Rating:  Summary: Colin, I love you Review: Okay, this isn't going to be an unbiased review. I love Colin Farrell. I really do. The fact that he is a very gifted actor helps, but I would still love him anyway and he is in a uniform in almost the entire film carrying a gun and does life get any better than this? I think not. Colin, I think you are wonderful.
Rating:  Summary: Decent formula action flick. Review: This will show up on the USA network some day, as their ad campaign last year stated, "No films, just movies." SWAT was a mildly pleasant ride with few, if any surprises. It was difficult for me to fool myself into thinking I didn't have the major plot points down after the first five minutes. A friend said something to the effect of "A movie like that, people stick around for the dialogue, not the plot points." It's just unfortunate that the dialogue wasn't more creative.There was one shining moment of creativity in this movie. This has been stated about SWAT everywhere from the trailers to capsule reviews, so I'll just tell you this may be a very MILD spoiler. The question of what might happen if an international criminal offered 100 million dollars to anyone who would get him out of prison was the one thing about this movie that really seemed fresh and original. Some of the proposed answers to that question were rather disappointing, however, and on a couple levels reinforced stereotypes about people of color in LA. Bottom Line: Fun escapist fare. Samuel L. Jackson probably saves the movie, but if you can only see one Jackson SWAT movie, make it The Negotiator, which you can convieniently purchase right here at amazon.com, or at your local retailer. :)
Rating:  Summary: The Real Thing Review: Well...what I thought of the movie will be quite different from your opinion. I thought the movie was action-packed, fun, and interesting to watch. It contained all what you need to feel good. Jim Street (Colin Farrell) was a part of S.W.A.T. team but got degraded to the gun cage. He was still proud to be part fo the force. His friend, on the other hand, went away forever and became a gangster. With effort and courage, Jim Street becomes part of a S.W.A.T team that is commanded by Sergeant Hondo (Samuel L. Jackson). They practice their skills, and it is tested when they are taking a prisoner hostage. The S.W.A.T team proves to be good with one exception (the guy who betrays everyone and goes for money). After all, sometimes doing the right thing isn't the right thing.
Rating:  Summary: A long, long movie Review: At first SWAT starts out with a promise of an exciting action film. However the first two thirds of the movie ended up to be all dialog. It was long and boring and I couldn't wait for it to end. It's a DVD rental.
Rating:  Summary: Pretty good flick Review: S.W.A.T. is one of those films, that starts off quite badly but ends up being quite entertaining. There isn't any exceptional acting or directing, but there are quite a few interesting elements in the story. The first half of the movie is quite tedious, as all we see is Sam Jackson and Colin Farrell recruiting their potential SWAT team. There aren't any intersting scenes during this half of the movie. If you want to see some interesting recruiting scenes, watch Ocean's Eleven. It is after the SWAT team arrests the villain, and stop him from escaping, is when the real fun starts. A lot of good action and good ideas. Overall quite an entertaining movie, unlike some of the other summer action fare.
Rating:  Summary: All action, little plot Review: This movie is basically all action and little plot. The plot if you can manage to find one though all the action is to get a big terrorist or drug lord out of the USA(and Los Angles). The villian offers over TV $100 million to anyone who frees him. it was a predictable cop film, although the opening sequence rather pushed the PG-13 rating. I thought that maybe it should of been rated R! The opening of this movie is very violent for a PG-13 film. Larry Poindexter(Body Chemistry 4) is also in this movie as chief of police .he is has starred in some OK movies, but people should regonize him from "JAG". The movie was nice escape from reality, just be sure to check your brain out at the movie theater door.
Rating:  Summary: Dr. Pepper presents America's Security and Well-Being Review: I have given in to the fact that Hollywood director's are penny-pinching sell-outs. But to shove a Dr. Pepper can into the spotlight every fifteen minutes while filming a movie about the force which fights and dies to protect people they don't even know was, I thought, beyond even them. But hey, by today's standards, the honour of fighting and fallen heroes is a small price to pay for a couple more big explosions and sunken bullet-holes. Beyond that, I found it a bit less than subtle in these chaotic, hateful times to use a "frog", as Samuel L Jackson delicately puts it on more than one occasion, as the number one enemy of the United States police. Using racial slurs against the number one democratic enemy of America's war? In a major Hollywood movie? To take a Michael Moore-esque view on one final note, we see common thugs and low-lives with automatic weapons wounding and killing innocents, and never even question how such dangerous weapons got into their hands, but somehow this is justified when a bunch of guys in black kill them off one by one. We've come so far that using violence to counteract violence is the first, last and only solution to the problem. Obviously, there isn't really any choice in situations like this, but at least question how things have come to the point where there IS no other choice, even in Hollywood films. Ok this is a movie review, so let's finish with comments about the film itself; cliche action sequences, lukewarm acting, two-dimensional storyline.
Rating:  Summary: pretty typical action movie Review: not bad, but nothing really stood out... typical action movie formula... -hero does right but is in trouble.(the rebel) -bad guy introduced (foreign accent) -hero, good guys build team (training "in action" sequences) -twist in plot / backstabbing -big fight scene -hero wins not bad really but predictable with a few ok jokes. rent it.
Rating:  Summary: Great Actors (esp for this genre) Screwy direction Review: Jackson, Farrell, and the others make this a watchable movie.. They add depth to a shallow story-Now a shallow story in an action film is not in and of itself a bad thing. SWAT had tremendous potential. Jackson is commanding and eminently watchable, Farrell has enough charisma that you could watch him talk on the phone for an hour and a half (wait-I have watched him on the phone for an hour and a half)...The rest of the cast is pretty good for mostly flat characters in a typical action movie. What goes wrong here is very screwy direction, a painfully long and dull "training" session, and an idiotic fist fight in the dark which you cant see and dont care about, and already know the outcome. Farrell's "badboy" character is never developed and never does anything bad, his ex(?) girlfriend is introduced and one of many subplots is left dangling (not that you care). This is a messed up movie...for a B-action flick, and to watch Farrell charm the world, and Jackson as a cardboard hero-it is fun-but both actors deserve so much more then they have been given here or in other movies they have done of late.
Rating:  Summary: wow this movie sucked Review: this movie was so lame. I thought it was an action film. Well lets see, its under the action category. Lets see, NO action what so ever. This moviewas soooo long and so friggin boring. I sat there in the theature hoping the god Da#$ movie would get more exciting. DONT SEE IT, THIS MOVIE SUCKS, ITS BORING AND STUPID.