Rating:  Summary: GOod... Review: I didn't give a dime for this movie, but I was pleasantly surprised after watching it. It's no masterpiece at all, far, far away from it, but Crowell, Morse, Caruso and ryan givestraighforward performances, no bullshi... included. Entertaining, if not phenomenal by any standards.
Rating:  Summary: Very typical "Hollywood"movie Review: Disappointing from start to finish. The acting was wooden (especailly Meg Ryan's character, and the sister-in law character, not believable!) and the plot had all the lame required elements. I didn't pick up at all on any chemistry that was supposedly brewing between the Crowe and Ryan characters until he kissed her. I guess they cut a bunch of scenes since they were an item in real life. It took something important away there. I give it three stars because of the great location filming and the action scenes at the guerilla camp.
Rating:  Summary: New Russell Crowe Fan!! Review: Well I am finally starting to understand what all the hype is about Russell Crowe. Although I really did like "Gladiator" and his performance, I have to admit he displayed a quality in this film that made me a true fan. He is a phenomenal actor. I did not go see this at the theater and had not seen it until very recently and I really enjoyed this movie. I believe all the bad publicity circling around the so-called affair between he and Meg Ryan really overshadowed this fine film. It is a very good film and very enjoyable and well acted. I was never a real fan of his but I am now. I purchased "Gladiator" for my collection and enjoyed it even more this time. Yes it is a much better movie than Proof of Life but POL deserves better than it got from critics all around.
Rating:  Summary: Very Smooth Film! Review: Very good story and very good actors. I didn't use to like Russell Crowe much BUT I changed my mind after this film. He is the perfect man for this part, no doubt! The story is really good and from the very beginning we get the idea of who is who and what they do, their background and everything. I particularly liked the fact that it is realistic, without any twists-and-turns. Realistic dialogs like the fight between Alice and Peter. Realistic scenes, not like some other films where we see the hero jumping from helicopters and landing in his sofa at home and all these b...t stuff! Very good Action Film!
Rating:  Summary: Real enough but why the love angle??? Review: For those whose jobs require moving around from one country to another---this must have struck a 'reality' chord. The risks are real & it's even scarier if you later find out that your firm has not covered you in their K&R insurance plan.& though how risky, unfathomable & unfavorable a K&R negotiator/profession may be, it's seems real as well. I just do not know how real or plausible it is for a handful to invade a whole camp & succcessfully retrieve their targets. For what? For money... Different people react to the same situation differently. Other wives would probably steel themselves up if faced with a similar situation but it is also acceptable that other wives would feel lost & panicky. Afterall, you are in a foreign place, surrounded by foreign people, with a seemingly helpless situation, & you don't know who to trust. I accept her vulnerability but ... why the love angle with the agent was even thrown in. Most likely, it was to exploit the then-known romance between Meg Ryan & Russell Crowe, hoping that it would draw more audience. I personally feel that was not necessary & by doing so, kind'a spoiled the film.
Rating:  Summary: Perfect!!! Review: Proof of Life is a wonderful story with action and a little romance all mixed into one. This film is great for the action film lover. Proof of Life is filled with many twists and turns and gets you involved in a fasinating mystery. The end is not to be missed. Proof of Life is outstanding
Rating:  Summary: Worth watching... but a dark and uncomfortable subject... Review: Becoming helpless... not fun to watch or contemplate. A few really nice high points- powerful visuals and scenery. Really solid performances from the men. Unfortunately, as much as I have enjoyed Meg Ryan in other films... I was not able to connect with her here... which made me doubt Russell's character caring for her... and this undermined the plot. Why else would this professional return to help this woman... unless he cared for her... and I saw no real reason why he should.
Rating:  Summary: Great drama with a few holes Review: I really wanted to see this movie, to the point that, when they showed it on an airplane flight I was on, I purposefully didn't watch it because I wanted to get the full impact of it without interruptions. The movie is definitely worth watching and having, but it falls just short of truly shining. I generally enjoy Meg Ryan, but in this script she comes across as a little *too* ditzy and unintelligent. There are definite "good guys" and "bad guys" in the film, and for someone who has been living in various situations around the world for several years, her character is blissfully unaware of much. Her husband, Peter, is GREAT. He is by far the best role in the film, and I wish they had spent more time on him. They way he interacts with his captors, the situations that go on - these are really well done. Terry - Russell Crowe - is very good as the man who understands and knows these situations, and who works diligently on the case despite not being paid. He and Alice begin to fall for each other as they work so closely together, and I wish that this, too, was developed better. Not that I wanted them to end up together, but the way in which their relationship changed and grew could have been better portrayed. I'm a HUGE fan of samurai movies, and perhaps this is what a lot of this reminded me of - Terry doing what had to be done, doing his job, because it was the RIGHT thing to do. Yes, he is human, and has desires and fears, but he diligently tries to do his very best.
Rating:  Summary: Slow but good Review: Russell Crowe is an excellent actor, and this movie matched his performance in Gladiator. He is great as the silent, skilled, samurai type. Meg Ryan's character fell flat. The story is plausible and the supporting characters are realistic, although somewhat two dimensional. The action sequences are great. Definitely would have been worth an admission ticket and a great rental movie. Would consider buying if the price was right.
Rating:  Summary: A Solid Movie Review: First of all i have to mention that i saw this movie both in the theater and on DVD. And, suprisingly, i enjoyed it more on DVD format. The reason is actually that seeing it on the small screen makes you pay attention on the slightly different aspects (believe me, it happens to EVERY movie). The splendid scenery that seemed (to most critics and the public) to be the main star of Proof Of Life in the cinema steps aside on the small screen and gives a viewer a better chance to examine the script, the directing and the acting. Well i'm not going to say that script and directing suddenly proved themself to be WAY better. But... as it appeared to me, at least, they have also some highlights. Mr. Hackford isn't a great director but he's a very experienced and a qualitative one. Alas, he isn't a great storyteller either. That's why he coudn't improve the weak script full of unexplained holes. This doesn't come to say that the scriptwriter shoudn't take his share of guilt in the movie's critical failure. But he did manage to provide some powerful scenes with believable dialog. And overall, inspite some loughable potrayal of the terrorists, anti-capitalist attacks, unbelievable romance, etc., they both succeded to create some authencity of the situation. Something i, personally, rarely can find in a Hollywood (and, let's be honest - any kind of) movie. Acting... Well everything is already said by other reviewers. Meg Ryan's is weak, David Morse's ranges from OK to powerful, David Caruso perfectly nailes his role and i'm one of the few who liked Pamela Reed as well. Russell Crowe is one of the rare actors whose perfomance the more seen - more appreciated and he is the main reason for the additional star i gave to POL, 'cos otherwise it would be 3 stars only. Make no mistake - it's a drama. Some of you may find it boring. There's some action (which is quite good though) and some hinted romance (mostly in Russell Crowe's eyes only) but the movie definitely not about them. It's about kidnapp and ransome business. It's about how your life can be turned into the nightmare during one beautiful morning and how you can do nothing about it. Because it's already a very scrutine and boring procedure throughout the world - without any Rambo coming to rescue in crucial moment. And all you can do is wait, mostly for the miracle. Because in real life Terry Thorne won't come back and save you (at least not for the reasons stated in the film). But hey, it's only a movie, after all. And it's a very solid one. It deserves a look and you'll enjoy it if you're in the mood for serious and qualitative drama, even if doesn't extend any genre dimensions. But it may make your evening in the warm armchair relaxing in front of your TV set. And remember - you have a huge advantage of "playing forward" the tape in the Meg Ryan's scenes.