it was one of the things that made this film look bad. SFX: Fantastic, and very well done. INTELLIGENCE:Well, is not a stupid film like "Battlefield Earth", it looks like trash due to the spirit of the film, but it dosen't have any exxagerations. ENTERTAINMET:A lot. The Fast and the Furious is a well made pop corn film, it has a good story, the characters are great, but if it wasn't because of the spirit of the film, the cussing, some dialouge, it would have been an excellent film, and not just and enjoyable, somewhat smart, and well done popcorn flick.
Rating:  Summary: This Movie Kills! Review: But no-one dies. The Fast and The Furious is a day or three in the life of racers, criminals and cops. There is action beside racing, with a love scene cut between police raids. There is a soundtrack worth purchasing and the DVD version has a Collector's Edition with extra features including music videos, deleted scenes, interactive eight camera angle stunt sequence, visual effects montage, a commentary with the director, plus much more. The storyline inolves the streetlife of the well-off. As in any good fantasy, money, jobs and everyday living are not a problem and the characters are grown up enough that parents are not necessary. Life revolves around cars and old western train robberies, only in more modern times the steam engines have become tractor trailers, and the horses ridden by the outlaws are three sleek black race cars. Brian Spillner (Paul Walker), undercover cop and hottie has to infiltrate the street racing scene and learn who is orchestrating and performing the heists. Dominic Toretto (Vin Diesel), older brother, car mechanic, luncheonette proprietor, banned racing circuit racer and an incredible hunk is the supect. What follows are a few days in the life of the beautiful people of nighttime street racing and daytime race wars while in the meanwhile the crime is solved. There's a wet t-shirt contest, lots of mini-skirts and well dressed men. Carrying an automatic weapon is simple everyday, fashionable with snakeskin pants. The movie is good entertainment, the soundtract is enjoyable listening, and an addition to your DVD collection .
Rating:  Summary: Ummm.. Does anyone in this movie know anything about cars Review: Ummm.. Does anyone in this movie know anything about cars or acting or the fact that hijaacking trucks is not cool.... Ok..Ok.. This movie helped me realized that I'm not a kid any more. There are other things in life that has told me this, but this sealed it. This is one of the stupidest movies I have every seen. Where do I start. Well, to all the teenagers and those under 25 that believes a hopped up Honda with a tiny turbo and NOS is going to beat a real sports car in a race needs to talk to their dads and uncles about real hot rods and sports cars. (BTW for all of those of you out there that think these cars are real and aren't temperamental aluminum death traps that need.. Umm if you want to spend 50 grand on a car that can do a sub 5 second 0-60 and a 110+ mph quarter mile.. by a 2003 Vette Z06 and pocket the extra 30K.) Alright, enough talk about the fantasy cars in the movie. This has to be the second worse plot I have ever had the displeasure of seeing (the first is Congo.. I hate that damn talking monkey). Did anyone else notice that anyone that was over 25 in his movie and wasn't a street racer was either very stupid or REALLY VERY STUPID. Also are the truckers in this movie suppose to be the bad guys.. because I though hijacking trucks was a federal crime and I found myself rooting for the trucker to blow the thieves away (but then again I cheer for the Indians in westerns thanks to my Cherokee and Blackfoot Great Grandmothers). Can someone explain to me how 20 year olds with no job can afford 20 thousand dollar cars with 60 grand worth of parts? Or where everyone in the movie giveaway $2K on every race with no job? How come there are no fat people in this movie.. every body looks like they climb out of a bad Calvin Klein ad. The worse thing I can say about this movie is I have people call this the new millennium version of West Side Story. I almost punched that person. This movie isn't even a guilty pleasure. Gone in 60 Seconds is a guilty pleasure. Was it Oscar material.. No, but it at least had real actors in it and they could deliver a line without sounding like they were reading it off cue cards. Any who wouldn't love to own the GT 350 ( a real hot rod). Can I say anything good about the Fast in the Furious... It has GREAT SOUND