Rating:  Summary: A Must for Gun Lovers and Action Guys Everywhere Review: This movie was sooooooo awesome. I had no idea that it was going to be this great, I thought it just rocked when John Travolta pulled out the trusty M60 Minimi and just railed the SUV about 400 times. VERY VERY GOOD, a must in my collection.
Rating:  Summary: Swordfish.....A Plot Twisting Thrill Ride!! Review: Swordfish is by far one of the most increadible movies I have ever seen. Its superb acting and unbelievable special effects can only be matched by its thrilling storyline. If your tired of your typical run of the mill movie, Swordfish is the one for you.
Rating:  Summary: ***1/2 STARS - A REALLY GOOD ACTION FLICK! Review: Swordfish really took me by suprise. I didnt really expect as much as I got. Hugh Jackman actually shows how good of an actor he is, as well as John Travolta is awsome as always. If you just want to see a good action flick go and rent this, its even better in theaters!
Rating:  Summary: Great Movie Review: Loved the movie, couldnt get enough of it! A must have movie for me!
Rating:  Summary: The Sword went right through the fish. Review: "Thumbs Down!"John Travolta and Halle Berry team up with director Domenic Sena for Swordfish- an explosive, computer hacker film. This film has some interesting plot twists, from hero to villain and so on-but can't pass for a great action film. John Travolta is unbelievably poor in this film. His facial hair says it all. Halle Berry is the bare-breasted chick on the side, who's main purpose is to be the bare-breasted chick. Yeah, yeah- there is some explosions, and at least "some" plot to it, but it can't cover up for its holes here and there. Hugh Jackman makes the only real worthy performance in this film. Domenic Sena better stick to his guns, otherwise he'll be gone in sixty seconds. Though this isn't "SO" bad, it just isn't the big action film of the summer. It sizzles here and there, but just can't compare to the other great summer hits.
Rating:  Summary: Huh? Review: Okay maybe if you just want to see a few (very few) special effects or to see HER chest, fine. But this movie was SOOOO terrible. It was just a lame attempt to show off some Matrix-like special effects. The most disappointing part was that the movie actually started off pretty really well, with excitement and a great special effects scene. But by the end of the movie you could tell this was put together by a bunch of people who had a lot of cool ideas, like "yeah we should have a bus get picked up by a helicopter!" and "yeah we should have this as a special effect!" and it never really mattered if the ideas worked with eachother or had anything to do with the movie. Like cheetos, its REALLY cheesy.
Rating:  Summary: Whatever it takes to do the JOB Review: I felt I had to write this review because every other reviewer must have seen a different film to me. If you were expecting a great plot then you should never watch a hollywood film. Even starwars which as I recall was not to well treated by the reviewers has a weak plot but has gone down in history. For me the great thing about this film is not the overall plot but that for the first time there was a sense of realism. I have a PhD in chemistry and if you gave me the problem/job of getting the money I would do whatever it took 1 hostage, 2 or 100 I would not care as success would be all that mattered. There is a great line in the film when one of the hostages is blown up as the police attempt a rescue John Travolta says "that was not my dicision it was yours" (the police) and I agree. In this the hostage taker says what he will do if you do something, if you then take action that results in his/her death that was your dicision. The hostage taker just told you what he would do. Also in the film you never really no who is bad and good as Travolta does not play a terrorist as many reviews have said but a member of a black opps team who take pro-active measures against people who they consider to be a threat to the USA. To save millions they may have to kills a few hundred is this good or bad? ... The story is simple I need money to continue my course ie the 9.5 billion dollars to do this I need a good hacker then I do whatever it takes to get away. For me this film raises some interesting questions for one how far would you go to get what you want? To protect your country? How far is too far? Etc... This is a great film as there are no real good guys just people who know what they want and in that more like life. We all work for money don't we. See the film and judge for yourself.
Rating:  Summary: Cool does NOT equal good. Review: This film is cool...VERY cool, You have Travolta doing the bad guy....a cool bad guy. You have Halle Berry looking cool...but then she would. You have the whole film looking cool...but unfortunatly...NOT good. A superficial, over the top, far fetched story that relies too much on looking cool and blowing things up. The whole thing revolves around a lot of money, millions infact that Travolta's character wants to fund his continuing protection of the American way. He needs a harker to help him though to gain access to this money. In steps Hugh Jackman's character, Stanley. Stan has problems, the FBI shoved him in jail for snooping around their computer system and won't let him near a keyboard. His porn star ex-wife won't let him near his daughter so he finds .... What does save it is two things, a car being one. The British, yes British, car the TVR is a stunner adds more cool to the film but this is GOOD cool, not the bad cool of the rest of the film. The other saving grace of this film is Hugh Jackman. The comparision to a young Clint Eastwood is not unfounded. He looks good and IS good in this. ....Swordfish is worth watching just for the fact it is cool but don't expect anything great. Just enjoy the sheer nonsense of it.
Rating:  Summary: Good Movie, Great Breasts Review: Let me say that Swordfish is a really fun movie that has some really good special effects. The 360 degree bomb scene is awesome!! John Travolta plays a really cool bad guy and he's fun to watch in this movie. The plotline is lacking a little luster but the movie is fun nevertheless. And of course, there is Halle Berry's breasts, which are great of course. This movie is a good saturday night, nothing to do or watch movie. Same category as MI2 (which I loved, 5 stars) and Tomb Raider (which I also liked 4 stars) Good movie, great breasts.
Rating:  Summary: Very Cool. Review: "Swordfish" is an exellent thriller, that requires you to listen to everything that is said on screen by the actors, or else you will get lost and confused. I've been waiting a long time for a good movie about computer hacking, and "Swordfish" delivers. The coolest part of the movie was at the beginning, when the bomb exploded. The hostage with the bomb blew up, sending all the cars and SWAT team members around the bomb flying. As the bomb went off, the camera then froze and went in a 360 motion around the explosion. Everything was in slow-motion. It was (...)awesome. It reminded me of scenes from the Matrix. The Producer of "The Matrix" produced this, so that probably explains why it was so similar. Anyway, Hugh Jackman was the computer hacker. He was one of the main reasons I wanted to see this movie. He did such a great job as Wolverine in "X-men". He is the perfect Wolverine. John Travolta was once again the bad guy, which he's always good at playing and Halle Berry was okay. The only thing I didn't get was the ending when the boat exploded. Was that John Travoltas boat ? Who blew it up ? Maybe I'll understand it when I see it again on DVD. So if you want to see a cool, slick, movie, Swordfish is it. Do your self a favor and ignore all the bad reviews. This is a good movie.