Rating:  Summary: The Best Action Movie Since "The Matrix" Review: This is the best action movie I have seen since "The Matrix." I liked Matt Damon's character. He was very human and believable. I like the story, even though, at the end, you realize there is no story. But I liked how the movie leads you the finale, with a crescendo of suspense and chilling action. I liked the acting. I liked the Matrix-like fighting scenes; they were done soberly, and not over-applied like in most recent movies. I liked especially the European setting of the whole story. As I said to a friend after watching the movie, this is a cheap way to see Paris.
Rating:  Summary: Keeps you on the edge of your seat Review: This is a movie about Jason Bourne, or John Michael Kaine. Jason was shot, and stranded in the middle of the ocean when a fishing boat picks him up. He goes to a bank, and gets chased by cops, so he has to run. By paying twenty grand, he gets a ride to Paris with Marie, who is also being trackd by the police, for helping him. They eventually have to seperate, but something happens in the end, and I can't tell you what that is. Just go and see it. I know you'll love it. Rated PG-13 for violence and occasional language. I liked it because it was well acted, and intreging, and it had Matt Damon.
Rating:  Summary: What an international spy thriller movie should be! Review: Three weeks after its debut, the film showing was sold out. We were lucky to have good seats. I did not have any idea of the storyline prior to seeing the movie. I loved the movie. There was enough spy stuff, the plot NEVER plodded, the main characters were developed enough for my taste, and it had a little romance thrown in. What a great movie, great scenery, excellent car chase, a little brief on the love scene. Matt Damon was excellent and I was not a big fan prior to seeing this movie. He played the part well, and I believed he was Bourne.
Rating:  Summary: Not the best movie this summer... Review: Is it me,or are they making way too many movies about amnesia?!This movie,(in my opinion),bears a stricking resemblance to the Jackie Chan film "Who Am I?".In "The Bourne Identity",Jason Bourne doesn't know who he is or how he knows karate,and,I don't know about you all,but if I want to see some guy [fight],I want to see a guy that knows what he's doing,not beat up two guards,then wonder how the heck he just did that.So,overall,it was a pretty good movie.I give it a 3 out of 5.
Rating:  Summary: This is "The Matt Damon" which everybody wanted to see! Review: This movie will change his career totally - reborn of Matt Damon as a new hero. He always act very well - but his movie choice wasn't always right. In this movie Matt Damon as Jason Bourne who is a secret agent of CIA, suffering from his amnesia and his past. A very well twisted action movie and Matt Damon looks damn good in this movie - I heard the studio (Universal) first thinking Bard Pitt for this role, but thank god Brad turned it down, - this is "The Matt Damon"'s movie. This movie was based on Int'l bestselling novel and it has seaquel, so I guess we all can expect to see Jason Bourne again in near future.
Rating:  Summary: Lots of fun Review: Well, here's an action movie that's v-e-r-y entertaining. Matt Damon turns in yet another solid performance, with great stunts--some of which he did himself. And Franka Potente (Blow, Run Lola Run) is proving herself to be one of the most talented and versatile performers around. They make a great pair, with good chemistry. The movie has one of the best car chase scenes since Bullitt. This scene alone could probably make the Mini a hugely popular car. The cinematography is great; the editing is clean and crisp. There are enough fights, attempted assassinations, shootings and what-have-you to satisfy the bash-em, crash-em audience; there are loads of bad guys (played by some terrific actors, including the always memorable Clive Owen who invests his few minutes onscreen with a lot of depth). Brian Cox (the best Hannibal Lector -- a must-see performance in Manhunter) plays yet another American good-bad guy believably. The only waste in this film is Julia Stiles, who was remarkable in The Business of Strangers but who gets to do almost nothing this time out. Some scenes are unintentially funny, but that's okay. It's unlikely anyone would take this movie seriously. Still it's well worth the price of admission. Recommended.
Rating:  Summary: Unintentionally Hilarious Review: A man wakes up with two amazingly shallow bullet-holes in his back, the number of a Swiss bank account embedded in his hip, and when he goes to the bank, discovers that his stash consists of huge amounts of money, multiple passports and a gun... and it takes him half the movie to figure out that he must have been some kind of international assassin. I think the whole audience said "Duh!" at that moment. And, let's see, a woman is approached by a total stranger in an alley and offered $10,000 to drive him to Paris, and another $10,000 when they get there. Of course, rather than assuming that he is running drugs and she is just as likely to end up dead, she instead: 1) takes him up on the deal, 2) falls in love, and 3) lives happily ever ever (am I giving something away here?). Wouldn't a real spy have been smart enough to keep a low profile and offer her something like the going rate? We also are treated to too many scenes of superbly-trained assessins hammering away at each other without being able to so much as break a bone or gouge an eye (the sound effects would imply bones splintering at every impact). It would be refreshing to see a movie (they used to make these, folks) where lethal means lethal: one blow and the opponent is dead, so that while we are given the effects of violence, we are spared violence as spectator sport. As for the rest of it, Mr. Bourne's training must have been pretty pathetic, since he hasn't picked up basic Spy 101 lessons, such as "never return to any place where you are known," not to mention its corollary, "never go to any place your girlfriend is known," not to mention, "never sleep in the same fleabag hotel twice." On top of all this, Matt Damon's personal appeal utterly escapes me. On the other hand, I can't say I was bored (too busy laughing at these idiots), and it's always fun to see Europe, even at off-season. But next time out, how about a thriller with real intelligence?
Rating:  Summary: Surprisingly good! Review: I was actually forced into seeing this flic. My husband and I went to a smaller theater and it was the only one of our choices showing at the time. It was really an interesting story and exciting! Matt Damon and his newcomer co-STAR Franka Potente did an awesome job together. So if you're looking for a very active action flic with a very slight touch of romance, this is it! GO GO GO!
Rating:  Summary: This Update Gets It Right! Review: Doug Liman has changed and updated Ludlum's Bourne Identity and really made a better movie than the dopey old book or the godawful miniseries with Richard Chamberlain. He has crafted a nifty spy/action thriller with a stong central performance by Matt Damon, ably supported by Franka Potente (Run Lola Run). Liman has kept the essential intriguing element of Ludlum's book, which is the amnesia of the hero and his slow realization of his lethal skills. Damon is great in the action scenes, going on auto-pilot has he opens a can of "whup-ay" on anyone that messes with him. There are great chases and all the stuff we want from this type of film. Franka Potente is beautiful without being unbelievably so. She brings the needed reality element to the film and her relationship with Damon. Little time is wasted, the updating of the technology and the necessary elimination of the Carlos theme all works fine. This isn't deep intellectualism here, but good craft. Ludlum's books were pretty cornball and ill-informed but could catch you up despite their flaws. Chamberlain was too old & incapable of making you think he was a lethal assassin, but Matt Damon is credible as is Franka as a Euro-flake, and the direction is tight. Good flick.
Rating:  Summary: Who needs a name with this kind of action? Review: Matt Damon plays Jason Bourne, except he does not know he is Jason Bourne. Damon turns up floating in the Mediterrainian and cannot remember who he is. So he had to find out who he is. Almost instantly it is clear he probably didn't work a normal nine to five. If the movie is about anything, this is what it is about. What it really is about is the action, good action, and plenty of it. There is martial arts, a fantastic car chase, and gun play. The spy talk is slick and interesting. Damon plays Bourne well and the rest of the cast is also good. Too often, in fact, way too often, movies are made as an excuse to show amazing action sequences i.e. there is no plot (or the plot stinks). This is one of those films, but Doug Liman, the director, is successful because he never really tells you the film is about nothing because that is what Bourne is trying to find out. So for a film that falls in the mindless action movie genre The Bourne Identity is exceptional. Well done.