Rating:  Summary: Now I have to go and buy it again... Review: I saw this by accident and it grabbed me instantly. This is one of the most controversial screen stories ever, boosted by great action. I'm against any organized religion, but this I can understand and... Nah, I don't want to spoil it for you.Buy it! See it! Love it or hate it! The plot in a sentence: two fraternal twins are on a mission from God (no less!) to eradicate Boston of organized crime. Direction is beautiful, story telling is complex, yet very clear and understandable. What about action, you say? Well, shoot-outs can hold its ground even against John Woos Hong Kong "bullet ballets"... Did I mention humour? Tons of it, if you like a bit odd, a bit sick, non PC humour... The only thing that may bother you a bit is a lot of shouting, but this is over the top movie with over the top performances. I already own an imported copy, but I'll buy it again because of the special features which are missing on import DVD (which I'll give to my friend as a present)...
Rating:  Summary: Kill 'em all, let God sort 'em out? No thanks. Review: WHAT is the deal with people worshipping this movie? A couple of brothers go mow people down over and over again. Hoo-haw! Fun! Other reviewers seem ready to go follow their lead, even, which disturbs me because the brothers mow down anyone who happens to be in a room, they execute people just for being in a peep show (unless I missed something there...is that a crime deserving a death sentence?). Willem Defoe is amusing, sure, I guess, but then again, the gay-as-comedy thing gets old. Kill 'em all! Never mind the trouble of actually figuring out who's guilty of what. I think maybe the brothers should go after the rest of the reviewers here...keep the world safe from lunatics.
Rating:  Summary: This film owes alot to besson+tarantino Review: The Boondock saints is a revelation. The casting is a bit of mystery-for instance why Dafoe? but the film itself is impeccable. Billy Connolly has a lamentably small part as a Leon type killer( even extended to the mantra given to him "no women no kids") but is obviously imbued with a sense of morality and "aequitas". The role is largely non speaking but the sheer physical impact is immense. Similarly, Dafoe is a Norman Stansfield moulded cop, played with high camp and a love of classical music. Oddly, however, the tone of Dafoes agent is perfect for a film which mixes surreal, brutal fantasy with unrelenting reality. Norman Reedus (aka Mr Helena Christenson) finally displays a flair for gritty acting and Sean Patrick Flanery finally sheds that "pretty boy" persona for which he has become synonimis In style the film reminds me much of Phil Joanous "State of Grace", so much so in fact, at first I believed it to be older than it actually was. There are faults with "Boondock saints" which cannot be ignored. The violence is unflinching,often gratuitous and occasionally portrayed with cartoon like simplicity. The ending over which the credits run is contrived and false. However, despite these errors of judgement from Duffy, the sheer energy dynamism, pace and look of the film, not only marks him as a promising filmmaker, but also earns his debut an uncompromising five stars.
Rating:  Summary: Better than any movie I have EVER seen. Review: I'll start off by saying that I'm Scottish and I've seen Braveheart like 15 times.That WAS my favorite movie.Then I borrowed a friend's DVD collection and came across this movie called "Boondock Saints".So I watched it,and the rest is history.It is violent so if this bothers you then don't watch it.Here's my breakdown on a scale of 0-5(with 5 being the best): -Cinematography 5 -Dialouge 5 -Story 5 -Casting 5 -Performances by actors 5 This movie is all about the question of whether it is right or wrong to take out evildoers with violence kind of like the Punisher from the comics.The story is told with style and finess.Everything about this movie is top notch which is why Braveheart is now my 2nd favorite movie of all time.Braveheart was ALMOST perfect on every score but Boondock Saints IS perfect.I am surprised that money grubbing Hollywood hasn't re-released this movie with major marketing.I would definately pay my $8 to see this on the big screen.Enjoy....
Rating:  Summary: The Best Movie You've Never Heard Of Review: This movie is exciting, powerful, and godaweful funny from beginning to end. Everybody who I have recommended it to (who has been smart enough to follow my advise) has loved it. The acting is astounding, the story entertaining, and the gunfight scenes aren't just good, they're John Woo Good :) Do yourself a favor, GET THIS MOVIE. You won't be disapointed.
Rating:  Summary: A Movie for the Ages Review: I expected Boondock Saints to be like Lock, Stock or Snatch. A funny british movie, but not one that would be all that powerful. I had no idea how wrong I could be. Yes, this movie was very funny. But more important, this was a very powerful movie. Not only was the script incredibly well written and well acted, the cinematography was breathtaking. If you have never seen this movie, buy it. You will waste money by renting it because you will buy it anyways after you rent it. ...The prayer the boys say is: 'And sheppard's we shall be for thee my lord for thee, power hath descended forth from thy hand, that our feet may swiftly carry out thy command, so we shall flow a river forth to thee and teaming with souls shall it ever be, in numine patri, et filio, et spiritu sancti.' Please, buy the movie, it will be the best purchase you will ever make.
Rating:  Summary: This movie contains alot of simbology... Review: Yes I know symbology is not a real word but you have to watch the movie to understand my title. This is one of the best films that I have ever seen. The dialogue, the cinematography, the interaction, and the action. Everything about this movie I loved (well..I did think it had a little too many f-bombs in it, but other than that it was great) and I have ever since been showing it too all of my friends. I have noticed that that either people really don't like this film or they love it. But I for one love this movie and would love to see a sequel.
Rating:  Summary: See it with a friend! Review: Cannot begin to express how much I loved this movie. You will be entertained at every angle. This could not have been more beautifully played any other way, with any other actors. The use of 'flashback' is wonderfull. Superbly written, well thought, funny. This is the type of movie that you can bet no one has heard of but everyone will enjoy. From the humor to the excitement; this movie will not and should not go unnoticed. Tell Troy Duffy (writer, director, genius), I want more! Don't forget to watch it with a few friends!
Rating:  Summary: excellent beginning to end Review: I have seen many movies in my time starting as far back as "The Wax Museum" in 3-D. This is by far the most gripping, riviting film I have seen. It employed the use of comedy, suspense, empathy and a sense of satisfaction throughout the entire movie. It demonstrates the range that Willem Dafoe has as an actor and any fan of his should not miss this movie. The entire cast was great. Some twists and turns of events keep you begging for more. I highly recommend this to anyone interested in this genre of film.
Rating:  Summary: WOW!!! Review: All I need to say is that this is, without a doubt, one of the top five movies of all time!