Rating:  Summary: Needs to be on DVD!!!! Review: If ever a movie deserves to be released on dvd, this is the one. There's so much I can say about the storyline, the setting, and the dialog is priceless. It's a complete package and a true classic. If you are a true fan of gansters movies, I mean even going back to Cagne and Edward G. Robinson, You will love this film. Of all the Cohen brothers movies,(and I'm a big fan), this is my favorite. What I love most is not only the quality dialog, being so true to the genre, but there were some really humorous parts. You have to be a real fan and "with the quickness" to appreciate it. And lets not talk about plot twist. Hats off to all that particpated in it's creation. Even though I cherish my vhs copy (and don't let it out of my sight), I try turning on as many folks as possible to this piece of gold. I hope that in the near future it is released on dvd. You'll find me toward the front of that line.
Rating:  Summary: Maybe it's about another movie? Review: Guys, what do you like about this movie? I've seen Gabriel Byrne's incredible perfomance in "The usual suspects" and immediatly bought "M.C." What can I say? Gabriel Byrne is great, but the movie is so boring... Nothing to compare with, for example, "Once upon time in America" (that's masterpiece!). BTW, it's the first time when I put a grade less than 4 stars.
Rating:  Summary: I'm with everybody else! Review: Simply a great movie, my personal favorite. My VHS copy is also getting worn out and I keep thinking how good the soundtrack would be on my DVD/surround sound system. WHY!!! Why isn't it out on DVD yet? I think of all the other [stuff] that comes out on DVD, surely somebody would wake up to the release of this true classic. Hey Brothers Coen, if your reading this,,, Please!
Rating:  Summary: Yeah! I'm not the only Miller's Crossing Freak out there! Review: So nice to read the reviews. Misery loves company. What's holding up the DVD release? Does the Studio wait for pre-orders? Are the Coens reluctant to do the commentary? Don't those boys understand it's their very best movie? God bless em, Billy Bob was fun in B&W but not even in the same universe as Miller's Crossing. Come on Coens, throw your fans a bone. My VHS is getting worn out. Atleast give us a wide screen VHS to buy in the meantime.
Rating:  Summary: Begs for a Special Edition Release on DVD... Review: All the 5 star reviews you see here given by movie lovers on this gem are no accident. I won't spend time being redundant except to say this. I own approximately 500 DVD's and if this were available on DVD and in my collection it would be in the top 5 easy. I went with a good friend to see in this movie when it was released in 1990 because the trailer looked so breathtaking. We were shocked at how great a film this truly was. To attempt to draw some perspective for you I will breakdown my movie tastes to show you that while I like a good drama it is not the tops on my genre preference list. My movie tastes go roughly in this order. 1) Horror 2) Horror-Sci-Fi 3) Gangster Drama 4) Action 5) Sci-Fi 6) Drama 7) Comedy. This film had to leap two of my favorite genre categories to get into my overall top 5, very tough indeed. Nothing really left to say except this is an absolute must own if you are a true movie enthusiast. From the music, cast, dialogue, cinematography, wardrobe and story you can't find a better film regardless of genre. I only hope that with all that is coming out on DVD that this jewel won't get left behind. With a ton of luck we can all hope for a DVD release with Director/Producer/Cast commentary, DTS 5.1 Audio mix, Original Aspect Ratio, THX video transfer and heck why not throw in a making of documentary and the trailer for thrills (hey I can still dream). For now though I'll have to be content with my old, beat up VHS copy.
Rating:  Summary: DVD Please! Review: This may be my favorite movie. Not favorite crime movie, not favorite Coen Brothers film - but my favorite movie of all time. The characters, dialogue, direction, production and acting are flawless. This is one of maybe 5 movies that I can watch again and again. I can't wait for the day this is available on DVD!!
Rating:  Summary: "The old man's still an artist with a Thompson." Review: In contrast to 90% of currently produced movies, (...) "Miller's Crossing" has a satisfying depth and a "chewy" complexity that rewards you every time you watch it. "Miller's Crossing" is why God let us invent movies. For what it is, it is the perfect movie. Dialogue, music by Carter Burwell, set design, camera work, acting, wardrobe, sound, et al; everything done as well as human craftsmanship and genius talent allows. Not a single wasted or superfluous scene, note, line of dialogue, actor or set piece. The dialogue is excruciatingly sharp, fresh and always revealing of character (I wish *I* could write dialogue as well as the Coens!). Aside from "Casablanca" or "Network," you simply cannot find dialogue in any other movie that is literally such a joy to hear because it is so well crafted in every sense of the word. The coloring in the movie is a rich, dark jewel tone palette: dark, pure greens; ruby reds (although not many of these), saturated earth tones, grays and blacks with enough accent whites to keep the viewer's eye stimulated. The acting is top notch. Jon Polito will, forever and ever, always be "Caspar" to me, a pirhana who just happens to wear a suit and tie. He was born for that role. Gabrielle Byrne plays "Tom Regan," a brooding, intelligent, manipulative lieutenant with a mysterious, inviolate internal code of honor to Albert Finney's brash, ruthless yet sentimental crime boss "Leo." As an aspiring (and perspiring and sometimes expiring) screenwriter, I can tell you that "Miller's Crossing" is one of the densest, most well-told stories I've ever seen on film. I don't care who got the Oscars in 1990 for Best Film, Best Screenplay, they should have gone to the Coens. This is a movie that begs to be watched over and over. Do yourself a favor and do so.
Rating:  Summary: Pay Attention! Review: I really enjoy the movies by the Coen brothers but by far this is their best movie. This movie came out the same year that Goodfellas and Godfather Part III hit the screens. Amid that kind of competition, this movie did not last on the big screen. It's a crying shame because after having seen all three films, I say Miller's Crossing blows away the competition. What really sets this movie apart from the others is the deep character development and excellent dialogue. Another reviewer called the dialogue "flowery" but without the sharp, witty and fast-paced dialogue, this would not be a "thinking man's" movie. You must pay attention to what each and every character is saying and doing or you will miss important facts, tidbits of information, and foreshadowing. Is it a double cross or a triple cross? Who's playing who? What's the setup? The characters are all too human and make their share of mistakes. Their motivations and actions can be believed. Gabriel Byrne truly shines in his role as Tom. If I had to pick a favorite gangster film, it would be The Godfather Part II. But this film ranks in the top three and that is a huge compliment IMHO. Check it out but be sure to pay attention.
Rating:  Summary: Dialogue too flowery Review: Yeah, I liked it a lot. But I couldn't help noticing the blatant flaws of this film. Everyone lives or works in HUGE spaces. I doubt it. The apratments would be smaller and the office used by Finney was too fancy. The dialogue was too perfect. Everyone was like, reading from a poetry book. What was with Byrne's accent? It would be really Irish and then really Noo Yawk. Also, the reactions by the characters were at times too calm. Too suave. But hey-its a lot of fun. Turturo steals the show.