Rating:  Summary: Who benefited from 11-22-63? Review: Great DVD, more than six hours of intrigue included in the full package. Donald Sutherland's character sums up the most essential questions for understanding the events of 11/22/63 and also the events of 9/11/01: why did it happen? who benefitted? and who has the power to cover it up? Just as the Kennedy assassination was immediately followed by a military adventure into southeast Asia, we now seem unable to stop our runaway war bandwagon leading to Iraq. And based on what happened in Dallas to JFK, it might not be such a great idea to try.One factual error Stone misses in both the movie and the editor's cut is the purpose of sending Gov. Conally's bloodied suit to the cleaners, which Lyndon Johnson ordered. The film implies that this was done to destroy evidence. In fact, Lyndon knew that the Governor's suit -- with a bullet hole in the back of the jacket, one just under the right front lapel, and then a third bullet hole in the left leg -- was Big John's lucky suit. Compared to what happened to the guy riding behind him, Nov. 22, 1963 was Conally's lucky day all around.
Rating:  Summary: One of the greatest movies of all time! Review: In "JFK", Oliver Stone unleashes the secrets that our government were afraid to tell. They were afraid, and cared more about politics, than they did people, and Oliver Stone came through for us. Now, much has been said about Stone, in the media, but we must understand that this same media has CIA Agents working for it, which makes the media's opinions pure government Propaganda. The scoundrels who attack this film are trying to do your thinking for you. Dont let them. Watch "JFK", and learn many of the facts concerning the Conspiracy to kill President Kennedy. In "JFK" you will learn about the obstacles that New Orleans D.A. Jim Garrison had to overcome, as he tried to tell this great country the truth about Kennedy's Assassination. You will see how the media used lies to try to discredit Garrison, like they did to Oliver Stone when this movie came out. You will see why the Magic bullet theory can ONLY be a lie. You will see how the majority of witnesses thought that shots came from the Grassy Knoll. This movie will hit emotional nerves in you, that you never knew you had. You will never forget it, once you watch it. It will make you think, it will make you cry, it will make you ashamed to be an American, and happy to be an American all at once. Ashamed of the government that lied to us, but proud of the enduring spirit of Americans like Oliver Stone, who refuse to let the government lie to us about who nullified our votes in 1963. This may be the most important movie in American History. It is the movie that opened the eyes of Americans. This movie has many, many facts in it. Some things are just speculation, others are a counter myth to the Warren Commission myth, but all in all, this movie will lead you to the real killers of our President, and to those who hold our very Freedom in their cold calculating hands. Knowledge is power....empower yourself and watch this movie. Why? Because you deserve the truth, even if your government says otherwise.
Rating:  Summary: "Let justice be done, though the heavens fall." Review: Oliver's Stone's "JFK" is one of those lightning-rod films. Immediate controversy was stirred up by its questionable accuracy and its seemingly outrageous claims. However, one must remember that this is a feature film from a Hollywood studio and not a documentary objectively examining its subject. "Historical" films are notorious for "fudging" the truth in order to maximize its dramatic impact and "JFK" is no different. The film does stack the deck by leading its viewers to draw only one possible conclusion - that the official inquiry into JFK's assassination was part of a conspiracy - but should the film be penalized for its one-sidedness? The answer is no. "JFK" is meant to be art and makes no claims to be 100% accurate or objective. It is a fictional interpretation of a traumatic historical event with elements of the real-life event included in its narrative. It is a story about the possible circumstances surrounding JFK's assassination and not a story of what actually happened. On that level, the film is a masterpiece. "JFK" stars Kevin Costner as Jim Garrison, a man obsessed with getting to the bottom of the Kennedy assassination. Through his investigation, he becomes convinced that Lee Harvey Oswald (Gary Oldman) did not act alone in killing Kennedy? The physical evidence cited in the Warren Commission report just does not support the claim of a lone gunman. Something is amiss but what exactly? Does businessman Clay Shaw (Tommy Lee Jones) have the key to unlocking the entire investigation? So many questions but unfortunately so little answers. In the end, the holes in the story are never filled and the mystery of what really happened in Dallas on November 22, 1963 survives to haunt the nation for another day. Stone never does try to solve the "JFK" mystery once and for all. He merely puts forth his own personal interpretation of events and the technique he employs in dispensing his evidence is a technical triumph of editing. Documentary and newly-shot footage are weaved together with flashback sequences to create a mesmerizing chronicle of what Stone thinks happened. Costner is dazzling in his portrayal of Garrison. Those filmgoers jaded by Costner's lack of recent quality performance should revisit "JFK" to remind themselves of just how much talent Costner does possess. The supporting cast is made up of an honor roll of screen legends past and present. In addition to the aforementioned Oldman and Jones are Joe Pesci, Donald Sutherland, Sissy Spacek, Jack Lemmon, Ed Asner, and Walter Matthau. Under Stone's guidance, the contributions of all these performers along with those of editors Joe Hutshing and Pietro Scalia have gelled together to produce one of the finest films of the 1990's. It must be remembered that "JFK" is a work of fiction and not fact and on that level it is a truly inspirational work from a talented filmmaker.
Rating:  Summary: JFK IS A REAL MOVIE! Review: Acting, writing, plotting, history, and direction all live up to what Oliver Stone is really capable of. If this is a mystery (it sure plays like one), then it is one of the best I've seen. Same goes if it is a drama, semi-documentary, or even a character study. I'm surprised this hasn't been better acclaimed among film groups. The lightning pace and editing (not to mention writing) should be studied in film circles everywhere, so Stone can guide you through his director's cut and show you how true Hollywood cinema should end up like.
Rating:  Summary: This wonderfull storie is the... true storie ! Review: How many years should are necessary for discover the lifelikeness or HONESTY concerning this unconvincing event ? SIXTY YEARS ? ONE HUNDRED YEARS ? NOBODY KNOW !
Rating:  Summary: Conspiracy Movie - No More, No Less Review: If you want to watch Oliver Stone's take on the JFK assasination, by all means, watch this movie. But don't take this film version of events as gospel truth. Its a conspiracy movie, pure and simple. Oliver Stone's version of what HE thinks happened. John F. Kennedy was a conservative democrat compared to today's liberal democrats. I can't believe people actually considered this movie as uncovering the TRUTH. Give me a break. This film bored me to death.
Rating:  Summary: A good movie Review: The investigation is very interesting, the scenario enthralling; the whole movie is both informative and entertaining. Lots of options about the murder are discussed, and although some mystery remains, I appreciate that this movie gives me clearer ideas (or seems to).
Rating:  Summary: Best director's commentary ever Review: Of course..JFK is an amazing movie but the best thing about buying it on DVD is the director's commentary. Oliver Stone practically offers us a complete 2nd screenplay and talks enough facts to fill a class's worth of material. If I was a teacher, I would play the director's commentary to my students. It's THAT informative. Fascinating. JFK on DVD is truly rare in that this is one of the FEW movies out there that really offers something substantive on DVD...you know...truly exploits what DVD is all about. There still is some useless stuff in the DVD such as "interactive menus" (useless), "multimedia essays" (haven't seen them), "deleted/extended scenes" (kind of interesting, but useless because they are worth watching once and not worth paying extra for). There indeed is "filler" in this DVD but the director's commentary is absolutely worth the listen. If you are at all interested in the movie JFK, I cannot help but believe that you will be absolutely riveted by Stone's comments.
Rating:  Summary: Good but ultimately Flawed Review: This is, in itself, a good movie. But much of it is highly dubious. Let me first say that I'm not one of the few who believes in the 'lone-nut', 'single-bullet' theories. Except for maybe Jack Ruby, but anyway. I fairly agree with the forensics(the "Hows"), I just totally disagree with the conspiracy theory behind it(the "Whys?"). To start with, the real John Fitzgerald Kennedy was not what he was portrayed to be. First of all, much of it was based on ineundoes, half-truths, and mere speculations. I think Stone's films 'Platoon' and 'Nixon' fairly accurate enough(both of which I loved). But it is highly unlikely that the conspiracy was the anti-Communistic scheme as shown in the movie. As mentioned, JFK was not the left-progressive martyr so portrayed. He was a strong Cold Warrior and had no intentions of withdrawing from Vietnam. Do I think it was a conspiracy? Yes. But it was most likely a Communist plot by the KGB, Cuba, and various Marxist groups who hated Kennedy. The fact that he was NOT going to end or avert the Vietnam War my have been a good enough motive for them to do it. Lee Harvey Oswald was a stauch Marxist, and in my opinion, he fired from the Book Depository(not delivering the fatal headshot wound from the grassy knoll). But if indead the CIA, etc. were involved all along may have ment that there WERE Communists infiltrating top levels of our gov't(declassified Soviets docs reveal that, McCarthy's shenanigans aside). But this movie insists that it was a right-wing conspiracy out to kill the President. Scary enough I'll admit, but the theory that it was a Communist conspiracy is not only creepier, but more realistic, based on evidence. Was Kennedy a liberal? Of course, but in the centrist-liberal sense. He more than intended to win the Cold War, and who knows? Maybe he could have won the Vietnam War. Anyway, this movie was Stone's(and Garrison's) 'myth' compared to the Warren Report's 'myth'. And this is my 'myth'(a conspiracy of Communists, pro-Castro Cubans, KGB, and pro-Vietcong, anti-VN War)compared to both of the two. At lot people I've talked to tended believe it was a Marxist conspiracy. But who knows? It may have involved our own gov't(or parts of it) all along. Scary.
Rating:  Summary: FASCINATING! Review: This review refers to the 2 Disc- Oliver Stone Collection- Special Edition (Director's Cut) DVD Oliver Stone uses facts,speculation and some dramatic liscense to bring us this fascinating look back at the aftermath of the Kennedy assassination.The New Orleans District Attorney at the time of the murder was Jim Garrison(Kevin Costner), who uncovers a chain of evidence that leads back to his city and a possible conspiracy theory.He persues the evidence,witnesses, and suspects, and finally years later brings the first and only trial of the conspiracy theory to the courts. Stone's gripping film unpeels the layers of this "mystery wrapped in an enigma" by following Garrison and his staff's endless investigation into the facts.Interviews with the witnesses that heard and saw shots coming from the "grassy knoll" area, the "magic bullet" theory,which showed that there was more than one rifle and more than three bullets shot(as previously stated in the Warren Commission report) and conflicting autopsy reports to name a few. Garrison also has conversations with a man called"X", who relays information vital to the case that causes us to ponder not who or how many shot Kennedy, but WHY was he assasinated. Speculation on this leads to one theory, the discovery that Kennedy had set a plan in motion to pull out of Viet Nam, but there were many powerful people against this(ranging from the mafia all the way to the White House), and the day of Kennedy's funeral Lyndon Johnson signed documents that in effect brought us full force into Viet Nam.Other theories are also brought to light. The film,based on Jim Garrison's books, is outstanding in all respects. It looks at all of the issues and will keep you intrigued until the end. There is actual footage of the day of the assassination incorporated, and the photography going from color to black and white(in the flashbacks) is excellent. There are so many fine performances, I'll just name a few. Kevin Costner anchors this magnificent cast as the low key Garrison, Tommy Lee Jones is Clay Shaw,the only suspect brought to trial. Kevin Bacon as a key witness, Joe Pesci is wonderful as David Ferrie, the paranoid link to everyone, and Gary Oldman IS Lee Harvey Oswald! Donald Sutherland is the mysterious "X". The Musical Score by John Williams adds greatly to the film. In most cases I usually view the "extras" on a DVD as a bonus. In this case I was as enthralled by these features as I was by the film. They were welcome additons to this film of historical importance. Some included are interviews with the real"X", this was very enligthning,and new and updated information on the evidence surrounding this 40 year old mystery. There are also deleted/extended scenes with or without Stone's commentary and more. There are also subtitles in English Frensh, Spanish and Portugese if needed.The widescreen,clarity of picture and sound is as wonderful as the film. This DVD is a great addition to any film library. Each time I view this film I discover something new. You will too!.....Laurie