Rating:  Summary: The BoonDock Saints can save your Soul Review: Unfortunately, I can only give this movie 5 stars, it deserves more. Not many people have seen this fabulous movie, but those who have worship the shelf they have it resting on. Putting this movie in your DVD/VHS player, is like having your priest come and bless it for you. This has be be the best underground film ever produced. No large budget movie I have ever seen can come close.... and after working at a video store for a year, you see WAY too many movies. (video store employee=no life outside of movies) If anyone has ever told you about this, and you haven't seen it... FOR SHAME. BUY IT TODAY
Rating:  Summary: Disappointing Review: Though this film has outrageous violence and some effectively absurd humor, overall it is a failure.The paper thin plot revolves around the doings of two Irish brothers who set out to clean up their town by killing people they see as evil. In this case, the victims are mainly members of the Russian Mafia. Trying to catch them is an annoyingly stereotypical gay detective (Willem Dafoe, who deserves better roles than this). His constant failure in catching the two "saints" starts to infuriate him, but it also makes him wonder whether or not what the two are doing is right. "Boondock Saints" covers painfully familiar territory in it's tale of vigilante justice. Worst of all, towards the end of the film the director makes a left turn towards the moral question of whether killing is justified, even if the victims are evil. This theme has been explored before, and no new insights are given. There are more thought provoking vigilante moral questions in a "Punisher" comic for Christ's sake. The film does have a good opening, and the performances (led by Dafoe) are charismatic enough. Go ahead and rent it if you're bored. Just don't expect anything new or intelligent.
Rating:  Summary: Not good Review: I am not sure if I saw the same movie as most of the people who have reviewed Boondock Saints on this site. This movie was just what I feared it would be: poorly acted, boring and way over the top. Luckily I rented it first because watching it once was way more than enough. If you want a stylish, film with a great plot and engrossing dialogue don't watch this one. Check out Fight Club or Memento or The Usual Suspects or any Coen Bros. film. Leave Boondock Saints alone.
Rating:  Summary: The Worst Movie Ever Made Review: Oh my god could this movie been any worse? It is truly one of the worst movies I have ever seen. I went on to Amazon and was horrified to see that they were offering this movie to the movie buying public. ... If you only take one thing from this review, please let it be this: UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES RENT, OR EVEN THINK OF BUYING THIS MOVIE. If the thought occurs to you to buy this movie, I have another consideration I think you should make: FLUSH YOUR MONEY DOWN THE TOILET! If I can save just one person from seeing this movie I feel I have done my job. The acting in this movie is god awful, horrible accents, atrocious dialogue, bad directing, editing, music, I could go on and on. Trust me, it is no mistake that this movie went straight to video. Think about it. If the producers of "Spiderman" had seen William Dafoe in this, they would have never considered hiring him to play the green goblin. The 2 hours I spent watching this movie are 2 hours of my life I will never get back. Don't make the same mistake I did.
Rating:  Summary: SIX STARS MOVIE! Review: One of the best action films I have seen the last years. The movie was not advertised like the most of the really good movies. The old question comes up once more. Should a man take the law in his hands and become judge and executor ? The answer comes easy in the film and it is yes. But then the society agrees with such a decision? According to the film YES. The complexity of the laws that the modern societies adopted to face the organized crime finally protects the criminals instead of punishing them. In the movie there is no question about what is good and what is bad. Our Heros, two brothers (Sean Patrick Flanery and Norman Reedus) know what they do and they don't have any doubts about it. Their actions will convince a gay FBI special agent (Willem Dafoe) to change the point of his view. It is a modern and more advanced version of Michael Winner's Death Wish and I strongly recommend you to buy.
Rating:  Summary: Much better than I expected Review: I bought this DVD based on a recommendation from a friend, based on that friend's taste I thought the movie would have continous action/machine guns etc.. . Well, It kinda does but it does it in such style that makes it watchable even more than once. Original and well crafted. I recommend it. A little gory though.
Rating:  Summary: An shepherds we shal be for thee my lord for thee Review: This movie made me want to be irish and partly italian. It has a funny dialogue, interesting ideas about vigilantes. Dafoe is very humorous and gives a very good performance as he increases his roles and becomes more of a versatile actor. Normus Reedus and Flanery are amazing. The actions scenes were amazing and the pain they experience is jaw-dropping. The message s very good. Billy Connoly who played Judi Dench in Mrs. Brown is marvelous and his accent is both funny, repsectable and humorous. A classic in my opinion.
Rating:  Summary: THIS IS ONE OF MY FAVORITES! Review: This movie is great! Five stars just isn't enough! I have not seen a movie this good since Pulp Fiction. I thought the acting of Willem Dafoe, Sean Patrick Flanery and Norman Reedus was great. The action in this movie doesn't stop and it may leave you wondering about the blurred lines of good vs. evil in a corrupt legal system full of loop holes and red tap. What starts out as an act of self defense quickly becomes a search for justice in an unjust world. If you agree or disagree with the actions of the McManus brothers, you have to admire their conviction in thier beliefs. This movie did not get the recognition it deserves. I have seen this movie dozens of times and it just keeps getting better, so give it a try. ~ Oh, " and I might just be wanting a bagel with my coffee." (Watch the movie and you will understand that.)
Rating:  Summary: Best Movie I Have Seen To Date Review: This movie is just incredible. I notice more and more everytime I watch it. I have seen it about 15 times and it has not gotten old at all, that is when you know you have a good movie on your hands. The action is amazing. The background music is awesome. Such a good film that you can just watch over and over. This picture has some good humor mixed in with all the action and what not. Two brothers Conner and Murphy MacManus whom are played by Sean Patrick Flanery and Norman Reedus, start to take matters into their own hands by knocking off the majority of Bostons criminals. They believe that they have been sent by God to rid the world of its evil men. I would easily reccomend this movie to anyone who is anyone that likes movies. Heh. It is a shame this movie didnt get the publicity to make it a big it, because it is definatley worth of that recognition.
Rating:  Summary: Boondock Saints Review: This is one of the best action movies ever. I'm just glad it's finally on DVD. It is a must have.