Rating:  Summary: Redford And Pitt On Screen Review: In my opinion, this is the best movie directed by Tony Scott since "The Hunger". And that's great because the projects he made with Jerry Bruckheimer were below average. "Spy Game" also marks the return of Robert Redford and Brad Pitt after "A River Runs Through It", in which Redford directed Pitt."Spy Game" tells the story of a retiring CIA agent (Redford) who trains a rookie (Pitt) in the art of espionage. The relation between the two is the strongest point in the movie because, as a teacher myself, I felt attracted to the fact that a mentor cannot turn his back on his protegé, no matter what the circumstances are. All the way from Washington, D.C., Redford has to make plans to rescue Pitt, who is captured and detained in a Chinese prison while trying to rescue a mysterious pacifist woman ("Braveheart"'s Catherine MacCormack). It's a very good story. The extras on this DVD are interesting, especially the fact that you can watch behind-the-scenes facts while watching the film by pressing the ENTER button on your DVD remote control whenever the CIA symbol appears on screen. The deleted scenes offer nothing new, except one where Redford is seen on a private conversation with MacCormack showing they know each other, some moments before she is seen with Pitt in a bar in Beirut. So if you want to watch a good espionage movie, this is your ticket.
Rating:  Summary: Toshiba tips for the closed captioning problem Review: I too found the closed captioning problem annoying. I found, though, that if you hit the fast-forward or rewind button just once, and then hit play again, the closed captioning goes away for a while. I did really enjoy the movie, though. It was very Tom Clancy like it the way it portrays "real" spys, not the James Bond versions. Good luck.
Rating:  Summary: A cool thriller Review: This is the most underarted spy movie of our times. Its a well made, well narrated movie packed with really cool plots and action. But somehow it got lost in the aftermath of 9/11. Otherwise, to all those spy thriller fans, this a movie to watch. Both Brad Pitt and Robert Redford do justice to their characters.
Rating:  Summary: Solution for Caption Problem Review: It's a bit strange that the caption or subtitles cannot be turned off by simply pressing the "subtitle" button on the DVD remote control unit, as you can for most other DVDs. For this one, you actually have to open the DVD menu, and click to "Language" setting, only here you can turn off the subtitle/caption. There you go, preston! The subtitles are, however, a bit unproportionally large. All said, the movie is an exciting spy thriller. Lastly, for those who have never been to Hong Kong, the US Embassy in the very beginning is actually the head office of HSBC bank, it looks way more cyber-cool than the real US Consulate though.
Rating:  Summary: Spy Review: Robert Redford is Nathan Muir, a CIA operative that is a day from retirement. When he finds out that his protégé Tom Bishop (Brad Pitt) has been arrested in China for espionage, Muir uses all of his wits and skills to find a way to free him. As he works to free Bishop, flashback are used to recalls how Muir recruited and trained Bishop, at that time he was serving in Vietnam, their turbulent times together as CIA operatives, and how their friendship was threaten by a woman.
Rating:  Summary: Poorly mastered DVD Review: As another reviewer mentioned, there is no way to permanently disable the closed captioning on this disk. Once disabled, the captioning reappears at the start of the next chapter. I can't believe that the studio distributed a dvd with this kind of manufacturing defect.
Rating:  Summary: I Don't Know About this One Review: The premise for SPY GAME is simple: Brad Pitt's character has been caught spying in China and is going to be executed. Robert Redford's character, an intelegence agent on the verge of retirement, has to figure out a way to save him from halfway around the globe. The entire movie falls into the frame of the tale Redford tells to fellow agents around a boardroom table. It's a tale of how the two know eachother, how they met, how they lost touch with eachother, and most of all why Pitt's character turned up in China. It's an interesting script because it's unlike other spy movies, but most the information is irrelivant to the plot which makes you mad as the film progresses. Pitt's performance is pretty good. He's convincing as a soldier in Vietnam and an operative in Beruit. As the younger of the 2 lead actors he can pull off the time lapsed scenes from over 25 years with different hairdoos and clothes. Redford, though alright as his character in the present, is rediculous in the flashback scenes. He's got this thing with his face where the wrinkles seem to have always been there. The entire movie I was thinking, "Okay, I've seen Butch Cassidy, I've seen the Natural, I've seen the Sting, and no way did Redford look that old then!" I can't believe the makers of the film didn't pay more attention to those details. Had they done so, I might have enjoyed the movie more. Instead, It felt forced and dumb. The DVD is nothing spectacular, with only a few deleated scenes that obviously don't fit the movie among some other filler. I suppose as a renter this one's alright, but definately not one I would rush out and buy.
Rating:  Summary: awesome Review: incredible actions scenes and acting. the filming style is very modern and artistic. awesome movie, funny and entertaining.
Rating:  Summary: Not even as a decent coaster Review: The single worst DVD I ever purchased. I had read about the captions in a review here but bought the movie anyway. What were they thinking when they produced this mess. The constant subtitles is a real mistake! Did they think it would resemble a foreign film {heavy sigh}, {no dialogue}.They are not sexy or trendy. This film actually has these annoying and often ridiculus captions throughout the entire film. I spend the initial 20 minutes trying to turn them off. I don't care much for TV shows with canned laughter, but these subtitles are unbelievable and are not wellcomed. A distubing trend perhaps? What was I thinking when I bought an action film with Redford in it? What did I expect? Robert Redford flying around Viet Nam as a CIA operative {hellicopter noise}. Please! He continues to badmouth the Government, the CIA of course and the USA in general. His roll seems to be to continue as a reporter from the Washington Post, as in a previous film. The whole movie has a tone not unlike his previous works. Anti-war, anti-goverment, anti-USA, pro-left wing nonsense permeates the whole production. We already know about unfair government spy tricks. I didn't buy this to have the evils of my government explained to me by this vehicle. I had hoped for something like Three Days of the Condor, but it didn't happen! The only thing I liked in this movie was Redford's sports jacket and blue oxford shirt. Which he apparently wears throughout the whole movie. I stopped watching and could not sit through to the end. I am truly embarrazzed to say I spent [money] on this coaster, a urinal cake target might be a better thought. A terrible film!
Rating:  Summary: Great Movie, Except for the Captioning! Review: This movie would be getting 5-stars from me if it wasn't for the damn closed captioning popping up. I've read other reviews, and it seems other people are having similar problems. I have a Toshiba SD-1600 so maybe it is a Toshiba-specific problem. I emailed Universal so I'll see what happens..... Maybe Hollywood executives should stop holding fundraisers and giving money to Bill Clinton and his pinko Democratic friends and instead, take some time and effort into actually checking to see if a DVD works before mass producing and selling it.