Rating:  Summary: Geena pulled it off bigtime! Review: very effective action movie,had it all.great plot,good writing,excellent acting by mr jackson and the bad guys and surprisingly on point acting from ms davis.her hubby at the time renny harlin really put her thru the ringer on this one.i never really liked the ''one man conqueres many'' plots and being that the lead man is a woman it made me even more skeptical.i mean,how is it that 1 person is able to shoot accurately and kill while at the same time skillfully dodge incoming bullets is absurd.as often as i belittle the idea,im reminded that the good guy/gal must win if no other reason to make a sequal.that said,the davis charactor was made vunerable yet convincing in her toughguy act.her acting is better when being the amesia inflected samantha kane which leads me to the plot.a one time secret agent gets amnesia while eluding baddies.when shes cured she takes on the persona of her cover,sam kane.samuel jackson plays the P.I. hired to sort out her past.without giving too much away,she is once again turned back to charlie baltimore,badass secret agent lady.much action and mayhem ensues.the one flaw that 90% of these type movies have are the endings.pretty outlandish stuff but fun to watch.im surprised this got bashed at the box office and that a sequal wasnt made.seeing that theres a dozen ''highlander'' movies is disconcerting.well,i highly recommend this and im sure youll enjoy it.
Rating:  Summary: Silly & Forgettable - Will the bad guys ever shoot straight? Review: While I like both actors, they did themselves no favors in being associated with this ridiculous movie. In fact the marketing mavens probably knew it would flop even worse if they hadn't created the contrast of a white woman and a black man.The story is an absurd Jekyl/Hyde tale in which Geena Davis has developed amnesia from her life as an assassin. Her former employers want to kill her since she didn't kill her last target and had disappeared. Now that they have found her, the action starts. Many over-the-top scenes such as shooting up an entire train station and killing many innocents. Thre's no reason to bring Lawrence with her on her "quest" to find out who she is, but a co-star is necessary. Ms. Davis' sneering words as she topples the semi-trailer truck with the obligatory bomb with the equally obligatory red digit countdown timer, were beneath her and could only appeal to meth heads. The toppling of the semi and subsequent explosion on the bridge between the US & Canada should have set back diplomatic relations a half century. The best thing is Ms. Davis doesn't feel the need to take off her clothes. Not recommended unless in a group of somewhat loaded people with nothing better to do.
Rating:  Summary: THE LONG KISS GOODNIGHT Review: This movie captured me with, its action packed scenes if you want to have your adrenline pumping. I pick this one, I give it 4****.
Rating:  Summary: Awesome feminist action flic Review: First, this is a killer action flic. (As everyone else has said.) From start to finish, mayhem and fun.
But, it is also a great feminist flic. I can't think of any other mainstream action film with a female lead that doesn't bow down to supposed feminine virtues (yes, even Terminator 2 and G.I. Jane). Not this one. Once she gets her memory back, Geena Davis is a...no compromises heroine. Sure Samuel L. Jackson helps, but its clear he need her a lot more than she needs him. He's the side-kick, she's the one with the moxie. And she never wimps out, never gets all gooey and helpless, even for a moment.
Rating:  Summary: Absurdly over the top, ridiculous, but very entertaining Review: I give away the general premise here, so if you don't want to know who the Geena Davis character (who has amnesia) really is, and if you don't want to know whether she lives or dies (which is pretty obvious given the type of film this is anyway), then skip this review. This movie demonstrates that Geena Davis can outdo any James Bond and certainly can put Angelina Jolie to shame as Lara Croft in Tomb Raider. First, it's a ridiculous film. Why would someone, just because they lose their memory, go from being a cold-blooded killer to a sweet schoolmarm? It just doesn't compute. How could a little girl hidden in a truck that careens and flips over and goes through hell in general, emerge without a scratch? How can we be expected to like a main character who single-handedly slaughters more people than Stalin? And yet, this movie was hugely entertaining. Genna Davis and Samuel Jackson were fantastic. The storyline was as brilliant and surprising as it was ridiculous, and reached its absolute apex when Geena Davis reconciled her hitman and mothering instincts, by comforting her daughter, "No, honey of course you're not going to die. They are." Just before she sets a match to a stream of gasoline that blows the bad guy's HQ to kingdom come. Maybe the absurdity alone would not have worked, and maybe the violence alone would have been very bad, but somehow making the film so absurd that we can't take the violence seriously (as in, say, The Onion Field, which scared me to pieces), wound up combining to deliver a good time.
Rating:  Summary: Hit and Miss Review: There are many things about this film that are wonderful and other elements that are downright dissapointing. The ending it has to be said is a major let down when things get too over-the-top to be swallowed. but until then the film is excellent, shane black's script is wonderfully funny, giving samuel l. what coud be argued as his best and funniest role to date. this film is worth 4stars for the dialogue alone.
Rating:  Summary: Geena Kicks It! Review: Okay, this is guilty pleasure time. This movie stretches credibility to the max, so if you want real spy-stuff read John Le Carre or see the movies made from his books. But this movie just kicks out the jams and keeps on rolling. It has an intriguing story and lots of humor and some of the best- staged action sequences I've seen in a long time. And it is refreshing to have a beautiful woman as the action star kicking tail. The plot begins in semi-reality and then just starts flying fast and loose. Of course it's impossible, but then so is Die Hard (which it most closely resembles) and all of Bruce and Arnie's flicks. Turn off the critic and sit back and enjoy. This sucker winds up and rips right along with one outrageous action scene after another. I would take off 1/2 a star for exaggeration, but you don't watch a flick like this for insight. It never bored me, it made me laugh, and Geena was great switching from nice to tough-as-nails. Easy on the eyes, too.
Rating:  Summary: Beyond Pleasant Surprise Review: I didn't want to go to this movie when it was first in the theatres as I had heard bad things but a friend got me in for free and insisted I must go and that I will love it. I reluctantly went and to this day - I must say this is one of my all time favorite movies.... I went back and read the other reviews - yes, Sam and Geena were excellent but the character not mentioned who I felt stold the movie was the Professor that trained Charlie - that scene with the dog - I cried from laughing so hard and after the three story jump scene "...and tomorrow we go to the zoo." How fun and refreshing - an action that knows how silly that genre is and nice to a strong heroine whose hair does not remain perfect through the movie as is the case in most! Have since gone back and seen this movie AT LEAST a dozen times.
Rating:  Summary: Where's the sequel? Review: After watching dozens of action movies with completely interchangeable leads, it is refreshing to see one that actually attempts to mix things up a bit. Though as unblievable as any other action flick (come on, name one high-budget movie that convinces you the main character could actually do this stuff), this movie comes through with fun action and great humor between Davis and Jackson. If Die Hard or Mission Impossible are your thing you should at least check this one out.
Rating:  Summary: I have seen worse Review: Let me start by saying the Samuel Jackson is one of my favorite actors and he is about the only bright spot in this movie. The picture and sound are very good but this movie is so unbelievable that it takes away from the acting. I love action movies but I also like them to be somewhat realistic and this one isn't. This could have been a good movie...