Rating:  Summary: An interesting mix of the best and the worst Review: First, I'll confess to being a middle aged average male "shmoe" so you know where I'm coming from. For the action, this film was mostly what one would expect. For the most part, the cars and the racing were pretty good. The 4 car street race was intense and the photography was excellent on that. On the other hand, some of the special effects were really poorly done. For example, if a car left the road (except for the last scene), it stopped so quickly and with so little damage that it was flagrantly OBVIOUS that the action was really going on at maybe 30 mph, not the high speeds consistent with the action/plot. This was so bad, it makes one wonder if they forgot to hire someone to keep an eye on continuity. The other main criticism I had is aside from the first and last race scenes, all the other fast car scenes to me seemed far too similar and got rather boring, frankly. On the other hand, I didn't expect to get ANY decent acting or character development out of this. Vin Diesel was a standout bright spot. Here you have a supposedly really bad, dangerous, criminal who is clearly spiritual, thoughtful, plays fair, and who only became a criminal because of a sudden life shattering event, and the all-too-human mistake he made in the wake of that event. Although he is now a career criminal in the wake of the tragedy and his punishment (and the severe limitation the consequences put on his life choices FOR THE REST OF HIS LIFE), it is clear his victims suffer no permenant damage, aside from financial. With the "rogue cop" tendencies of the protagonist, it left me thinking first, how easy it could be for ANY of us to become a "criminal" in a flash of emotion in a time of crisis to a horrible event, and second asking "who is TRULY the protagonist here?" So to me, this movie reminded me of lot of the surprise I received in "Fight Club" expecting generic brand X action, and getting some actual CONTENT to think about as well. ...... Oh, by the way, if you're under 21, like hot cars and pretty girls - you'll certainly like this. Don't let all this "philosophy" scare you off! :)
Rating:  Summary: Anyone who loves TF&TF or hates it, read this review! Review: This movie was awesome! I admit, I didn't want to see it at first, but after I did, I was totally into it! And for all of you TF&TF haters out there that are saying there was no plot or storyline....were you even paying attention? There was a huge storyline going on! Hello-do trucks being jacked and all the love stories going on ring a bell?!?! And I'm sick and tired of people who claim that the major problems with movies today are that the dialogue isn't real enough...and yet you all complain when a movie, in this case TF&TF, try to talk like normal people do. And as for those of you who complain that the ending [stunk]..that's because they're making a sequel and wanted to leave you hanging, genuis. Anyways, that's all I had to say....and I strongly suggest buying or renting this movie!
Rating:  Summary: NO MANS LAND Review: The Fast and The Furious is all day-glo coloured cars and polished chrome, lots of high speed car chases, the odd fist fight and plenty of macho posturing. That's not too say it's bad because it's actually pretty entertaining. The Fast and The Furious is a very glossy, testosterone charged male fantasy movie about a cop who infiltrates an auto-theft gang but falls in love with the gang leaders sister, causing him to question his conscience and his superiors to question his loyalties. Sound familiar? (Does anybody remember the 1987 DB Sweeney/Charlie Sheen movie No Mans Land? If you don't then let me remind you of the plot: Rookie cop goes undercover to catch a wealthy young car thief but finds he likes the wealthy young car thief he's supposed to be trapping, and likes his sister even better). Okay so The Fast and The Furious is not exactly Schindler's List or The Godfather when it comes to intellectual stimulation but it doesn't pretend to be and it's a very enjoyable movie, if all you are looking for is entertainment (and what's wrong with that?). Its very much testosterone charged but it still has much to recommend it: Good performances by its two male leads; the very muscular Vin Diesel as the gang leader Dom and the very handsome Paul Walker as the undercover cop. Jordana Brewster as the gang leaders sister also makes a very attractive female lead, although in many ways the cars and the stunts are the stars. Talking of stars, Vin Diesel's star is definitely on the rise and Paul Walker is certain to attract a legion of female fans to assure future star status. The action in this movie is as the title says, fast and furious. It boasts plenty of excellent car chases and enough stunts throughout to keep you interested, if not on the edge of your seat. However, it must be said that some of the quarter of a mile car races, in supposedly super-powered cars, seem to last as long as three trips around Indianapolis's 2.5 mile oval track. It's also fair to point out that some of the dialogue is as we say in the UK a bit "naff": In other words it will make you cringe occasionally but ALL IN ALL THIS IS PRETTY GOOD FUN. Plus the DVD boasts some reasonable extras. (You can check out No Mans Land on VHS but I don't think its available on DVD)!
Rating:  Summary: UGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Review: Stupid story and incredibly, painfully bad acting equal one terrible movie. Just how BAD of an actor is Vin Diesel!?!?!?! This movie sure does showcase just how god awful he really is. Do yourself a favor don't waste the money.
Rating:  Summary: The Dumb and the Dumbious Review: Wow. Who writes the dialogue for this stuff. I'm nearly in a coma and I could throw better words together. Anyway, hey I expected a B movie so I shouldn't complain. It's a great movie to make fun of. Bad acting, bad plot, bad script and standard action. In a ridiculous early scene, this group of racing knuckleheads with their little midget cars that sound like bees, seemingly thousands of them, take over half the city of L.A. to hang out and say stupid things, act cool and gawk at each other. Not one cop in sight? A race takes place between Vin Unleaded and Paul Walker that's seems very unrealistic and cartoonish. I wasn't impressed or entertained by the editing, camerawork or action. Seen it all before big deal. I got a very 80s feel from this movie. And I don't want to feel 80s anymore. Towards the end the action picked up a bit and things got more interesting, but all in all this movie [stank]. As I expected. So all is well.
Rating:  Summary: 3/4 Fast and 1/4 Furious Review: Fast and the Furious works ,but we have seen this before. Still you wonder, have the Movie Studios stopped making risky movies? It is a recycled car movie that has all that what the other movies give to you ,but It's not a bad movie at all.I like Vin Diesel as this sort of the God of this group of nightracers. Paul Walker is very slick(SEE PAUL IN JOY RIDE!!!) actor both him and Diesel I think are very talanted.All this movie is, is a fun summer blockbuster to watch....no logic required just buckle your seat belt.... Honestly I wished Universal Pictures could have used a better movie to appeal to Teens versus what we have seen before. Stars **1/2
Rating:  Summary: High Octane Guilty Pleasure Review: The FAST AND THE FURIOUS is about an undercover cop (Paul Walker), who infiltrates a gang of thieves (led by Vin Diesel). In doing so the cop ends up gettting too close with the group that he is trying to bring down. While the plot is very similar to that of another guilty pleasure, POINT BREAK, it has enough going for it to warrant my reccomendation. Vin Diesel is a commanding force and makes the flimsy plot pretty credible. Walker and the rest of the cast aren't bad either. The stunts and car chases are exciting and well done. Directed by Rob Cohen (THE SKULLS) knows what he has to work with and uses it effectively. As for the DVD, I think the extras are pretty good. The commentary by Cohen is decent and offers insight into how it all came together. The best featurette on the disc is entitled "editing for the MPAA". The deleted scenes are pure filler but are good for anyone who is a completist (like me). Every now and then there is nothing wrong with a guilty pleasure. This movie certainly qualifies as just that.
Rating:  Summary: for car enthusiasts Review: ok I thought this was a brilliant movie, not such a hot story line tho'. For those who said it was a wast of time, you obviousley dont like cars, have not taste in cars and couldnt careless about fine machinery.I can understand your point tho' but then why watch a car movie.... i dont like drama's so guess what ?? i dont watch THEM !! and I certainly dont put my views about them on the net too put others off !! THIS WAS A BRILLIANT PERFORMANCE STREET CAR MOVIE !
Rating:  Summary: wow Review: WOW, i thought that this film was good, amazing. Great cast, amazing cars, an excellent night in, loved watching it, had me on the edge of my seat right up to the end, wanted it to go on forever. i would recommend it to anyone. I rented it and watched it 3 times over a weekend, now going to buy it. GET THIS FILM AND YOU WON'T BE DISAPOINTED.
Rating:  Summary: This movie is extremely LAME Review: A bunch of gender-confused male posturing with no solid storyline. Lame cars. Should have got Keanu to play the undercover cop... that way at least it would have been funny to watch.