Rating:  Summary: There's a reason it's only [$$]... Review: This is the worst movie I have ever purchased. I bought it on the false advice of a friend against whom I have subsequently started a retaliatory smear campaign. Do NOT buy this movie, it has already ruined one life. It is worse than cancer.
Rating:  Summary: The Worst Ever! Review: I am usually not offended by most R rated movies with the violence or language but this one goes WAY beyond most..... 5 x more F words than most language filled R rated movies...I couldn't believe it..Way too violent too...But not only that there was no plot. And the FBI guy was gay. Even if you like the language/ vilence. This movie is boring and stupid and has no plot. Don't waste your money. I watch a lot of movies and there is only a few that a really really dislike..
Rating:  Summary: Watch State of Grace instead. Review: This movie started off on the wrong foot when the brothers were wearing their rosaries AROUND THEIR NECKS, and only got worse. Any Irish Catholic would know this is an absolute no-no, and what's worse, NO Irish Catholic would insult the church that way. This movie takes itself way too seriously to be as inane and unbelievable as it is. I was looking for a Bonnie & Clyde ending to redeem a little bit of the moral ambiguity, but alas the director didn't even have that much tact. For much better Irish mob movies, check out Miller's Crossing or State of Grace.
Rating:  Summary: DON'T PASS THIS MOVIE UP!!! Review: Wow. This is one amazing movie, and it is Troy Duffy's first time writing and directing! Not only is the movie killer (er, no pun intended), the DVD has excellent features to boot: beautiful 2.35:1 aspect ratio, deleted scenes and outtakes, an informative and FUNNY director's commentary... and you can't beat the price (about ten bucks!). It is an utter tragedy that this movie was doomed straight to video after the Columbine Incident. It deserves much more recognition than it ever got. If you haven't seen this movie, do yourself a favor and check it out. If you've seen it on video, and are thinking of buying it, BUY THE DVD!!!
Rating:  Summary: 2 stars is pushing it. Review: it truly baffles me seeing such high praise for this film. don't get me wrong, i'm as much a fan of these bang bang-shoot 'em up super violent films as the next guy...but this film??..not even an iota of originality. not only that but any movie that stars ron jeremy automatically loses all credibilty for being a decent movie. its only redeeming quality was seeing Willem Dafoe play a gay lieutenant..but thats about it. if you are looking for a film that really dives into the character..shows all dimensions and the motivational forces behind their actions....keep on moving. still to this day i have no idea why these people did the things they did. these two irish brothers, who were happily working at a meat factory (no indication that they are prone to violence) all of a sudden decide one day basically annihilate everyone that they thought was bad, or basically whoever the catholic church frowned upon. but i was really willing to let that go...i was willing to forget that end enjoy watching them kill the baddies in cool artsy MTV camera angles. but no, the director just kept screwing up. he had to do things like throw in a third character, rocco, who i can only describe as being the equivalent of jar jar binx of episode I...need i say more? it all went downhill after that, you could tell the director was trying really really hard to make a hip "win me a sundance film festival award just like pulp fiction" type of movie...however, he failed miserably...and then the ending, oh wow the ending..that was just about when the sheer absurdity of it all just about gave me an anneurism....alll i could do was laugh. i would not recommend this film to anyone who is familiar with movies like reservoir dogs, pulp fiction, the professional, lock stock two smoking barrels, and so an and so forth (actually i wouldn't recommend this movie to anyone who doesnt want 2 hours of their life unfairly stolen from them by troy duffy) what i hope you will notice is a movie that pales in comparison to the movies it really really desperately wants to be. but as much as i would hate to recommend this to anyone, there are people out there who i know will enjoy this 'movie'...i can pretty much guarantee that average 15-16 year old will probably think this is the coolest thing he's ever seen...so grab your copy today you young white male middle class suburbanite!
Rating:  Summary: Wow, I didn't know that they make movies this bad! Review: This has got to be one of the worst movies I've ever seen! It's scary to think that there are so many positive reviews of this movie. Here's a quick litmus test: If you would never consider watching VIP or Sheena then you shouldn't watch this movie. I haven't seen a movie this bad since Battlefield Earth. And don't get me wrong, I do like the occasional mindless Hong Kong shoot-em up but this movie had no style and the acting, plot, and directing was autrocious.
Rating:  Summary: My new Favorite. Review: I saw this movie several months before I bought it, and I must say this dvd has some great extras.I wont go into detail about plot ect, as it has been discussed here quite a bit. But I will say this, that Troy Duffy got royaly ... by the ratings people. If you listen to the comentary you will know that it was being rated as columbine happened, so it nearly got a nc17 rating, they had to cut a lot of violence out, and then it got semi black listed by theaters who were scared of parents reactions to such a violent film so soon after columbine.. thus it was sent straight to video. Very unfortunate. To all those who have given this film lesser ratings, I noticed that most of you had watched it before (weeks/months ago) i think you have confused your movies, because the acting, directing and all of that is quite good in this film. I think that a lot of the people giving low reviews on this movie are just wrong. It is a great movie. There is action and comedy in spades. Troy Duffy, You are the Man.
Rating:  Summary: Great for what it is. Review: Let me be quick and blunt. This is not a serious movie. It is a hyperbole, so to speak. It's over the top, and purposely so. You will not find the answer to life's mysteries in this movie. It is a fun, action movie, with great action sequences, and some hilarious moments. The acting is above average and the writing is good. The plots starts strong and fizzles out a bit toward the end. The ending itself was pretty bad, but this didn't really matter so much due to the fact that there was no mystery to solve, no question to answer, no big world-changing events. It was just a cool movie, worth a good watchin' every now and then. Some people reviewing this are taking it way too seriously....but it's great for what it is - a good way to kill 2 hours. It could be correctly classified as a comedy in my book.
Rating:  Summary: INCREDIBLE Review: This movie is friggin amazing, it may seem slow at first but I assure you it definatly is not, and it pays off so well, the music with every fight scene is different every time and makes it all the sweeter. It wasn't extremely popular in theaters, but if you see it trust me you will be saying that too (why wasn't it?). This has quickly become one of the best and one of my most favorite movies I have ever seen and gotten.
Rating:  Summary: Paddy Power clean up the streets Review: What an awesome film!!! Two brothers take it upon themselves to clean up the streets from scum. Action all the way!!!Confrontations with the Mafia leave the cops with a lot less work to do. The brothers are modern-day super heroes!! They do what everyone wished they could do, but were too scared to do anything about it!!! If you've seen 'Lock, Stock and two Smoking Barrels' and liked it, you'll love this!!! If you haven't seen this film yet - WHY NOT?!!!